Dear players!
As you know, over a year ago we launched our dedicated Community Bug Reporting platform and transitioned bug reports that were less suited to the forum. We wanted to let you know in advance that the next stage of that transition will begin in 2 weeks time as we transition historical reports off the forum to move all issue reports to the Community Bug Site. During this time, we recommend you familiarize yourself with the site and if you have any questions or require support, please free free to PM myself or any Technical Moderator!
From the 17th March, the historical report section on the forum will be closed from accepting new topics. So that we can process all the remaining pending reports. Between now and then, you can continue to make reports on the forum. After this date, all reports will be made on the Community Bug Report site.
- No existing reports that have bee passed will be removed or deleted
- All currently pending or reports created up to this date will be processed on the forum as normal. You don't need to create them again on the CBR site.
- The Historical Discussion and Machinery of War areas can still be used to start and discuss topics as well as gather materials together for making reports on the Community Bug Report site.
When you create an issue and selecting Aircraft, Ground Vehicles, Naval Forces or Helicopters, you will then see the prompt that allows you to add historical sources and information as you do now to the forum: