over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link


With major update "New Power" we continue to add new Razerback models of the famous P-47 Thunderbolt family. Those of you familiar with the German air tree, will be aware that they have had a premium P-47D bubbletop variant for many years. This model dates back to the days when we only had the later D series in game and not the Razerbacks, which historically is the correct variant for this particular captured premium. With that in mind, the following changes will be made in the next update.

The current premium "✚P-47D" will be removed from sale as a GE premium in the German tree. Anyone who currently owns it, will keep this vehicle.

The new premium "✚P-47D-16 RE" will be introduced to the German tree for everyone to purcahse.

✚P-47D-16 RE - Being introduced in the next update as a new aircraft ✚P-47D - Being removed with the next update. Anyone who owns it keeps it.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We decided not to change the current model as it could be seen as a "downgrade" both in terms of its flight performance and the fact that a Razerback is worse off in sim. So everyone who currently has the aircraft will keep it exactly as is. Those that would like the new one, have the option to purchase it.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Well in that instance, it was really an upgrade, hence why it was fine to replace one with the other. In this case, replacing P-47D with the D-16 RE would be a downgrade in most respects.

For you personally yes, which we understand. However this was the best possible outcome for all owners without causing potential issues with those who would be offended we "downgraded" their purcahse.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There are and these were in the past and we wish to avoid them as far as possible. This is one of those cases where its avoidable.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Please submit a report with your evidence here: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/1957-weapons-and-ordnance/

This isnt the place to report an issue.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The product you paid for (P-47D bubbletop) is exactly the same and will remain so. You loose nothing and nothing is taken away from you. All who have it keep it.

The new P-47 Razerback is an entirely new vehicle.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its very rare we have a vehicle in game that is entirely the wrong model in the sense that correcting it to be historical actually is such a drastic change that it worsens the performance of the vehicle. We ultimately aim to never have to do it in the first place, but generally how have all cases resolved with the XP-38G last patch and now this one this patch. In the case of non-premiums, we can and still will correct them to be entirely historical wherever possible, such as the case with the F6F-3 when it was corrected to the F6F-5. With premiums, we are well within the terms and conditions agreed to by all players to change them in a similar way. However in the case of the XP-38G and German P-47, this option however is best for everyone as no product sold is downgraded and everyone keeps exactly what they paid for.

You could make this argument for every single premium, event vehicle and gift vehicle no longer available in the 8 year history of War Thunder. But thats exactly why we are warning you here and now before it happens rather than just no warning at all

We dont have such a system implemented in game and its not possible to implement one just for this singular case. As such, thats why this is the best solution to the situation.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Indeed there is in the method of obtainment. But we have removed GE premiums from sale before and the P-47 is not an excpetion.

The current method is actually the easiest. Since nobody looses anything and everyone keeps their purcahse just as is.

Its precisely because of some of the feedback of this change that we are doing it this way now.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

And there are also a sizeable chunk of people who purchased this aircraft, not caring for its history and dont wish to see their purcahse downgraded.

Its the same situation as with Panther II and King Tiger 105, they still remain in game for those that have them.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We are not refunding it. The purchased aircraft is not changing in any way and remains exactly as is for those who purchased it.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We have, but we must also consider the large majority of people who purchased this and do not wish to see the aircraft they purchased downgraded. Hence why this is the best option.