The Celere Sahariano was a late war experimental Italian medium tank, developed in response to the highly mobile British cruiser tanks encountered in the deserts of North Africa. Although the war ended before the Celere Sahariano could enter production, it will soon reinforce the lower ranks of the Italian ground forces tree in the upcoming “New Power” War Thunder update!In War Thunder, the Celere Sahariano will be a new premium medium tank arriving to the lower ranks of the Italian ground forces tree with the release of the upcoming major update. Unlike most other Italian tracked fighting vehicles found at this rank, the Celere Sahariano combines superb mobility with a small profile and quick firing cannon, making for an excellent low rank scout and representing a good alternative to some of the heavier frontline fighters found at the same rank.
The Celere Sahariano will soon be arriving in War Thunder and will reinforce the Italian ground forces tree as a new medium tank of the lower ranks, available to tankers with the release of the upcoming update. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news to catch all the latest developments in the next major update “New Power”, coming to the game in the near future. Until then, happy hunting tankers!
Check out the full Dev Blog article here![]