over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2919981985066154298]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - pryanick - Direct link

In the night when evil spirits creep out under the moonlight we return again to one proven method of cleansing. Start your M18 and Po-2 engines racing and terrify the forces of evil into oblivion in glorious races!

From 11:00 GMT on the 31st of October until 09:00 GMT on the 1st of November
Ground event: “Armour race on a dark path” Earn 300 rating points in the supercharged M18 “Hellcat” and get a prize - one of the creepy decorations. The rating depends on the position in which you finished the race.


Witch hat

Slasher’s Hatchet

Cannibal Axe

You can follow your progress by clicking on the “award button” in the “event” tab. Update in the records table can take up to 15 minutes.

Aircraft event: “Witch Hunt”
Fly a special "Night Witch" aircraft and earn 300 rating points to get one of the unique decals. The rating depends on the position in which you finished the race.

"Pumpkin" decal

"Bad Turn" decal

"Hell's Belle" pin-up

"Trick or Treat" text

When the races are over, the top 1,000 pilots will permanently receive the unique Po-2 biplane. The vehicles will be awarded during the 48 hours from the end of the event.

Don’t miss the discounts and other promotions dedicated to War Thunder’s birthday[warthunder.ru]!
over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 3 years ago - pryanick - Direct link

What could be spookier than rushing through a survival race alongside the laughter of evil Halloween spirits?  Participate in races in the sky and on the ground ahead of War Thunder's birthday! Check out the new grim hangar and earn yourself some spooky Twitch drops!

From 12:00 GMT on the 29th of October until 09:00 GMT on the 1st of November
Decals from the “Dead Man’s Chest”

Plague Doctor



Killer Pumpkin

The “Dead Man’s Chest” and “Witch’s Cauldron” trophies will be available for purchase in the in-game store to unlock all of the Halloween decals and decorations.

Ground event: “Armour race on a dark path”
This is the M18 “Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com] that will take you to the finish line much faster than the standard, less spooky modification. Achieve 300 rating points in races and get one of the creepy decals from the “Dead Man’s Chest”!

Aircraft event: “Witch Hunt”
A special race modification of the Po-2 “Night Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com], that will take you swiftly to the finishing line. The only thing left to do is to show your talent for racing and not smash your aircraft on the rocks during sharp turns. Earn 300 rating points to get another unique decal from the “Dead Man’s Chest”. Your rating depends on the position in which you finished the race.

When the air races are over, the top 1,000 pilots will permanently receive the unique Po-2 biplane. The vehicles will be awarded during the 48 hour period after the Halloween event ends.

You can follow your progress by clicking on the “award button” in the “event” tab. But bear in mind, the record table can take up to 15 minutes to update.

Twitch Drops for Halloween!

Boo! What's Halloween without spooky decorations? On this eerily fun holiday, we have prepared decals and decorators for your vehicles that will surely terrify your enemies!

Watch War Thunder streams[www.twitch.tv] on Twitch that are marked with “Drops enabled!” from the 29th of October (15:00 GMT) until the 1st of November (09:00 GMT) to get unique Halloween prizes!

Spooky prizes in Twitch Drops:
  • “Witch snail” decal
  • “Snail killer” decal
  • “Scarecrow” decorator (for fleet)
  • “Witch’s Cauldron” Trophy (contains one of three decorators for ground vehicles): “Cannibal Axe”, “Chainsaw” and “Slasher’s Mask”
FAQ Can I get something for War Thunder?
Yes! The more you watch War Thunder streams[www.twitch.tv], the more rewards you’ll be able to earn!

Awesome! What do I need to do to have a chance of getting these rewards?
You just need to link your Gaijin and Twitch accounts:
  1. Register or enter your Twitch account login details at the website[www.twitch.tv].
  2. Enter the login details for the Gaijin account you use to play War Thunder on this page[gss.gaijin.net], then click on the “Link” button.
  3. Click the “Allow” button!
ATTENTION! Check the data of your accounts before linking them. Re-linking is possible a maximum of once every 5 days!

What streams do I need to watch to have a chance of earning rewards?
Watch War Thunder streams marked with “Drops enabled!”.

How can I find out if I have received a drop?

If you get a drop, you will see a message on the Twitch page for the stream in the upper right corner. After claiming your reward, you can find the items in your inventory in game.

ATTENTION! You need to click on the “Claim” button in the Twitch Drops Inventory[www.twitch.tv] before the end of the Twitch Drops campaign — until 09:00 GMT on the 1st of November! You will not be able to get any rewards afterwards!

What platforms are these rewards available for?

Rewards for War Thunder can be obtained on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

I’m a streamer and want to stream War Thunder. How can I enable Drops on my channel?
  1. Link[gss.gaijin.net] your Twitch account to your Gaijin account.
  2. Switch on Drops[static.warthunder.ru] in the Twitch settings.
  3. Play War Thunder, stream on Twitch and make sure that you have selected War Thunder as the stream category on the stream settings page.
over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link

On the All Saints' eve, evil creatures walk the earth and scurry through the sky! Participate in races in the sky and on the ground in the modified M18 and Po-2 and get new Halloween decals!

From 15:00 GMT on the 28th of October until 07:00 GMT on the 1st of November
Decals from the “Dead Man’s Chest”
“Eye Of Fire” decal “Snail from the Hell” decal “Witch snail” decal “Snail killer” decal
The “Dead Man’s Chest” and “Witch’s Cauldron” trophies will be available for purchase in the in-game store to unlock various Halloween decals and decorations.

Ground event: “Armour race on a dark path”
The M18 “Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com] is not only devilishly beautiful, but also a much faster version of the famous tank, perfectly suited for demonic competitions. Achieve 300 rating points in races and get one of the creepy decals from the “Dead Man’s Chest”!

Aircraft event: “Witch Hunt”
A special modification of the Po-2 “Night Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com] is also ideal for racing - the main thing is to arrive at the finish line alive. After all, there's a good chance you won't make the turn and will be left as a smudge on the rocks or get slaughtered by your opponents! Earn 300 rating points to get another unique decal from the “Dead Man’s Chest”. Your rating depends on the position in which you finished the race.

When the air races are over, the top 1,000 pilots will permanently receive the unique Po-2 biplane. The vehicles will be awarded during the 48 hour period after the Halloween event ends.

You can follow your progress by clicking on the “award button” in the “event” tab. But bear in mind, the record table can take up to 15 minutes to update.
over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 1 year ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link

The spOoOoky season is upon us, which means beasts of the night — black cats, bats and killer snails have arrived in War Thunder to celebrate Halloween! Participate in Halloween themed events, get unique decals and decorate your vehicles to get into the holiday spirit.

When: From October 27th (12:00 GMT) until November 1st (7:00 GMT)!

The Dead Man’s Chest and Witch’s Cauldron trophies are once again available to purchase in the in-game store! In them, you’ll be able to get Halloween decals and decorations. Two new decals have arrived too: the “Angry Black Cat” decal and “The Bat” decal!

Decals in the Dead Man’s Chest
“Angry Black Cat” decal “The Bat” decal “Killer Snail” decal “Fiery Eye” decal
Ground event: “Through creepy places” Decals from the Dead Man’s Chest can also be obtained in the M18 “Witch tank”[wiki.warthunder.com] event for 300 rating points! Take a quick ride through creepy places in this creepy vehicle and claim your prize!

Air event: “Witch Hunt” Decals can be earned in the Po-2 “Night Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com] aircraft race as well. Maneuver between rocky cliffs and try to survive: 300 rating points will not earn themselves!

In addition to this, 1,000 pilots with the highest rating in the “Witch Hunt” aircraft racing event will be rewarded with the Po-2 aircraft for the USSR. This reward will be given out 48 hours after the event ends. You can track your rating by clicking on the “Reward” button in the “Events” window. The update time for the leaderboard is around every 15 minutes.

So, get playing and celebrate the spooky season with style in War Thunder!
5 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
5 months ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link

Happy Halloween! The spooky season is upon us, and this year we’ve introduced a variety of activities and pumpkin decal rewards. Take part in tank races through spooky places and aircraft races with “Night Witch” aircraft which are returning this Halloween. New decals have been added to the already familiar decals in the Dead Man’s Chest trophy — including four pumpkins, specially carved for the occasion.

Halloween Activities This Season
When: From October 25th (11:00 GMT) until November 1st (07:00 GMT).

Carved Pumpkin Decals!
Our team of pumpkin carvers have carved these magnificent War Thunder pumpkin decals ready for you to display on your vehicles. Check out the requirements for obtaining each one below!

“Carved Turret Drive Pumpkin” decal “Carved Flame Pumpkin” decal For 300 rating points in the “Through the dark forest” race. For 300 rating points in the “Witch Hunt” races.

“Carved Engine Pumpkin” decal “Carved Crew Pumpkin” decal For playing 3 battles in any vehicle at rank III or higher with an activity of at least 70%. Look out for the code on our for this one! Facebook[www.facebook.com] / X[x.com] / Instagram[www.instagram.com]
Decals in the Dead Man’s Chest The Dead Man’s Chest and Witch’s Cauldron trophies are once again available to purchase in the in-game shop! In them, you’ll be able to get Halloween decorations and decals from previous Halloween events.

Ground event: “Through the dark forest” Take part in fast-paced races through creepy places in the spooky M18 “Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com] tank! Those who earn 300 rating points will receive the unique “Carved Turret Drive Pumpkin” decal.

Air event: “Witch Hunt” Welcome to the dangerous Po-2 “Night Witch”[wiki.warthunder.com] aircraft race! Her path lies between rocks and is full of dangers. If you manage to survive and earn 300 rating points, the “Carved Flame Pumpkin” decal will be added to your collection!

Make sure to earn those rating points, as 1,000 pilots with the highest rating at the end of the air event will be awarded with the Po-2 (USSR)[wiki.warthunder.com] aircraft. This aircraft will be added to your account within 48 hours after the event ends. You can track your rating by clicking on the “Award” button in the “Events” window. The update time of the table can take up to 15 minutes.

Get the other Carved Pumpkin Decals! You can get the “Carved Engine Pumpkin” decal by simply playing 3 battles with any vehicle at rank III or higher with an activity of at least 70% during the event. To get the “Carved Crew Pumpkin” decal, keep an eye on our social media accounts, as we’ll publish the code to get it on there!

Happy Halloween, have fun racing and have a fantastic spooooooky holiday!