over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Im actually away on holiday this week, so dont know the current status of it right at this point.

But I do know this is not actually the reason at all. As far as im aware the technical issues have still not been resolved.

Since my responses and trying to keep you guys in the loop, up to date and informed with the information from development now seem to just generate more and more personal attacks back on myself. I guess there is no reason for me to respond on this matter any further since its clear its just going to be mocked regardless.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I wasn't actually just referring to the posts here, and yes, some have actually been very spesific as to who they target.

I dont think you quite understand. I have been relaying the answers and information on from the developers to you. The same answers your choosing to mock and then take to Reddit fire some more personal shots with.

All of the other community mangers are going to provide you the exact same information because its the answers from the developers directly.

Nobody has actually been abdicating anything. We have been keeping you as up to date as we can. You disagree with the answers, but it doesn't change the facts.

However if that is the case and you are not interested in the answers and more just on the personal side of things. Then there is no need for more answers from us on the matter until there is something to official say via the announcements.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

If you read my post that you quoted, you will see that was specifically referring to the situation at that time, and how at a point with 2 majors in quick succession and multiple events almost back to back, it wasn't a good spot for EC to be present in anyway, regardless of its technical difficulties that are still preventing it anyway. I never said it was the case anytime there was any singular event on, but yes it is always a consideration.

Its once again a case of one of my previous posts referring to one spesific instance then being applied as a blanket statement to everything. Which doesn't work as the situation changes and is not the same.

Once again. I and everyone else fully appropriate frustrations. I have been back and forth with you for some time via PMs, trying to do what I can to answer and chase the matter. But there is only so much we can do and say.

Regardless of the situation or personal frustration, there really isn't a need to suddenly just switch tac and start mocking those that are trying to do what we can, limited though that may be to keep the information flowing and also passing the feedback along.

And im afraid its gone past the point of being just "banter" in some cases. More and more often now. It doesn't help the situation in the slightest and also hardly proves to us that it is a good investment of time to respond to those that just see us practically a worthless piñata.

So if this is the case, then once again, whilst we fully understand the feeling and concern here, if it is just going to devolve to this sort of response then its best we stop answering on the matter too until their is something of proper substance to present via an official announcement in the news section when it does return.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

At no stage during any of this were anyone's pleas ignored. As I explained to you we have been forwarding everyone's feedback on the matter, but that does not mean the solution to the Technical issues suddenly magics itself up suddenly or can be solved faster as a result because people start shouting and getting rowdy at the messengers.

It has been worked on this entire time and is an ongoing effort. Nobody has said otherwise, so im not really sure where that notion came from. When I said "no news", it didnt mean Naval EC suddenly had stopped being an active development. It means there as no detailed update I could give other than that what I have already said and that its still being worked on and still has not been resolved.

The whole point of this was, given we are providing you with all in information we can at the moment on EC as well as forwarding your feedback on, regardless of the frustration on the wait whilst the issues are resolved there just isn't a justification to start getting more and more frustrated with us as it isn't going to speed the fixes up.

On the one hand you are saying if the communication stops on this then its worse, whilst at the same time (not directed just at you here) what we are able to post is just mocked and used against us then there really is no real favorable outcome here until the issues within the mode are fixed and can return and there is sufficient progress to report.

If our posts are just treated as jokes, then its better we dont post on the matter and wait for official announcements when there is more substance to provide.

Believe me none of us are under any illusion that people are not going to to be emotional and disagree with us or something way say. Its perfectly respectable and understandable for these things when it remains a constructive conversation as it shows that someone does at the very least care about the subject matter. Indeed it is my job and my fellow colleagues jobs to man the front lines and keep everyone informed on things. But that does not mean there needs to be a total relinquishment of basic respect in discussions. Particularly when things slip away from disagreement and frustration to actually just personal mockery and deliberately going out of ones way to make a point of trying to create a target (again, not speaking specifically just to you here. Just a broader picture).

Anyways, after all of this. Hopefully we will have some more news to share on the matter soon

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thank you for the feedback

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We are very much aware of that issue and its one thats being targeted among several others

Just a heads up, none of us are obligated to provide answers to anyone who just decides to use us as a punching bag for their frustration, mock our responses or try to start targeted attacks on us (speaking in general here not you). Nobody here is forced to answer anyone or chase anything or help anyone that shows its clearly not appreciated or cared about. We are here to help. Not here to just be a target and waste our time. There are plenty of topics and questions all over and we are not going to spend time answering those who have a history of using it against us when its better used elsewhere to help others who appreciate it.

We are indeed here to help where we can, but respect is a two way street and those that show they have none for us, we are not obligated to provide them with anything at all.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We did already say this:

Now we are just waiting for the issues to be fully resolved. As soon as we have some more info, we will share it.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As we have already explained, since the last session, the devs have been working to resolve the technical issues and bugs that occurred that are now also preventing its return. It was not just a singular matter and sometimes a fix can create a new issue.

When everything is fully resolved, it will return.