about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

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A new version of the Dagor engine, the first battleships, new aircraft carriers, new sky, vertical take-off aircraft and many other important changes.

New Dagor 6.0 engine version

Updated explosion and gunfire effects, physics of fires and aircraft destruction. Reliable traces of projectiles hitting objects in the game world have been implemented. Added visually reliable sky effects, clouds of different types, fog, sunlight scattering and much more.

The graphical Dagor game engine has been updated to version 6.0.

Update of atmospheric and weather conditions, clouds, fog and light processing. Read more in our devblog.

New visual effects for aircraft: reworked gunshot flashes, jet engine effects, effects of aircraft shells and bomb hits, fire effects and destruction of aircraft. Read more in our devblog.

The traces of shell hits on ground vehicles have been reworked and improved. On already destroyed and burning ground vehicles, an internal fire can now be seen through gaps. The shape of the penetration now depends on the angle of impact. Armour-piercing shells stuck in the tank’s armour when not pierced completely have been added.

New firing effects for ground vehicle machine guns and automatic cannons for calibres between 7.5 and 30mm.

For nVidia GPUs of the RTX2000 and RTX3000 series support for DLSS has been added.


Vertical take-off and landing aircraft have been added to the game: A British attack aircraft with the Harrier’s innovative thrust vector deflection technology and the deck Soviet Yak-38 attack aircraft.


AV-8A Harrier (Premium)

AV-8C Harrier


Bf 110 G-4

P-47D-16 RE (premium)


Mitsubishi F-1


MiG-21 bis

Yak-38 (Premium)


Great Britain

Harrier GR.1 (Premium)

Harrier GR.3





P-47D-23 RE


F.C.20 Bis


P-47D-22 RE (premium)

Armoured vehicles

14 new and updated tank models, including the long-awaited T-90A.




T-72AВ (TURMS-T) (premium)



Leopard 1A5


Leopard 2A6

Great Britain



Type 74 F




Leopard 1A5

Celere Sahariano (premium)


Lorraine 37L

Leclerc S2


Strv 122B PLSS


Vessels from all the in-game nations have been divided into two separate trees with the traditional vertical research mechanics - coastal and blue-water fleet. The first battleships arrive in the game, as well as the long-awaited aircraft carriers HMS Ark Royal, USS Forrestal and the “Baku”.


USS North Dakota (BB-29)

USS New Orleans (CA-32)

USS Welborn (DD-195) (premium)

USS Moffett (DD-362) (premium)

Great Britain

HMS Dreadnought

HMS Colossus

Montgomery (G95) (premium)

Class J (leader) (premium)


IJN Ikoma

IJN Settsu

IJN Satsuki (premium)


SMS Westfalen

SMS Helgoland

Type 1924 Luchs (premium)


Imperatritsa Mariya


Kerch (premium)

Zheleznyakov (premium)


Aquilone (premium)

New missions and locations

New hangars for all vehicle types as well as new locations and missions.

New Hangar

Aircraft location “City”.

Aircraft AB mission in the location “City”: “Ground Strike: City”.

Aircraft RB mission on the location “City”: “Operation: City”

New hangar.

Location and mission updates

The aircraft RB mission in the AB location “Rice Terraces” has been reworked.

Changes in ‘test flight’ missions:

New test flight mission for carrier-based jets for USA, Britain and USSR.

Models for aircraft carriers in test flight missions for the modern US and British jet aircraft have been changed.

New test flight for the Ka-29.

New targets in the test missions for ships with large tonnage.

The size of the following naval location has been increased to 128 km (added more sea area along the edges of the location):

Honolulu - The island previously was located within range of the location borders and couldn’t be bypassed - now it is possible to bypass it.


Peleliu - A large part of the islands were placed on the edge of the map and it wasn’t possible to bypass them or to locate mission objects on them.

Changes in aircraft AB missions (3rd and final reworking stage):

"Ground Strike" Iron Range

"Ground Strike" Fjords

"Ground Strike" Irland

"Ground Strike" Greece

"Ground Strike" Moscow

"Ground Strike" Normandy

"Ground Strike" Green Ridge

"Ground Strike" Norway

"Ground Strike" Poland

"Ground Strike" Rice Terraces

"Ground Strike" Top of the World

"Ground Strike" Spain

"Ground Strike" Guiana Highlands

For part of these missions the airfields have been relocated to new places to keep them away from the mission centre and to reduce the impact of airfield air defense on the mission.

List of changes:

The automatic feature in the destruction of AI vehicles has been disabled. New AI vehicles will appear - ground attackers that spawn for every team and destroy AI ground vehicles. Also in these missions the number of ground vehicles has been increased and both heavy vehicles (dots and tanks) and light vehicles (artillery, anti-aircraft guns and trucks) will be counted as victory points. Previously, destruction of light vehicles didn’t affect victory points.

Airfield models have been changed to a new 1700 metres long model.

AI vehicle counters have been disabled. In fact, previously they duplicated the victory point lines, but might not depict the actual required number of vehicles for victory, for example when bombing zones were destroyed.

Destruction of player-controlled aircraft now gives victory points.

Number of AI anti-aircraft guns has been reduced.

Troops have been redistributed to make the mission more “even” without being too crowded.

Enduring Confrontation

New EC mission in the original aircraft location “Peleliu” with 4 ports on each side. Due to the nature of the landscape it is assumed that it will be reasonable for boats.

Vessels used by AI in naval enduring confrontation, the number of the small-medium calibre anti-aircraft guns has been changed to reduce FPS drops in the ports or in convoys (ships under the player’s control will not be affected). Cargo ships and destroyers now have 2 anti-aircraft guns of small and medium calibre and cruisers have 4. The number of large calibre anti-aircraft guns haven’t been changed. The tests showed a significant FPS increase compared to the situation on the production server.

Ports in the naval enduring confrontation are now protected by anti-torpedo nets: any torpedos crossing the port border will now detonate.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

The size of the vignette has been reduced for a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun sight and default sights for ground vehicles.

M1A2 - The M829A1 shell has been added to ammo loadout.

Challenger 2 (2F) - The L27A1 shell has been added to ammo loadout.

Pz.II C - The armour scheme of the hull and turret has been clarified. Armour scheme is now more detailed. Sources: Die Panzer-Kampfwagen I und II und ihre Abarten // Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf.a/1, a/2, a/3, b, c, A, B and C: Development and Production From 1934 to 1940.

2S6 - 9М311-1М rocket has been added to the ammunition loadout.

Maus, E100 - 12.8/8.8 Pzgr.-TS shell has been added to the ammunition loadout.

ARL44 - Values on the armour thickness for the hull and turret have been specified. Source: Notice technique du char de transition ARL-44 France 1944

FlaRakPz.1, AMX-30 Roland - Guidance speeds have been changed: from 45 to 85 degrees per minute in horizontal guidance and from 25 to 40 degrees per minute in vertical guidance. Reloading time has been changed from 10 to 5 seconds. Source: Flugabwehrpanzer, Geschichte und heutiger Stand.

The following ground vehicle shells have been converted to a more accurate fragmentation scheme:

High-explosive fragmentation - HE

Cumulative - HEAT

Armor-piercing high-explosive / plastic - HESH

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Yak-9 (all modifications), I-16 (all modifications), MiG-3 (all modifications), Yak-3 (all modifications), Mosquito (all modifications), LaGG-3 (all modifications), La-7 (all modifications), La-5 (all modifications), I-185 (all modifications), I-225 — The structural materials of the airframe and fin have been specified. Damage model when hitting from different ammunition types and shells has been improved.

Bf 109K - Wing construction materials have been clarified.

He 162 (all modifications) - The structural materials of fin have been specified.

Piston engines (all types and modifications) - Survivability characteristics when hit from ammunition of different types and calibres have been clarified and improved.

Ka-50, Ka-52 - For the APU-6 pylon for the ATGM Vikhr has been implemented with a system of deviation downwards by 12 degrees.

Ka-50 - Detailed c*ckpit has been added.

MiG-21 SMT - c*ckpit has been updated.

For most aircraft missiles, a system of the empennage deployment where it was provided as standard has been implemented.

The possibility of launching several missiles simultaneously have been implemented for ATGM with beam guidance.

Position angles for launch possibility and maneuverable characteristics of the missiles in ATGM’s have been specified.

The possibility of changing the number of used suspended weapons for single use has been added.

The possibility to hide radar indications in the interface with a switched off radar and no active counter-detection system has been added for aircraft.

R-60 - Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.150 kg.

R-60M - Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.350 kg.

FAB-50 - 1000 used on aircraft have been replaced by the SV version.

New icons for the mine weapon modification and guided “air-to-surface” missiles have been added.

A new effect for aerobatic smoke has been added.

A-4B — cannons have been changed to Colt Mk 12 Mod 0.

T2 — the mistakenly installed ballistic calculator has been removed.

T2 — the max number of 250-500 lb bombs has been reduced to 5.

F-4E — mounted weapon presets have been corrected. Twin preset with 10x750lb M117 bombs + 4xAIM-9E now has 4xAIM-7E missiles.

F-4C — mounted weapon presets have been corrected. Twin preset with 4xAIM-9E and 4xAIM-7D missiles now has M61 gun pod.

Mounted weapon menu has been fixed. The following aircraft now have the correct icon for mounted armament:

He 111 H-2/H-6/H-16

He 177 A-5


Me 262 A-1A

Do 17 E-1/Z-2/Z-7

Ju 288 C



Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper

Flight Model changes:

Ju 87 (all series) - Flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Distribution of fuel across tanks has been corrected. Wings, fuselage, flaps and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control over aircraft during the release of flaps and air brakes has been specified. Aircraft control when diving at high angles has been improved.

Ju 88А-1/4/C-6 - Flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Distribution of fuel across the tanks has been corrected. Wings, fuselage, flaps and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control over of the aircraft during the release of flaps and air brakes has been specified. Aircraft control when diving at high angles has been improved.

D-371-HS9, DB-7 – a bug has been fixed with incorrect bonuses from the ‘Cover’ upgrade (in RB the module affects speed)

B17BS - a bug has been fixed with uncontrollable floats.

F3F-2 — The flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Wings, fuselage, flap and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control of aircraft during the release of the landing gear has been specified.

P-63 (all series) — The flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Thermodynamic model has been updated, it is more dependent on speed and altitude. Effect of focus shift when landing gear and flaps are extended has been increased. The control of the aircraft during takeoffs and landing has been improved. Climb time and maximum speeds have been adjusted according to the operational manual. Stalling behavior has been specified.

Sea Fury FB11 — max speeds and Mach speed have been corrected within 5% of safety factor.Climb rate and max speed have been corrected according to the passport. Wings, fuselage and flap polars have been recalculated for high M speeds. Thermodynamic model has been updated, it is more dependent on speed and altitude. Effect of focus shift when landing gear and flaps are extended has been increased.

Т2 — engine has been reworked (efficiency at high speeds with 100% thrust has been reduced slightly, climb rate in WEP mode has been slightly increased). Increased efficiency of controls at high speed has been fixed.

BI — engine efficiency at low thrust has been corrected.

Swordfish (all series) — mouse-aim controls have been improved.

AM-1 Mauler — FM has been specified. Stall speed has been reduced, speed has been increased on long combat mode, climb rate has been significantly improved, controls have been improved.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

Maximum firing range and armour penetration for Italian 120mm shells have been corrected.

IJN Chidori, IJN Mutsuki - 120mm HE shell with a base fuze has been added.

IJN Tone — Missing ready-use shells for two 127mm Units have been added.

S-38b, Type 1939 (T31) — G7e torpedoes have been replaced with G7a.

Type 1939 (T22) — Traverse angles have been corrected for the port front (bow) 20 mm mount.

IJN Shimakaze — Type 93 model 1 torpedo model has been replaced by the Type 93 model 3.

Admiral Graf Spee — Ballistics on the main calibre cannons has been fixed. Accuracy has been improved. Main calibre shell markings have been fixed.

127-mm/40 cannon type 89 (IJN Mogami) — Muzzle speed, weight and explosive mass and type in the anti-aircraft shells have been corrected.

Isuzu — Torpedoes have been changed to 533 mm Type 54.

HMS London, HMS York, HMS Kent — A bug where the torpedoes weren't reloaded in AB game mode has been fixed.

Type 1924 Leopard — Hint in the X-Ray view for the two main calibre stern guns has been fixed.

IJN Mutsuki, Chidori — Fire rate of the Type 3 120 mm/45 cannons has been increased to 10 shots per minute.

MO-4 — Maximum elevation angles for the 21-KM cannons have been corrected.

Bartolomeo Colleoni, Raimondo Montecuccoli — Reserve torpedoes have been added.

S-38, S-38b — Maximum number of the 20 mm ammunition that can be taken into the battle has been fixed.

Torpedo running depth.

In RB mode, you may set torpedoes running depth before entering battle: 1m or 4m.

In AB, torpedoes automatically select the optimum depth for hitting the target, if the sea floor permits.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

Crew system has been reworked. Blue-water ships, from light cruisers, crew compartments redistributed to the internal spaces of a ship that is not occupied by other modules. Modules such as boiler rooms, transmission, magazines, artillery turrets, multilevel elevators and torpedo tubes now have their own crew. If such a module is damaged or destroyed, the disabled crew is replenished from other compartments as the module is repaired. When a compartment is destroyed, its crew is irretrievably lost.

The number of drainage pumps operational is now important. Damaging these pumps,the water is pumped out more slowly. The maximum penalty for pumping speed in case of disabling of all pumps is 25% of the maximum.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

Coal bunkers are built with solid armour and provide additional protection in approximately the following proportion: 1m of coal = 27mm of structural steel. Bunkers have been added to the armour view where you can see their actual thickness at every point.

The impact of shock waves on vessels rolling from close explosions and hits from large shells has been reduced.

Zara – Roll angle in a turn has been corrected.

HMS Peac*ck – Roll angle in a turn has been corrected.

HMS London (69) – Roll angle in a turn has been increased accordingly with other ships of this class.

Type 1939 (T31), Jaguar-Klasse (140), HMNZS Leander — Anti flood pumps have been added.

HMS Southampton — Excessive roll in turn has been fixed.

Koln F220, Lubeck F224 — The incorrect display of the 375 mm reactive bombs in the ammo storage has been fixed.

IJN Shimakaze — Number of crew members has been increased from 267 to 282.

Pr.1204 Late — A bug where in the X-Ray view the mines were displayed even without selecting the necessary modification has been fixed.

Kanonenboot K-2 — Vulnerability of compartments in the central ship part has been fixed.

USS Brooklyn, USS Helena, Clemson (DD-366), Clemson (DD-213) — Previously missed base fuze shells have been added to the protection analyzer.

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

HMS Peac*ck – The animation of casing ejection has been added for the main calibre turret.

MS-53 – Leers have been added to the stern turret.

Chikugo — A bug with the display of the rocket launcher (hovering above deck) has been fixed.

Class J (leader) — A bug with the display of objects on the deck (hovering above it) has been fixed.

Köln F220, Lübeck F224 — The visual effects of the funnel exhaust has been replaced from coal smoke to gas turbine vapour.

Krasny Kavkaz — Incorrect ship draft in hangar has been fixed.

165 ft PC-466 Carmi — A bug with non visually rotating main calibre turrets has been fixed.


Indicator of AI firing mode (by default button “E”), has been moved to the action panel.

Economy and research

The research tree for the fleet has been divided into two separate vertical trees: Coastal Fleet(small) and Blue-water Fleet(large). The research of the Blue-water fleet begins with reserve destroyers that are now available to all players when beginning naval gameplay. Learn more about it on our web page.

Pz.III E - Has been moved to the “reserves” category and added to the group with Pz.III B.

T2 - BR in all game modes has been lowered to 10.0.


Decals for identification marks have been added.

Jaguar GR.1, Jaguar A - Additional camouflages that are available for completing tasks and purchasing for Golden Eagles have been added.

New collections have been added: decorations “Ammunition” and “decals Game Updates”.

New patterns for Japanese top ranked ground vehicles have been added.

New camouflage pattern has been added to German ground vehicles.

Camouflage sets for following vehicles have been updated. Conditions for their receipt have been recalculated::




M60A1 (AOS)


Tiger II (P)

Tiger II (H) Sla.16

Panther D






Bfw. Jagdpanther




Flakpanzer 341


The visual style of the interface has been updated. Interface background has become more transparent. Background blur has been added.

Interface navigation using a gamepad and keyboard has been improved. D-Pad on the gamepad and keyboard arrows move the mouse cursor over the interface elements.

Game mechanics

In ground battles, destroyed player’s vehicles now remain on the battlefield until the end of the mission. In this case any player can hook a tow cable to any destroyed vehicle and tow it to another location to free up a route or passage or to use it as cover.

The nickname of a player that gives the target designation has been added and is placed now above the target designation marker for squads of 3 or more players.

Smoke indication on capture points has been disabled in ground and naval missions.

Capture point markers have been moved from the world (game space) to the HUD in ground and naval missions. The distance to the capture point border in the view area has been added.

For ground and naval missions, the number of grid cells have been standardized. In missions where the width of the battle zone is less than 5,000 m the number of full cells is equal to 7 and with a width of 5,000 m or above - 10.

The display of the grid cell size on the mini map has been added to ground and naval missions.

“Reference” vehicle modification in test drive will now use all modifications (except mutually exclusive ones) and not just those affecting vehicle characteristics.

The rules for calculating respawn costs for aircraft and its weaponry in the respawn scores have been changed in ground realistic and simulator battles:

Respawn cost multiplier for AP researchable belts has been added. An arrmour-piercing belt will be counted as penetrated at right angle from 40mm at a distance of 500m. The cost of such a belt will be 20% of the vehicle cost.

Fixed cost multiplier for suspended weaponry has been replaced by a calculate one based on the total weight of the suspended weaponry (except guided missiles air-to-surface). The multiplier will be calculated by interpolation from 3 to 25% of the vehicle cost with an armament weight of 50 - 1000 kg. The values going beyond the interpolation limits uses the marginal coefficient values.

For suspended weaponry with guided missiles air-to-surface will use a fixed multiplier of 25% of the cost of the aircraft.

The basic respawn cost value on the attacker aircraft has been reduced to the respawn cost value on the fighter.

Suspended weaponry of attacker aircraft have now a respawn cost similar to fighter aircraft.

Respawn costs for helicopters in the ground simulator battles have been reduced:

Basic 300 → 250

With ATGM 450 → 430

The automatic firing of illumination shells have been added to night ground battles. From the start of the mission within a given periodicity, four illumination shells (two from each team) will be fired (synchronised) between the respawn zones to the capture zones. These mechanics have been implemented in random battles and in the custom battles for the following modes: Domination, Battle and Conquest.


New authentic sound design for the Swedish vehicles such as the CV 90120, Lvkv 9040C, CV 90105 TML, Ikv 91, Ikv 103, Ikv 72 has been added.

New sound design for engines assigned to a number of wheeled vehicles with similar engine configuration such as the Type 16, R3 T20, Fiat 6614, Fiat 6616, Aubl 74, R3 T106 FA, Centauro ROMOR, Centauro, Centauro MGS has been created.

The Leclerc and Leopard 2A5 have received new improved engine sounds.

The engine sound of the T-80 tank and its modifications has been reworked.

The sound of the dropped casing for tanks with external extraction has been fixed (tanks like Strv 103А, Strv 103С, Strv 103-0, Lvkv 9040C, Strf 9056, Т-72A, Т-72B, T-72B3).

Engines on allied/enemy ground vehicles now sound as diverse as the player vehicle (not implemented for x86 Windows versions due to technical limitations of the platform). This means that enemy/allied vehicles now have the same preset of authentic engine sounds as the player’s vehicle.

The mechanism of the sounding of close overflights has been reworked and operates with more stability.

The F-104 (and its modifications) have received new sounds for the turbine and are more accurately reflected in the sound of the engine operating phase.

Sounds of firing and explosions on ground vehicles now change more naturally as the distance to them changes.

Firing sounds for ground vehicles and ship cannons have been reworked to be a more natural balance of frequencies and audibility in all elements of the shots.

The mechanism of the sound of breaking waves against a boat or ship’s bow has been created. The nature of the sound depends on the size of the vessel, its speed and the wave state of the sea.

New sound design for waves on the sea depending on the wind force has been created.

New music content has been added to the game. The new music will be played in aircraft (ranks V-VI) and ground (ranks VI-VII) battles. Also the new music theme will also be played at the game start.

The sound settings “Effects volume”, “Engine volume” and “Firing volume” cannot be made quieter than 50% of maximium volume now.

The War Thunder Team

Leave your feedback here!

about 4 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

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A new version of the Dagor engine, the first battleships, new aircraft carriers, new sky, vertical take-off aircraft and many other important changes.

New Dagor 6.0 engine version

Updated explosion and gunfire effects, physics of fires and aircraft destruction. Reliable traces of projectiles hitting objects in the game world have been implemented. Added visually reliable sky effects, clouds of different types, fog, sunlight scattering and much more.

The graphical Dagor game engine has been updated to version 6.0.

Update of atmospheric and weather conditions, clouds, fog and light processing. Read more in our devblog.

New visual effects for aircraft: reworked gunshot flashes, jet engine effects, effects of aircraft shells and bomb hits, fire effects and destruction of aircraft. Read more in our devblog.

The traces of shell hits on ground vehicles have been reworked and improved. On already destroyed and burning ground vehicles, an internal fire can now be seen through gaps. The shape of the penetration now depends on the angle of impact. Armour-piercing shells stuck in the tank’s armour when not pierced completely have been added.

New firing effects for ground vehicle machine guns and automatic cannons for calibres between 7.5 and 30mm.

For nVidia GPUs of the RTX2000 and RTX3000 series support for DLSS has been added.


Vertical take-off and landing aircraft have been added to the game: A British attack aircraft with the Harrier’s innovative thrust vector deflection technology and the deck Soviet Yak-38 attack aircraft.


AV-8A Harrier (Premium)

AV-8C Harrier


Bf 110 G-4

P-47D-16 RE (premium)


Mitsubishi F-1


MiG-21 bis

Yak-38 (Premium)


Great Britain

Harrier GR.1 (Premium)

Harrier GR.3





P-47D-23 RE


F.C.20 Bis


P-47D-22 RE (premium)

Armoured vehicles

14 new and updated tank models, including the long-awaited T-90A.




T-72AВ (TURMS-T) (premium)



Leopard 1A5


Leopard 2A6

Great Britain



Type 74 F




Leopard 1A5

Celere Sahariano (premium)


Lorraine 37L

Leclerc S2


Strv 122B PLSS


Vessels from all the in-game nations have been divided into two separate trees with the traditional vertical research mechanics - coastal and blue-water fleet. The first battleships arrive in the game, as well as the long-awaited aircraft carriers HMS Ark Royal, USS Forrestal and the “Baku”.


USS North Dakota (BB-29)

USS New Orleans (CA-32)

USS Welborn (DD-195) (premium)

USS Moffett (DD-362) (premium)

Great Britain

HMS Dreadnought

HMS Colossus

Montgomery (G95) (premium)

Class J (leader) (premium)


IJN Ikoma

IJN Settsu

IJN Satsuki (premium)


SMS Westfalen

SMS Helgoland

Type 1924 Luchs (premium)


Imperatritsa Mariya


Kerch (premium)

Zheleznyakov (premium)


Aquilone (premium)

New missions and locations

New hangars for all vehicle types as well as new locations and missions.

New Hangar

Aircraft location “City”.

Aircraft AB mission in the location “City”: “Ground Strike: City”.

Aircraft RB mission on the location “City”: “Operation: City”

New hangar.

Location and mission updates

The aircraft RB mission in the AB location “Rice Terraces” has been reworked.

Changes in ‘test flight’ missions:

New test flight mission for carrier-based jets for USA, Britain and USSR.

Models for aircraft carriers in test flight missions for the modern US and British jet aircraft have been changed.

New test flight for the Ka-29.

New targets in the test missions for ships with large tonnage.

The size of the following naval location has been increased to 128 km (added more sea area along the edges of the location):

Honolulu - The island previously was located within range of the location borders and couldn’t be bypassed - now it is possible to bypass it.


Peleliu - A large part of the islands were placed on the edge of the map and it wasn’t possible to bypass them or to locate mission objects on them.

Changes in aircraft AB missions (3rd and final reworking stage):

"Ground Strike" Iron Range

"Ground Strike" Fjords

"Ground Strike" Irland

"Ground Strike" Greece

"Ground Strike" Moscow

"Ground Strike" Normandy

"Ground Strike" Green Ridge

"Ground Strike" Norway

"Ground Strike" Poland

"Ground Strike" Rice Terraces

"Ground Strike" Top of the World

"Ground Strike" Spain

"Ground Strike" Guiana Highlands

For part of these missions the airfields have been relocated to new places to keep them away from the mission centre and to reduce the impact of airfield air defense on the mission.

List of changes:

The automatic feature in the destruction of AI vehicles has been disabled. New AI vehicles will appear - ground attackers that spawn for every team and destroy AI ground vehicles. Also in these missions the number of ground vehicles has been increased and both heavy vehicles (dots and tanks) and light vehicles (artillery, anti-aircraft guns and trucks) will be counted as victory points. Previously, destruction of light vehicles didn’t affect victory points.

Airfield models have been changed to a new 1700 metres long model.

AI vehicle counters have been disabled. In fact, previously they duplicated the victory point lines, but might not depict the actual required number of vehicles for victory, for example when bombing zones were destroyed.

Destruction of player-controlled aircraft now gives victory points.

Number of AI anti-aircraft guns has been reduced.

Troops have been redistributed to make the mission more “even” without being too crowded.

Enduring Confrontation

New EC mission in the original aircraft location “Peleliu” with 4 ports on each side. Due to the nature of the landscape it is assumed that it will be reasonable for boats.

Vessels used by AI in naval enduring confrontation, the number of the small-medium calibre anti-aircraft guns has been changed to reduce FPS drops in the ports or in convoys (ships under the player’s control will not be affected). Cargo ships and destroyers now have 2 anti-aircraft guns of small and medium calibre and cruisers have 4. The number of large calibre anti-aircraft guns haven’t been changed. The tests showed a significant FPS increase compared to the situation on the production server.

Ports in the naval enduring confrontation are now protected by anti-torpedo nets: any torpedos crossing the port border will now detonate.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

The size of the vignette has been reduced for a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun sight and default sights for ground vehicles.

M1A2 - The M829A1 shell has been added to ammo loadout.

Challenger 2 (2F) - The L27A1 shell has been added to ammo loadout.

Pz.II C - The armour scheme of the hull and turret has been clarified. Armour scheme is now more detailed. Sources: Die Panzer-Kampfwagen I und II und ihre Abarten // Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf.a/1, a/2, a/3, b, c, A, B and C: Development and Production From 1934 to 1940.

2S6 - 9М311-1М rocket has been added to the ammunition loadout.

Maus, E100 - 12.8/8.8 Pzgr.-TS shell has been added to the ammunition loadout.

ARL44 - Values on the armour thickness for the hull and turret have been specified. Source: Notice technique du char de transition ARL-44 France 1944

FlaRakPz.1, AMX-30 Roland - Guidance speeds have been changed: from 45 to 85 degrees per minute in horizontal guidance and from 25 to 40 degrees per minute in vertical guidance. Reloading time has been changed from 10 to 5 seconds. Source: Flugabwehrpanzer, Geschichte und heutiger Stand.

The following ground vehicle shells have been converted to a more accurate fragmentation scheme:

High-explosive fragmentation - HE

Cumulative - HEAT

Armor-piercing high-explosive / plastic - HESH

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Yak-9 (all modifications), I-16 (all modifications), MiG-3 (all modifications), Yak-3 (all modifications), Mosquito (all modifications), LaGG-3 (all modifications), La-7 (all modifications), La-5 (all modifications), I-185 (all modifications), I-225 — The structural materials of the airframe and fin have been specified. Damage model when hitting from different ammunition types and shells has been improved.

Bf 109K - Wing construction materials have been clarified.

He 162 (all modifications) - The structural materials of fin have been specified.

Piston engines (all types and modifications) - Survivability characteristics when hit from ammunition of different types and calibres have been clarified and improved.

Ka-50, Ka-52 - For the APU-6 pylon for the ATGM Vikhr has been implemented with a system of deviation downwards by 12 degrees.

Ka-50 - Detailed c*ckpit has been added.

MiG-21 SMT - c*ckpit has been updated.

For most aircraft missiles, a system of the empennage deployment where it was provided as standard has been implemented.

The possibility of launching several missiles simultaneously have been implemented for ATGM with beam guidance.

Position angles for launch possibility and maneuverable characteristics of the missiles in ATGM’s have been specified.

The possibility of changing the number of used suspended weapons for single use has been added.

The possibility to hide radar indications in the interface with a switched off radar and no active counter-detection system has been added for aircraft.

R-60 - Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.150 kg.

R-60M - Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.350 kg.

FAB-50 - 1000 used on aircraft have been replaced by the SV version.

New icons for the mine weapon modification and guided “air-to-surface” missiles have been added.

A new effect for aerobatic smoke has been added.

A-4B — cannons have been changed to Colt Mk 12 Mod 0.

T2 — the mistakenly installed ballistic calculator has been removed.

T2 — the max number of 250-500 lb bombs has been reduced to 5.

F-4E — mounted weapon presets have been corrected. Twin preset with 10x750lb M117 bombs + 4xAIM-9E now has 4xAIM-7E missiles.

F-4C — mounted weapon presets have been corrected. Twin preset with 4xAIM-9E and 4xAIM-7D missiles now has M61 gun pod.

Mounted weapon menu has been fixed. The following aircraft now have the correct icon for mounted armament:

He 111 H-2/H-6/H-16

He 177 A-5


Me 262 A-1A

Do 17 E-1/Z-2/Z-7

Ju 288 C



Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper

Flight Model changes:

Ju 87 (all series) - Flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Distribution of fuel across tanks has been corrected. Wings, fuselage, flaps and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control over aircraft during the release of flaps and air brakes has been specified. Aircraft control when diving at high angles has been improved.

Ju 88А-1/4/C-6 - Flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Distribution of fuel across the tanks has been corrected. Wings, fuselage, flaps and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control over of the aircraft during the release of flaps and air brakes has been specified. Aircraft control when diving at high angles has been improved.

D-371-HS9, DB-7 – a bug has been fixed with incorrect bonuses from the ‘Cover’ upgrade (in RB the module affects speed)

B17BS - a bug has been fixed with uncontrollable floats.

F3F-2 — The flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Wings, fuselage, flap and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control of aircraft during the release of the landing gear has been specified.

P-63 (all series) — The flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Thermodynamic model has been updated, it is more dependent on speed and altitude. Effect of focus shift when landing gear and flaps are extended has been increased. The control of the aircraft during takeoffs and landing has been improved. Climb time and maximum speeds have been adjusted according to the operational manual. Stalling behavior has been specified.

Sea Fury FB11 — max speeds and Mach speed have been corrected within 5% of safety factor.Climb rate and max speed have been corrected according to the passport. Wings, fuselage and flap polars have been recalculated for high M speeds. Thermodynamic model has been updated, it is more dependent on speed and altitude. Effect of focus shift when landing gear and flaps are extended has been increased.

Т2 — engine has been reworked (efficiency at high speeds with 100% thrust has been reduced slightly, climb rate in WEP mode has been slightly increased). Increased efficiency of controls at high speed has been fixed.

BI — engine efficiency at low thrust has been corrected.

Swordfish (all series) — mouse-aim controls have been improved.

AM-1 Mauler — FM has been specified. Stall speed has been reduced, speed has been increased on long combat mode, climb rate has been significantly improved, controls have been improved.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

Maximum firing range and armour penetration for Italian 120mm shells have been corrected.

IJN Chidori, IJN Mutsuki - 120mm HE shell with a base fuze has been added.

IJN Tone — Missing ready-use shells for two 127mm Units have been added.

S-38b, Type 1939 (T31) — G7e torpedoes have been replaced with G7a.

Type 1939 (T22) — Traverse angles have been corrected for the port front (bow) 20 mm mount.

IJN Shimakaze — Type 93 model 1 torpedo model has been replaced by the Type 93 model 3.

Admiral Graf Spee — Ballistics on the main calibre cannons has been fixed. Accuracy has been improved. Main calibre shell markings have been fixed.

127-mm/40 cannon type 89 (IJN Mogami) — Muzzle speed, weight and explosive mass and type in the anti-aircraft shells have been corrected.

Isuzu — Torpedoes have been changed to 533 mm Type 54.

HMS London, HMS York, HMS Kent — A bug where the torpedoes weren't reloaded in AB game mode has been fixed.

Type 1924 Leopard — Hint in the X-Ray view for the two main calibre stern guns has been fixed.

IJN Mutsuki, Chidori — Fire rate of the Type 3 120 mm/45 cannons has been increased to 10 shots per minute.

MO-4 — Maximum elevation angles for the 21-KM cannons have been corrected.

Bartolomeo Colleoni, Raimondo Montecuccoli — Reserve torpedoes have been added.

S-38, S-38b — Maximum number of the 20 mm ammunition that can be taken into the battle has been fixed.

Torpedo running depth.

In RB mode, you may set torpedoes running depth before entering battle: 1m or 4m.

In AB, torpedoes automatically select the optimum depth for hitting the target, if the sea floor permits.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

Crew system has been reworked. Blue-water ships, from light cruisers, crew compartments redistributed to the internal spaces of a ship that is not occupied by other modules. Modules such as boiler rooms, transmission, magazines, artillery turrets, multilevel elevators and torpedo tubes now have their own crew. If such a module is damaged or destroyed, the disabled crew is replenished from other compartments as the module is repaired. When a compartment is destroyed, its crew is irretrievably lost.

The number of drainage pumps operational is now important. Damaging these pumps,the water is pumped out more slowly. The maximum penalty for pumping speed in case of disabling of all pumps is 25% of the maximum.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

Coal bunkers are built with solid armour and provide additional protection in approximately the following proportion: 1m of coal = 27mm of structural steel. Bunkers have been added to the armour view where you can see their actual thickness at every point.

The impact of shock waves on vessels rolling from close explosions and hits from large shells has been reduced.

Zara – Roll angle in a turn has been corrected.

HMS Peac*ck – Roll angle in a turn has been corrected.

HMS London (69) – Roll angle in a turn has been increased accordingly with other ships of this class.

Type 1939 (T31), Jaguar-Klasse (140), HMNZS Leander — Anti flood pumps have been added.

HMS Southampton — Excessive roll in turn has been fixed.

Koln F220, Lubeck F224 — The incorrect display of the 375 mm reactive bombs in the ammo storage has been fixed.

IJN Shimakaze — Number of crew members has been increased from 267 to 282.

Pr.1204 Late — A bug where in the X-Ray view the mines were displayed even without selecting the necessary modification has been fixed.

Kanonenboot K-2 — Vulnerability of compartments in the central ship part has been fixed.

USS Brooklyn, USS Helena, Clemson (DD-366), Clemson (DD-213) — Previously missed base fuze shells have been added to the protection analyzer.

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

HMS Peac*ck – The animation of casing ejection has been added for the main calibre turret.

MS-53 – Leers have been added to the stern turret.

Chikugo — A bug with the display of the rocket launcher (hovering above deck) has been fixed.

Class J (leader) — A bug with the display of objects on the deck (hovering above it) has been fixed.

Köln F220, Lübeck F224 — The visual effects of the funnel exhaust has been replaced from coal smoke to gas turbine vapour.

Krasny Kavkaz — Incorrect ship draft in hangar has been fixed.

165 ft PC-466 Carmi — A bug with non visually rotating main calibre turrets has been fixed.


Indicator of AI firing mode (by default button “E”), has been moved to the action panel.

Economy and research

The research tree for the fleet has been divided into two separate vertical trees: Coastal Fleet(small) and Blue-water Fleet(large). The research of the Blue-water fleet begins with reserve destroyers that are now available to all players when beginning naval gameplay. Learn more about it on our web page.

Pz.III E - Has been moved to the “reserves” category and added to the group with Pz.III B.

T2 - BR in all game modes has been lowered to 10.0.


Decals for identification marks have been added.

Jaguar GR.1, Jaguar A - Additional camouflages that are available for completing tasks and purchasing for Golden Eagles have been added.

New collections have been added: decorations “Ammunition” and “decals Game Updates”.

New patterns for Japanese top ranked ground vehicles have been added.

New camouflage pattern has been added to German ground vehicles.

Camouflage sets for following vehicles have been updated. Conditions for their receipt have been recalculated::




M60A1 (AOS)


Tiger II (P)

Tiger II (H) Sla.16

Panther D






Bfw. Jagdpanther




Flakpanzer 341


The visual style of the interface has been updated. Interface background has become more transparent. Background blur has been added.

Interface navigation using a gamepad and keyboard has been improved. D-Pad on the gamepad and keyboard arrows move the mouse cursor over the interface elements.

Game mechanics

In ground battles, destroyed player’s vehicles now remain on the battlefield until the end of the mission. In this case any player can hook a tow cable to any destroyed vehicle and tow it to another location to free up a route or passage or to use it as cover.

The nickname of a player that gives the target designation has been added and is placed now above the target designation marker for squads of 3 or more players.

Smoke indication on capture points has been disabled in ground and naval missions.

Capture point markers have been moved from the world (game space) to the HUD in ground and naval missions. The distance to the capture point border in the view area has been added.

For ground and naval missions, the number of grid cells have been standardized. In missions where the width of the battle zone is less than 5,000 m the number of full cells is equal to 7 and with a width of 5,000 m or above - 10.

The display of the grid cell size on the mini map has been added to ground and naval missions.

“Reference” vehicle modification in test drive will now use all modifications (except mutually exclusive ones) and not just those affecting vehicle characteristics.

The rules for calculating respawn costs for aircraft and its weaponry in the respawn scores have been changed in ground realistic and simulator battles:

Respawn cost multiplier for AP researchable belts has been added. An arrmour-piercing belt will be counted as penetrated at right angle from 40mm at a distance of 500m. The cost of such a belt will be 20% of the vehicle cost.

Fixed cost multiplier for suspended weaponry has been replaced by a calculate one based on the total weight of the suspended weaponry (except guided missiles air-to-surface). The multiplier will be calculated by interpolation from 3 to 25% of the vehicle cost with an armament weight of 50 - 1000 kg. The values going beyond the interpolation limits uses the marginal coefficient values.

For suspended weaponry with guided missiles air-to-surface will use a fixed multiplier of 25% of the cost of the aircraft.

The basic respawn cost value on the attacker aircraft has been reduced to the respawn cost value on the fighter.

Suspended weaponry of attacker aircraft have now a respawn cost similar to fighter aircraft.

Respawn costs for helicopters in the ground simulator battles have been reduced:

Basic 300 → 250

With ATGM 450 → 430

The automatic firing of illumination shells have been added to night ground battles. From the start of the mission within a given periodicity, four illumination shells (two from each team) will be fired (synchronised) between the respawn zones to the capture zones. These mechanics have been implemented in random battles and in the custom battles for the following modes: Domination, Battle and Conquest.


New authentic sound design for the Swedish vehicles such as the CV 90120, Lvkv 9040C, CV 90105 TML, Ikv 91, Ikv 103, Ikv 72 has been added.

New sound design for engines assigned to a number of wheeled vehicles with similar engine configuration such as the Type 16, R3 T20, Fiat 6614, Fiat 6616, Aubl 74, R3 T106 FA, Centauro ROMOR, Centauro, Centauro MGS has been created.

The Leclerc and Leopard 2A5 have received new improved engine sounds.

The engine sound of the T-80 tank and its modifications has been reworked.

The sound of the dropped casing for tanks with external extraction has been fixed (tanks like Strv 103А, Strv 103С, Strv 103-0, Lvkv 9040C, Strf 9056, Т-72A, Т-72B, T-72B3).

Engines on allied/enemy ground vehicles now sound as diverse as the player vehicle (not implemented for x86 Windows versions due to technical limitations of the platform). This means that enemy/allied vehicles now have the same preset of authentic engine sounds as the player’s vehicle.

The mechanism of the sounding of close overflights has been reworked and operates with more stability.

The F-104 (and its modifications) have received new sounds for the turbine and are more accurately reflected in the sound of the engine operating phase.

Sounds of firing and explosions on ground vehicles now change more naturally as the distance to them changes.

Firing sounds for ground vehicles and ship cannons have been reworked to be a more natural balance of frequencies and audibility in all elements of the shots.

The mechanism of the sound of breaking waves against a boat or ship’s bow has been created. The nature of the sound depends on the size of the vessel, its speed and the wave state of the sea.

New sound design for waves on the sea depending on the wind force has been created.

New music content has been added to the game. The new music will be played in aircraft (ranks V-VI) and ground (ranks VI-VII) battles. Also the new music theme will also be played at the game start.

The sound settings “Effects volume”, “Engine volume” and “Firing volume” cannot be made quieter than 50% of maximium volume now.

The War Thunder Team

Leave your feedback here!

about 4 years ago - TheShaolinMonk - Direct link

A new version of the Dagor engine, the first battleships, new aircraft carriers, new sky, vertical take-off aircraft and many other important changes.

New Dagor 6.0 engine version
Updated explosion and gunfire effects, physics of fires and aircraft destruction. Reliable traces of projectiles hitting objects in the game world have been implemented. Added visually reliable sky effects, clouds of different types, fog, sunlight scattering and much more.
  • The graphical Dagor game engine has been updated to version 6.0.
  • Update of atmospheric and weather conditions, clouds, fog and light processing. Read more in our devblog.
  • New visual effects for aircraft: reworked gunshot flashes, jet engine effects, effects of aircraft shells and bomb hits, fire effects and destruction of aircraft. Read more in our devblog.
  • The traces of shell hits on ground vehicles have been reworked and improved. On already destroyed and burning ground vehicles, an internal fire can now be seen through gaps. The shape of the penetration now depends on the angle of impact. Armour-piercing shells stuck in the tank’s armour when not pierced completely have been added.
  • New firing effects for ground vehicle machine guns and automatic cannons for calibres between 7.5 and 30mm.
  • For nVidia GPUs of the RTX2000 and RTX3000 series support for DLSS has been added.

Vertical take-off and landing aircraft have been added to the game: A British attack aircraft with the Harrier’s innovative thrust vector deflection technology and the deck Soviet Yak-38 attack aircraft.

  • AV-8A Harrier (Premium)
  • AV-8C Harrier
  • Bf 110 G-4
  • P-47D-16 RE (premium)
  • Mitsubishi F-1
  • MiG-21 bis
  • Yak-38 (Premium)
  • Yak-38M
Great Britain
  • Harrier GR.1 (Premium)
  • Harrier GR.3
  • SK60B
  • Q-5A/B
  • P-47D-23 RE
  • F.C.20 Bis
  • P-47D-22 RE (premium)

Armoured vehicles
14 new and updated tank models, including the long-awaited T-90A.

  • M1128
  • T-72AВ (TURMS-T) (premium)
  • T-90А
  • Leopard 1A5
  • FlaRakRad
  • Leopard 2A6
Great Britain
  • VFM5
  • Type 74 F
  • PTZ89
  • Leopard 1A5
  • Celere Sahariano (premium)
  • Lorraine 37L
  • Leclerc S2
  • Sweden
  • Strv 122B PLSS

Vessels from all the in-game nations have been divided into two separate trees with the traditional vertical research mechanics - coastal and blue-water fleet. The first battleships arrive in the game, as well as the long-awaited aircraft carriers HMS Ark Royal, USS Forrestal and the “Baku”.

  • USS North Dakota (BB-29)
  • USS New Orleans (CA-32)
  • USS Welborn (DD-195) (premium)
  • USS Moffett (DD-362) (premium)
Great Britain
  • HMS Dreadnought
  • HMS Colossus
  • Montgomery (G95) (premium)
  • Class J (leader) (premium)
  • IJN Ikoma
  • IJN Settsu
  • IJN Satsuki (premium)
  • SMS Westfalen
  • SMS Helgoland
  • Type 1924 Luchs (premium)
  • Imperatritsa Mariya
  • Poltava
  • Kerch (premium)
  • Zheleznyakov (premium)
  • Aquilone (premium)

New missions and locations
New hangars for all vehicle types as well as new locations and missions.

  • Aircraft location “City”.
  • Aircraft AB mission in the location “City”: “Ground Strike: City”.
  • Aircraft RB mission on the location “City”: “Operation: City”
  • New hangar.

Location and mission updates
  • The aircraft RB mission in the AB location “Rice Terraces” has been reworked.
Changes in ‘test flight’ missions:
  • New test flight mission for carrier-based jets for USA, Britain and USSR.
  • Models for aircraft carriers in test flight missions for the modern US and British jet aircraft have been changed.
  • New test flight for the Ka-29.
  • New targets in the test missions for ships with large tonnage.
The size of the following naval location has been increased to 128 km (added more sea area along the edges of the location):
  • Honolulu - The island previously was located within range of the location borders and couldn’t be bypassed - now it is possible to bypass it.
  • Saipan
  • Peleliu - A large part of the islands were placed on the edge of the map and it wasn’t possible to bypass them or to locate mission objects on them.
Changes in aircraft AB missions (3rd and final reworking stage):
  • "Ground Strike" Iron Range
  • "Ground Strike" Fjords
  • "Ground Strike" Irland
  • "Ground Strike" Greece
  • "Ground Strike" Moscow
  • "Ground Strike" Normandy
  • "Ground Strike" Green Ridge
  • "Ground Strike" Norway
  • "Ground Strike" Poland
  • "Ground Strike" Rice Terraces
  • "Ground Strike" Top of the World
  • "Ground Strike" Spain
  • "Ground Strike" Guiana Highlands
For part of these missions the airfields have been relocated to new places to keep them away from the mission centre and to reduce the impact of airfield air defense on the mission.  List of changes:
  • The automatic feature in the destruction of AI vehicles has been disabled. New AI vehicles will appear - ground attackers that spawn for every team and destroy AI ground vehicles. Also in these missions the number of ground vehicles has been increased and both heavy vehicles (dots and tanks) and light vehicles (artillery, anti-aircraft guns and trucks) will be counted as victory points. Previously, destruction of light vehicles didn’t affect victory points.
  • Airfield models have been changed to a new 1700 metres long model.
  • AI vehicle counters have been disabled. In fact, previously they duplicated the victory point lines, but might not depict the actual required number of vehicles for victory, for example when bombing zones were destroyed.
  • Destruction of player-controlled aircraft now gives victory points.
  • Number of AI anti-aircraft guns has been reduced.
  • Troops have been redistributed to make the mission more “even” without being too crowded.
Enduring Confrontation
  • New mission in the aircraft location “Peleliu” with 4 ports on each side. Due to the nature of the landscape it is assumed that it will be reasonable for boats.
  • Vessels used by AI in naval enduring confrontation, the number of the small-medium calibre anti-aircraft guns has been changed to reduce FPS drops in the ports or in convoys (ships under the player’s control will not be affected). Cargo ships and destroyers now have 2 anti-aircraft guns of small and medium calibre and cruisers have 4. The number of large calibre anti-aircraft guns haven’t been changed. The tests showed a significant FPS increase compared to the situation on the production server.
  • Ports in the naval enduring confrontation are now protected by anti-torpedo nets: any torpedos crossing the port border will now detonate. 
Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
  • The size of the vignette has been reduced for a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun sight and default sights for ground vehicles. 
  • M1A2 - The M829A1 shell has been added to ammo loadout.
  • Challenger 2 (2F) - The L27A1 shell has been added to ammo loadout.
  • Pz.II C - The armour scheme of the hull and turret has been clarified. Armour scheme is now more detailed. Sources: Die Panzer-Kampfwagen I und II und ihre Abarten // Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf.a/1, a/2, a/3, b, c, A, B and C: Development and Production From 1934 to 1940.
  • 2С6 - 9М311-1М rocket has been added to the ammunition loadout.
  • Maus, E100 - 12.8/8.8 Pzgr.-TS shell has been added to the ammunition loadout.
  • ARL44 - Values on the armour thickness for the hull and turret have been specified. Source: Notice technique du char de transition ARL-44 France 1944
  • FlaRakPz.1, AMX-30 Roland - Guidance speeds have been changed: from 45 to 85 degrees per minute in horizontal guidance and from 25 to 40 degrees per minute in vertical guidance. Reloading time has been changed from 10 to 5 seconds. Source: Flugabwehrpanzer, Geschichte und heutiger Stand.
  • The following ground vehicle shells have been converted to a more accurate fragmentation scheme:
    • High-explosive fragmentation - HE
    • Cumulative - HEAT
    • Armor-piercing high-explosive / plastic - HESH
Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:
  • Yak-9 (all modifications), I-16 (all modifications), MiG-3 (all modifications), Yak-3 (all modifications), Mosquito (all modifications), LaGG-3 (all modifications), La-7 (all modifications), La-5 (all modifications), I-185 (all modifications), I-225 — The structural materials of the airframe and fin have been specified. Damage model when hitting from different ammunition types and shells has been improved.
  • Bf 109K - Wing construction materials have been clarified.
  • He 162 (all modifications) - The structural materials of fin have been specified.
  • Piston engines (all types and modifications) - Survivability characteristics when hit from ammunition of different types and calibres have been clarified and improved.
  • Ka-50, Ka-52 - For the APU-6 pylon for the ATGM Vikhr has been implemented with a system of deviation downwards by 12 degrees.  
  • Ka-50 - Detailed c*ckpit has been added.
  • MiG-21 SMT - c*ckpit has been updated. 
  • For most aircraft missiles, a system of the empennage deployment where it was provided as standard has been implemented.
  • The possibility of launching several missiles simultaneously have been implemented for ATGM with beam guidance.
  • Position angles for launch possibility and maneuverable characteristics of the missiles in ATGM’s have been specified. 
  • The possibility of changing the number of used suspended weapons for single use has been added.
  • The possibility to hide radar indications in the interface with a switched off radar and no active counter-detection system has been added for aircraft.
  • Р-60 - Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.150 kg. 
  • Р-60M - Weight of the explosive mass has been changed to 1.350 kg. 
  • FAB-50 - 1000 used on aircraft have been replaced by the SV version.
  • New icons for the mine weapon modification and guided “air-to-surface” missiles have been added.
  • A new effect for aerobatic smoke has been added.
  • A-4B — cannons have been changed to Colt Mk 12 Mod 0.
  • T2 — the mistakenly installed ballistic calculator has been removed.
  • T2 — the max number of 250-500 lb bombs has been reduced to 5.
  • F-4E — mounted weapon presets have been corrected. Twin preset with 10x750lb M117 bombs + 4xAIM-9E now has 4xAIM-7E missiles. 
  • F-4C — mounted weapon presets have been corrected. Twin preset with 4xAIM-9E and 4xAIM-7D missiles now has M61 gun pod.
  • Mounted weapon menu has been fixed. The following aircraft now have the correct icon for mounted armament:
    • He 111 H-2/H-6/H-16
    • He 177 A-5
    • F.222.2
    • Me 262 A-1A
    • Do 17 E-1/Z-2/Z-7
    • Ju 288 C
    • BV.238
    • F3H-2
    • Meteor F Mk.8 Reaper
Flight Model changes: 
  • Ju 87 (all series) - Flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Distribution of fuel across tanks has been corrected. Wings, fuselage, flaps and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control over aircraft during the release of flaps and air brakes has been specified. Aircraft control when diving at high angles has been improved.
  • Ju 88А-1/4/C-6 - Flight model has been updated. Engine operating modes have been specified. Distribution of fuel across the tanks has been corrected. Wings, fuselage, flaps and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control over of the aircraft during the release of flaps and air brakes has been specified. Aircraft control when diving at high angles has been improved.
  • D-371-HS9, DB-7 – a bug has been fixed with incorrect bonuses from the ‘Cover’ upgrade (in RB the module affects speed)
  • B17BS - a bug has been fixed with uncontrollable floats.
  • F3F-2 — The flight model has been updated.  Engine operating modes have been specified. Wings, fuselage, flap and propeller blade polars have been recalculated and updated. The control of aircraft during the release of the landing gear has been specified.
  • P-63 (all series) — The flight model has been updated.  Engine operating modes have been specified. Thermodynamic model has been updated, it is more dependent  on speed and altitude. Effect of focus shift when landing gear and flaps are extended has been increased. The control of the aircraft during takeoffs and landing has been improved. Climb time and maximum speeds  have been adjusted according to the operational manual. Stalling behavior has been specified.
  • Sea Fury FB11 — max speeds and Mach speed have been corrected within 5% of safety factor.Climb rate and max speed have been corrected according to the passport. Wings, fuselage and flap polars have been recalculated for high M speeds. Thermodynamic model has been updated, it is more dependent  on speed and altitude.  Effect of focus shift when landing gear and flaps are extended has been increased.
  • Т2 — engine has been reworked (efficiency at high speeds with 100% thrust has been reduced slightly, climb rate in WEP mode has been slightly increased). Increased efficiency of controls at high speed has been fixed.
  • BI — engine efficiency at low thrust has been corrected.
  • Swordfish (all series) — mouse-aim controls have been improved.
  • AM-1 Mauler — FM has been specified. Stall speed has been reduced, speed has been increased on long combat mode, climb rate has been significantly improved, controls have been improved.
Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes: Naval weaponry:
  • Maximum firing range and armour penetration for Italian 120mm shells have been corrected.
  • IJN Chidori, IJN Mutsuki - 120mm HE shell with a base fuze has been added.
  • IJN Tone — Missing ready-use shells for two 127mm Units have been added.
  • S-38b, Type 1939 (T31) — G7e torpedoes have been replaced with G7a.
  • Type 1939 (T22) — Traverse angles have been corrected for the port front (bow) 20 mm mount.
  • IJN Shimakaze — Type 93 model 1 torpedo model has been replaced by the Type 93 model 3.
  • Admiral Graf Spee — Ballistics on the main calibre cannons has been fixed. Accuracy has been improved. Main calibre shell markings have been fixed.
  • 127-mm/40 cannon type 89 (IJN Mogami) — Muzzle speed, weight and explosive mass and type in the anti-aircraft shells have been corrected.
  • Isuzu — Torpedoes have been changed to 533 mm Type 54.
  • HMS London, HMS York, HMS Kent — A bug where the torpedoes weren't reloaded in AB game mode has been fixed.
  • Type 1924 Leopard — Hint in the X-Ray view for the two main calibre stern guns has been fixed.
  • IJN Mutsuki, Chidori — Fire rate of the Type 3 120 mm/45 cannons has been increased to 10 shots per minute.
  • MO-4 — Maximum elevation angles for the 21-KM cannons have been corrected.
  • Bartolomeo Colleoni, Raimondo Montecuccoli — Reserve torpedoes have been added.
  • S-38, S-38b — Maximum number of the 20 mm ammunition that can be taken into the battle has been fixed.
  • Torpedo running depth.
    • In RB mode, you may set torpedoes running depth before entering battle: 1m or 4m.
    • In AB, torpedoes automatically select the optimum depth for hitting the target, if the sea floor permits.
Naval modifications and crew skills:
  • Crew system has been reworked. Blue-water ships, from light cruisers, crew compartments redistributed to the internal spaces of a ship that is not occupied by other modules. Modules such as boiler rooms, transmission, magazines, artillery turrets, multilevel elevators and torpedo tubes now have their own crew. If such a module is damaged or destroyed, the disabled crew is replenished from other compartments as the module is repaired. When a compartment is destroyed, its crew is irretrievably lost.
  • The number of drainage pumps operational is now important. Damaging these pumps,the water is pumped out more slowly. The maximum penalty for pumping speed in case of disabling of all pumps is 25% of the maximum.
Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:
  • Coal bunkers are built with solid armour and provide additional protection in approximately the following proportion: 1m of coal = 27mm of structural steel. Bunkers have been added to the armour view where you can see their actual thickness at every point.
  • The impact of shock waves on vessels rolling from close explosions and hits from large shells has been reduced.
  • Zara – Roll angle in a turn has been corrected.
  • HMS Peac*ck – Roll angle in a turn has been corrected.
  • HMS London (69) – Roll angle in a turn  has been increased accordingly with other ships of this class.
  • Type 1939 (T31), Jaguar-Klasse (140), HMNZS Leander — Anti flood pumps have been added.
  • HMS Southampton — Excessive roll in turn has been fixed.
  • Koln F220, Lubeck F224 — The incorrect display of the 375 mm reactive bombs in the ammo storage has been fixed.
  • IJN Shimakaze — Number of crew members has been increased from 267 to 282.
  • Pr.1204 Late — A bug where in the X-Ray view the mines were displayed even without selecting the necessary modification has been fixed.
  • Kanonenboot K-2 — Vulnerability of compartments in the central ship part has been fixed.
  • USS Brooklyn, USS Helena, Clemson (DD-366), Clemson (DD-213) — Previously missed base fuze shells have been added to the protection analyzer.
Naval Visual models and visual parts:
  • HMS Peac*ck – The animation of casing ejection has been added for the main calibre turret.
  • MS-53 – Leers have been added to the stern turret.
  • Chikugo — A bug with the display of the rocket launcher (hovering above deck) has been fixed.
  • Class J (leader) — A bug with the display of objects on the deck (hovering above it) has been fixed.
  • Köln F220, Lübeck F224 — The visual effects of the funnel exhaust has been replaced from coal smoke to gas turbine vapour.
  • Krasny Kavkaz — Incorrect ship draft in hangar has been fixed.
  • 165 ft PC-466 Carmi — A bug with non visually rotating main calibre turrets has been fixed.
  • Indicator of AI firing mode (by default button “E”), has been moved to the action panel.
Economy and research
  • The research tree for the fleet has been divided into two separate vertical trees: Coastal Fleet(small) and Blue-water Fleet(large). The research of the Blue-water fleet begins with reserve destroyers that are now available to all players when beginning naval gameplay. Learn more about it on our web page[warthunder.com].
  • Pz.III E - Has been moved to the “reserves” category and added to the group with Pz.III B
  • T2 - BR in all game modes has been lowered to 10.0.
  • Decals for identification marks have been added.
  • Jaguar GR.1, Jaguar A - Additional camouflages that are available for completing tasks and purchasing for Golden Eagles have been added.
  • New collections have been added: decorations “Ammunition” and “decals Game Updates”.
  • New patterns for Japanese top ranked ground vehicles have been added.
  • New camouflage pattern has been added to German ground vehicles.
  • Camouflage sets for following vehicles have been updated. Conditions for their receipt have been recalculated::
    • M551
    • M163
    • M247
    • M60A1 (AOS)
    • M60A2
    • Tiger II (P)
    • Tiger II (H) Sla.16
    • Panther D
    • Ferdinand
    • Nashorn
    • Waffenträger
    • Brummbär
    • Jagdpanther
    • Bfw. Jagdpanther
    • Sd.Kfz.234/1
    • Sd.Kfz.234/2
    • Sd.Kfz.234/3
    • Flakpanzer 341
  • The visual style of the interface has been updated. Interface background has become more transparent. Background blur has been added.
  • Interface navigation using a gamepad and keyboard has been improved. D-Pad on the gamepad and keyboard arrows move the mouse cursor over the interface elements.
Game mechanics
  • In ground battles, destroyed player’s vehicles now remain on the battlefield until the end of the mission. In this case any player can hook a tow cable to any destroyed vehicle and tow it to another location to free up a route or passage or to use it as cover.
  • The nickname of a player that gives the target designation has been added and is placed now above the target designation marker for squads of 3 or more players.
  • Smoke indication on capture points has been disabled in ground and naval missions.
  • Capture point markers have been moved from the world (game space) to the HUD in ground and naval missions. The distance to the capture point border in the view area has been added.
  • For ground and naval missions, the number of grid cells have been standardized. In missions where the width of the battle zone is less than 5,000 m the number of full cells is equal to 7 and with a width of 5,000 m or above - 10.
  • The display of the grid cell size on the mini map has been added to ground and naval missions.
  • “Reference” vehicle modification in test drive will now use all modifications (except mutually exclusive ones) and not just those affecting vehicle characteristics.
  • The rules for calculating respawn costs for aircraft and its weaponry in the respawn scores have been changed in ground realistic and simulator battles:
    • Respawn cost multiplier for AP researchable belts has been added. As arrmour-piercing belt will be counted belt with penetration ar right angle from 40mm at the distance of 500m. The cost of such a belt will be 20% of the vehicle cost.
    • Fixed cost multiplier for suspended weaponry has been replaced by a calculate one based on the total weight of the suspended weaponry (except guided missiles air-to-surface). The multiplier will be calculated by interpolation from 3 to 25% of the vehicle cost with an armament weight of 50 - 1000 kg. The values going beyond the interpolation limits uses the marginal coefficient values.
    • For suspended weaponry with guided missiles air-to-surface will use a fixed multiplier of 25% of the cost of the aircraft.
    • The basic respawn cost value on the attacker aircraft has been reduced to the respawn cost value on the fighter.
    • Suspended weaponry of attacker aircraft have now a respawn cost similar to fighter aircraft.
  • Respawn costs for helicopters in the ground simulator battles have been reduced:
    • Basic 300 → 250
    • With ATGM 450 → 430
  • The automatic firing of illumination shells have been added to night ground battles. From the start of the mission within a given periodicity, four illumination shells (two from each team) will be fired (synchronised) between the respawn zones to the capture zones. These mechanics have been implemented in random battles and in the custom battles for the following modes: Domination, Battle and Conquest.

  • New authentic sound design for the Swedish vehicles such as the CV 90120, Lvkv 9040C, CV 90105 TML, Ikv 91, Ikv 103, Ikv 72 has been added.
  • New sound design for engines assigned to a number of wheeled vehicles with similar engine configuration such as the Type 16, R3 T20, Fiat 6614, Fiat 6616, Aubl 74, R3 T106 FA, Centauro ROMOR, Centauro, Centauro MGS has been created.
  • The Leclerc and Leopard 2A5 have received new improved engine sounds.
  • The engine sound of the T-80 tank and its modifications has been reworked.
  • The sound of the dropped casing for tanks with external extraction has been fixed (tanks like Strv 103А, Strv 103С, Strv 103-0, Lvkv 9040C, Strf 9056, Т-72A, Т-72B, T-72B3).
  • Engines on allied/enemy ground vehicles now sound as diverse as the player vehicle (not implemented for x86 Windows versions due to technical limitations of the platform). This means that enemy/allied vehicles now have the same preset of authentic engine sounds as the player’s vehicle.
  • The mechanism of the sounding of close overflights has been reworked and operates with more stability.
  • The F-104 (and its modifications) have received new sounds for the turbine and are more accurately reflected in the sound of the engine operating phase.
  • Sounds of firing and explosions on ground vehicles now change more naturally as the distance to them changes.
  • Firing sounds for ground vehicles and ship cannons have been reworked to be a more natural balance of frequencies and audibility in all elements of the shots.
  • The mechanism of the sound of breaking waves against a boat or ship’s bow has been created. The nature of the sound depends on the size of the vessel, its speed and the wave state of the sea.
  • New sound design for waves on the sea depending on the wind force has been created.
  • New music content has been added to the game. The new music will be played in aircraft (ranks V-VI) and ground (ranks VI-VII) battles. Also the new music theme will also be played at the game start.
  • The sound settings “Effects volume”, “”Engine volume” and “Firing volume” cannot be made quieter than 50% of maximium volume now.
The War Thunder Team
about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

As always. Servers will be live when we will publish Announcement with video.

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Can you quote me with that statement? I cannot recall I mentioned something like this.

Feel free to put a proper suggestion on Suggestion Section.

In linked news there is a table. Everything has been there since we published it AFAIK.

Who said it's A bomb?

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Please do not tag me on such technical things related to specific vehicles. I do not know
Maybe @Smin1080p

I would wait a little. There is a hope we will get quick fix.

Try to restart game client

Check again your key bind. Be sure to have only one for somke.

Will be available later.

Try to switch off AA.

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Nothing like decals etc. you purchased needs to be repurchased.

I think so. Be sure to save your controls to file.

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Please submit bug report in tech section

You can adjust volume setting in options.

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Which part you do not understand? They are separate trees.