almost 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

The Polish Leopard 2PL main battle tank is a new squadron vehicle that will be available after the release of the “Ixwa Strike” update.

Leopard 2PL,MBT, Germany, rank VII


Improved turret protection

Thermal imager

New HE round DM11


Insufficient hull protection


The Leopard 2PL is an ongoing joint project for the modernization of the Leopard 2A4 tanks in service with the Polish army, currently being carried out by

almost 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
almost 4 years ago - TheShaolinMonk - Direct link

The Polish Leopard 2PL main battle tank is a new squadron vehicle that will be available after the release of the “Ixwa Strike” update.

In War Thunder, the Leopard 2PL will become a new squadron vehicle and will appear after release of the “Ixwa Strike” update. The add-on armor modules on the turret significantly improve the tank's resistance to hits from HE and to a lesser extent kinetic projectiles, and the upgraded fire-control system will allow the use of advanced rounds: the new to the game programmable high-explosive fragmentation DM11 projectile and the effective DM33 APFSDS shell.

The Leopard 2PL will be a squadron reward for battles after the release of the War Thunder update "Ixwa Strike". Follow our news for more details!

Check out the full Dev Blog article here![]