about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Welcome to preliminary update notes for War Thunder "Ixwa Strike" Update.

Please note all specifications and dev server details are subject to change and NOT FINAL.

Known Bugs:

New vehicles may have inaccuracies in characteristics, armour and weaponry settings.

The armour model for new ground vehicles is a “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.

Some new aircraft lack c*ckpits.

Some ground vehicles lack a visible crew.

Some aircraft may not display wingtip tear-off correctly.

There may be a lack of localization for some equipment.


about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

An update on the JaPz.K A2.

Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions on this machine. After carefully reviewing the vehicle, our initially intended purpose for it game and your feedback we have decided to move the Austrian version of this vehicle to the French tree and introduce the Argentinian version of this vehicle into the German tree. Now, a version of it will be available in both trees fulfilling the role we initially intended in the German tree, whilst also bringing some additional support to the French tree.

Thank you all for your feedback on this matter!

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

No A2 had a stabilizer. We have clear proof of that now.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The Brazilian one is a whole seperate upgrade. Its not just a stabilizer. We had the A2 ready and thats what the Argentines used as well as Austria. So thats what coming.

We made no mention of any Brazilian variant. Its an entirely seperate modification. It was also hardly mentioned in any of the discussions. The key concern was France also getting one.

There is nothing that can be bug reported in this regard. Both versions in game had no Stab.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We currently have 2 aircraft as nuke carriers for each BR. Jaguar was capable and was chosen. There are lots of aircraft that could theoretically carry or were intended to carry such weapons, but we don't have them all as that in game.

SK-105 from the outset was intended to go into the German SPG branch, so we needed a version of it there. The community wanted the Austrian version to be in the French tree, so we did that and then the Argentinian version was the next best candidate to go into the German tree since Argentina does not have a tree in game and we already have 2 Arge

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

They are, but different national operators

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The French community got the tank they asked for. The SK-105. The stabilizer was reported as an issue and was removed with a player made bug report. None the less, we listened to the community and gave exactly what was asked for.

The argument was that the Austrian version should be in the French tree. Both tanks are identical, both nations are getting one and exactly what was asked for is coming to the French tree.

Naturally some people will always find fault and take issue with everything, but we did the best possible outcome here.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We did what the majority asked for. As I said, you cannot please everyone. So we did what we could do with the current vehicles.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There was:

As you can see, the majority voted for it to be in the French tree, which it now is too.

Functionally, both vehicles are identical. We already have Argentine vehicles in the German tree. So this makes the most sense.

A later one with an FL-12 turret is an entirely seperate modification, which we don't have here.

If you want to make a suggestion for other versions, please feel free to make a suggestion.

Yes majority. As you can see the majority of people are happy with this change and think its a goo

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Based on all the feedback, people are far more satisfied with this result. So we do not intend to review the situation again as the vast majority of the feedback is now positive on the SK-105 situation.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Im talking specifically about the feedback after we removed the stabilizer and after we added it to the French tree:

Even in this thread:

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Argentina already has 2 vehicles inside the German tree and had some connections during and post war to Germany.

The requests originally was that the Austrian one should go to the French tree, so thats what's been done. The Argentine one now joins the German tree and from the majority of feedback, it seems the bulk of the community agree with this.

So we fully understand there is no way to ever please everyone, so we have to aim for the majority. At the end of the day, the tanks are identical, play the same and will be the same. Both trees loose out on nothing.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

And thats exactly what happened. The Argentine one was added to go into the German tree which the vehicle was originally intended for and that already is home to 2 Argentine vehicles.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There is now two identical tanks going to both nations. So both nations can enjoy the vehicle.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We have not said anywhere that all future Austrian vehicles will go into the French tree. For nations that don't have a full tree or sub tree already in place, their vehicles are decided on a case by case basis, based on the needs and intended purpose of the vehicle itself.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The majority of feedback and discussions around the vehicle originally were about moving the Austrian vehicle to the French branch. That's exactly what has been done. Germany was always planned and intended to receive this machine no matter what, as it was to go into the SPG branch where they would otherwise lack a cannon armed vehicle here other than ATGM carriers or other types of SPG. As such, the Argentinian version (which is identical to the Austrian one) was introduced to take the position of the Austrian one in the German tree.

From the bulk of the feedback, its clear to se

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Comparing the two polls. The original vote to move it to the French tree and now the "country swap" one, both the number of people voted and the actual percentage different do not really justify or support that argument at all. In the first instance, where players wanted the Austrian one in the French tree, we had multiple forum topics, multiple Reddit topics, Youtubers sharing their opinion and more.

Compare the votes and Ratios, just on this example (this was not the only topic / feedback metric that resulted in the change too, bare in mind):

Original vote:

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Indeed it was not only about forum polls. That was to put in perspective the old poll and the new poll and how they themselves dont even equate. Indeed the developers original decision was based on Austria's connection to Germany. But the community as a whole did not agree with that. Thus the Austrian one is now in the French tree, as requested.

Functionally the two vehicles are identical. Both nations get one.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Morocco had only the A1. Not the A2 we have in game.