about 2 years ago - Stona - Direct link

No one is trying to cover antyhing.

I wanted to discuss with author before I take steps.

I strongly suggest you to calm down and re-read forum rules before any of you cross the line again and start to complain for being punished for rule breaking.

about 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Hi guys

An update on the Ariete AMV PT1. We plan to include smoke launchers on this version of the tank. The CL3142 matter is still being discussed. But its unlikely all variants of the tank will feature both shells.

Right now, there are no plans to increase the rate of fire and this particular PT 1 variant had no protection improvements over previous variants.

Regarding the WAR and PSO kits, we are aware these are present on some PT variants and also later versions such as PT2. We have some options under consideration for future in some form. But its too early to go into details at this stage. Right now however, the form PT1 is in is the intended version to come to the game right now.