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Welcome to the first War Thunder Steam Community Spotlight!

The War Thunder Steam Community Management team has been looking at the community hub for War Thunder and have spotted some really creative posts from our community. We have picked our favourites and thought that we'd share them with the rest of the Steam community. So, do you love amazing, community produced, content? Then take a look below!

Let's begin!

Fighting on the virtual battlegrounds of War Thunder is really fun. However, have you ever wanted one of your favourite vehicles created in such a way so that you can proudly show it off on your table whilst you play the game? That's exactly what the player "Yar man" has done! They have created an amazing looking 1/35 sized T-90SM model. Proudly show that off, Yar Man! Fantastic work.

"t-90SM" by Yar man[steamcommunity.com]

Tank models on your desk are awesome and bring out huge amounts of creativity, but what about creating your very own virtual 3D model from scratch? That's what the player "_Barking_Dogo_" has done! An outstanding recreated model M18, specifically the "Black Cat", with the finished result shown in the game camouflage. This is all shown in the GIF below, from start to finish. We love this!

"M18 "BlackCat" - Step-by-Step Creation" by _Barking_Dogo_[steamcommunity.com] + M18 "BlackCat"[steamcommunity.com]

What's better than re-creating the exact model from in-game? That's exactly what the player "F-DOLL FAL" has done! They've recreated the MiG-21 SPS-K from the German tech tree in the size of 1/72, even with the same identification number. That's awesome work!

"1/72 MIG-21PFM "2202"" by F-DOLL FAL[steamcommunity.com]

The Maus is one of the most interesting and unique vehicles in War Thunder, and the player "Kvasnikov" has recreated it in Lego! Nice work!

"Lego Maus" by Kvasnikov[steamcommunity.com]

Incredible, is what this is! The player FULZY has smartly created the new to the game aircraft BV 155 B-1! This hybrid of screenshot/artwork looks great and we really like it. Nice work!

"BV 155 B-1" by FULZY[steamcommunity.com]

One of the best twin-engine aircraft of the second world war, the Mosquito, is featured here in a artistic style and we really like this. Well done, ༺¸𝖣𝖺𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗂 𝖴𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗁𝖺¸༻!

By "༺¸𝖣𝖺𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗂 𝖴𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗁𝖺¸༻"[steamcommunity.com]

It's not Halloween just yet, but this screenshot certainly gives off Halloween vibes! This awesome and unique looking screenshot by the player "bert" certainty makes us feel spooked. Nice work, bert!

Screenshot by "bert"[steamcommunity.com]

The Chi-Ha and Chi-Nu are great tanks for all players to enjoy. We know that the player 449138878 loves them! They drew this beautiful piece of art, which looks wonderful. Nice work!

Chi-Ha and Chi-Nu by "449138878"[steamcommunity.com]

With the release of our Danger Zone update, we introduced the F-14A! Well, this has probably inspired the player "Aiden Kim" to sketch this amazing looking art of Tom Cruise - Top Gun Maverick! It looks really nice, well done, Aiden Kim!

"TOP GUN" by Aiden Kim[steamcommunity.com]

This Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. F2 model created by Pan Więcek is in its natural habitat! The weathering and other details looks brilliant here, we're a fan.

"Sd. Kfz. 161 Pz. Kpfw. IV Ausf. F2" by Pan Więcek[steamcommunity.com]

Many don't know that the WW2 British Comet was also used by the Finnish forces after the war! This amazing Photoshop drawing by Kamerad_Fritz really shows the harsh winter environment and is really well drawn. Nice!

"Finnish Comet with their crews eating, 1960" by Kamerad_Fritz[steamcommunity.com]

An amazing edited screenshot of the F-14A that was recently added to the game. Really cool!

By DΛRTH LEX XΛRDΛS[steamcommunity.com]

Last but not least, an amazing pencil drawing of the D.520 and BF-109E in a vertical dogfight. This creativity really does make our imagination curious - who won the dogfight, who were the pilots? Nice work on this drawing!

"D.520 and Bf-109E" by Трава у дома[steamcommunity.com]

That's all for now!
The wonderful work created by our community that we have shared has been posted to the War Thunder Community Hub - make sure you check it out and even share your own creations. We look forward to seeing you next time!

Click here to view the Community Hub[steamcommunity.com]

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about 20 hours ago - CyberStonka