about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

I think you can read it as you want to read it.

If community suggest we should put Tiger II on 1.0 and upvote this with 1000000 votes, should we do it? No.

If community suggest we should not put M48 (abcdefgh whatever) lower because (put valid arguments here), we (lets be honest, it's me. I select few vehicles every now and then and randomly change BR, because I like to see how world burn) check the stats again and think if there is any other way to adjust it. If there is - we can do it/try. Because why not (now you know why - because I like fires)?

For the love of

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Sure, I did not wanted to say that specific text is pure gibberish, just a general note for publishing revelations from Russian Forum that sometimes appears here in form of screenshots

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

My personal opinion on vehicle do not matter (what I said above, that I am the one who randomly change the BRs, it was joke ).

Issue with R3 is known and we are searching for best solution for it.

As we said many times, Devs do not want to spread BR too often and without proper preparation, because it will make issues for MM and queue times (yes, it's important, even if few of you state that "I would wait even 5 minutes for battle" - you would wait one or twice, but at the end of the day, you will start to complain, because for some battles, waiting would be longer than a

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nobody said the statistics are always 100% correct, which is why we post them as proposed changes and feedback is absolutely taken into account. Thats exactly why the German M48 and T-44-100 are no longer going down in BR, as well as additional changes were added such as J32 Lansen, G.91YS, Jaguar GR.1 and Radkampfwagon to name a few.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not at all. Stats themselves do not lie. They show things exactly as they are in the most factual way possible. But that does not mean 0 feedback is taken into account and that the stats are 100% the correct decision to make in every instance.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I think you are misinterpreting. Statistics don't lie in the fact that they show 100% the factual data as it is without bias or personal opinion interfering.

That does not automatically mean however, they are 100% the only thing or the right thing to be used in 100% of cases. There is and will always be other factors, such as feedback involved.