over 3 years ago - TheShaolinMonk - Direct link
Recently we shared our plans about changing the rules of storing certain items in the inventory with you, where all newly received universal back-ups, orders and wagers would have activation deadlines, as well as (for wagers) a limited validity period after activation. This included the intention of limiting the period during which early received items might be used.

In announcing these changes we didn’t want to deprive you of the accumulated items and thus ruin your experience in the game, on the contrary, we wanted such items to be used often in battles and to bring you more benefits. However we took your feedback and suggestions into account and will not apply the new mechanics to items where applicable, that you already have in your inventory. You will be able to use them whenever you want to.

The limitation of the activation time for newly obtained items will be implemented with the first battle pass season in 2022. This information will be listed in the item description similar to boosters.

We thank you for the constructive feedback on our forums and social media!