The aircraft is still work in progress as with all things in the files. However if you wish to report things with evidence, it wouldnt go to waist to be sure. We will forward it all for review.
The aircraft is still work in progress as with all things in the files. However if you wish to report things with evidence, it wouldnt go to waist to be sure. We will forward it all for review.
Thanks. Going to hold this one back for the time being:
It may well be its intentional as we have nothing close to AGM-65G in game currently.
BOL I've forwarded, but its known the GR.7 had it. We don't have it in game currently for any vehicle.
The reports above were for AGM-65G2.
Appreciated, but I wouldnt go too heavy on the loadout related stuff just at this time. Reports on any other aspects you suspect / believe may be wrong are welcome. But as I said, the loadouts are not fully configured yet and final decisions by the developers on certain choices hasn't been made yet. So I cant clarify fully as to the definite choices and final sections right now. As I motioned, the BOL system as well as other aspects like the guns are known.
Indeed, I was clarifying why it may not be the case immediately. But again, the systems are known and it comes down to what weaponry, configuration and modelling is complete at the time.
On the matter of its 25mm ADEN Gunpods, we have had confirmation they are planned to come. The textures of the pylon simply were not ready at the time the first rendition of the model was seen. Unlike the GR.1 / 3, the gunpods are separately modelled.
The aircraft is still under development and its loadouts have not been fully configured yet.
Unless I'm mistaken, everything so far has shown there are 6 stations available to possible mount a sidewinder on. Not that all 6 can be used at once.
It's still being worked on unfortunately. No final news just yet.
Sniper is already known, but not planned to come right now.
Not currently, as the aircraft beyond what I have answered today is still not final.
Not likely with release. RWR of course, but not a bespoke system.
We don't have it on aircraft (fixed wing yet) and it requires recnfiguration. As I said, it's known to the Devs. However it's down to timing.
It has a maximum of 700 countermesures at the moment. However that may change and may not be final.
The GR.7 has a form of this in game with its camera:
Its a known issue, but a technical limitation of the stock loadouts unfortunately (pre-missile mod). The developers are working to rectify the matter in the future.
Report forwarded thank you:
We will pass the feedback onto the devs.
The dev team is currently working to address some of the more serious issues with the vehicles aiming. Given the nature and complexities both the GR.7 and Q-5L have with some of their systems, coupled with being the first two camera platforms in game, there are a number of technical complications both in coding and practical wise that can arise with such systems.
Overall however, there has been 33 externally reported resolved reports on the vehicle so far. More reports have been fixed and resolved than remain open.
Could you link me to the report for that issue please?
Apart from these reports, nothing has been reported in that regard (that mentions the expenditure of Sidewinders being a causation):
Unless I am missing the topic somewhere, perhaps worded differently.
Thanks. Forwarded.
If you think there is an issue, please submit a report.
It was actually just an issue of a client restart needed. The VROMs were not fully correct inside the client and a full start stopped all issues.
So its correct and fixed.
We are taking action on every reported instance. The initial case reported was not reproducable and fixed on client restart for many.
For others it seems there are spesific issues that persist. For this, it's better to share your client logs so that they can be forwarded. As the issue does not reproduce every time.
I'm not really sure what exactly you are referring too here.
Numerous fixes have taken place and nobody is being disingenuous here. Gunjob especially has put a tremendous amount of effort and resources into both the Harrier and Tornado.
We are both well aware that some issues remain, however coming in guns blazing firing off random insults and baseless accusations without even talking about what issues spesifcally your referring too is not going to help get anything fixed or give you any proper answers.
MAWS was added to the J-8F for testing purposes, but is very much work in progress. The feature will be further tested, refined and expanded.