750lb M117s and Zuni Mk 32s have been added as per this report and subsequent material:
750lb M117s and Zuni Mk 32s have been added as per this report and subsequent material:
A loadout being in game on another aircraft does not curcumvent the need to validate the material for the aircraft in question with consultants. On top of this, information for the Zunis was added much more recently and unique to the French aircraft.
With 2000+ vehicles in game, we have many historical related reports, all of which require validation and confirmation.
What's important is it's resolved.
Again, being in game on other aircraft has nothing to do with the research process that shows they were used by the aircraft in question. There was generally a lack of source material in the initial report, which was later suplimented by other users and addional research by people here in this topic.
Priority is given to newer aircraft reports, as evidenced most recently by the Mirage F.1 and F-104S ASA having all of their repeorts resolved already.
If something is reported after that and with little source material, it can take significantly longer to verify, further research and validate source material, particularly when it is more scarce.
Currently these are all the presets that could be verified by our consultants so far.
If you have any additional info, please let us know and we will pass it on.
The 500kg SAMP Mk 83 (Identical to the US LDGP Mk 83 1000lb) also appears to be present on the new loadouts. So in that case it appears to just be the 500lbs under question.
Ive forwarded those back to the Developers for further review But for now it seems the two most useful options (750lb x 6 and 500kg x 4) are present now.