almost 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Just as a heads up on a few details

1) This is the only store premium coming this patch.

2) We typically always lead the dev blogs with the premiums. We are a free to play game and premium content in updates is what actually pays for things.

3) This is the same with every update and nothing new. We don't just decided to randomly throw out premium dev blogs. They are pre-planned well in advance.

almost 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Of course there will be some Golden Eagle premiums too. Once again, we are a free-to-play game. Premium content is how the game continues, funds development, pays employees etc etc. Its all very well to complain about premiums every patch but without them the game wouldn't exist at all.

Im not sure how its more humane when once again, this is a free-to-play game. A company and a business. As the only store premium of the update, its the primary piece of premium content that actually funds the update, the game, the vehicles/fixes/content in the update and development.

The vast majority of blogs we do are on entirely free content. But of course we are also going to share and promote our premiums too. Nobody is forced to buy them at all. But obviously some will and clearly people do want this machine.

Im not really sure what relevance the games mentioned have to do with this blog as they are both paid up front games, not free to play. They have additional premium content, but also have up front charges if you want the full game.

We are not EA.

Every major update we have has over 1000+ bug fixes and corrections and thats not even counting the minor updates that happen on a daily / weekly basis:

We do listen to many of the ideas on the forum, not just from feedback but suggestions too.

The main issue that arises there is people will always overlook the changes we do make to events from feedback in favor of the ones we dont, they will ignore the BRs we did change from feedback in favor of the ones we dont, they will overlook all the smaller quality of life updates based on feedback we do introduce every major in favor of the ones we dont.

Feedback is always open and welcome and we do act upon it. The difference and distinguishment comes from the fact that we cant implement all feedback from everyone. In an ideal world it would be great, in reality when you have a game with a hugely diverse audience who all want different things and where the game itself must not also be kept running, but with new things in development, fixes and corrections implemented, core bugs eliminated as well as trying to implement things in major updates to satisfy the majority of the community its not as straightforward as "just do it".

No other game is a technically diverse and complex as War Thunder is with the range of vehicles and scope it has. Its all to easy to point at a AAA title that has about 30 guns and 20 maps and say "ahhh but look at this" or other vehicle games that have maybe a few hundred vehicles but in a much more arcade environment, simplified settings, non cross platform with PC and much more closed loop and say "ahh but they dont have these bugs". War Thunder does not compare to any of those situations and must be looked at in an individual environment of its own.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Well im sorry to say then you simply are not going to get the answers you seek then. Because game development is never a "set in stone" or definite final answer in many cases. Every situation is subject to change.

Supersonics is a good example, because for many years it not only wasn't possible but wasn't planned. After some time it became clear a good chunk of the community wanted it and technologies of the time allowed it to be in game.

Im afraid its simply unreasonable to expect answers when the situation is always a constantly moving. We always give the most accurate answers possible during a current period and at the time we said "no supersonic" it was true. Things change, the situation changed and thus so did the outcome.