over 1 year ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Originally posted by deadrop66: this is getting ridiculous theres so many blantant ones like people who just fire shell after shell into a building even if there was no possible way they know where your at, you watch the replay and they just lock onto tank across the map through terrain, AND WORST OF ALL THERES A CULT OF IDIOTS WHO BELIEVE YOU CANT CHEAT IN WARTHUNDER BECAUSE BIG DADDY GAIJIN SAYS SO

Please provide server replay to support your claims.
In majority of case, players call cheats on legit kills, because it's hard for them to admit, that someone is better than they. There is also a lot of moments, when you simply do not know what enemy saw and you observe situation only from your PoV which is different than enemy PoV.
Server replay allows you to check all battles from any perspective. Launch it, switch on enemy who killed you and use camera no.2 - you will see exactly what he saw.

We, as Gaijin did not say that there are no cheaters. We are saying, that there are no cheats like super powers: you cannot cheat better armour, higher speed, better penetration etc.
Many, many players report things like "he was super fast, manage to turn in place and reload his gun in 2 seconds" - such things are impossible in WT. Game client do not have any control on such data ergo it cannot be "boosted" by cheats.

We are fighting with cheaters (who are present in ANY competitive online game, no one deny this) on many levels. EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) is one of them. EAC is reliable and very popular tool to fight cheats. It's used by many big developers. But that's not the only way we fight them.

Still, if you think that you noticed someone who is using forbidden modifications, please report such user via mentioned server replay functionality. [warthunder.com] Game Masters will check the replay and if report is valid, such player will be banned.