about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Just to clarify. There is nothing defective regarding the Harrier GR.1. It functions exactly as it did, doing all the same things it was sold to you doing as advertised. BRs of all vehicles are subject to change and this is always the case for all vehicles premium or not. They have not, nor have they ever been advertised or claimed to be a fixed system. They are a dynamic moving system that moves with the performance of the vehicle. All BRs are subject to change and we always publish those changes within the patch notes whenever we do them as we did today with the Harrier. Nowhere was it ever stated the BR cannot change and you did not pay for a product that was promised or advertised this would not happen. Therefor nothing is defective, breached or wrong. Dynamic Battle Ratings have been a part of the game since Update 1.37 in 2014.

The Harrier is not a defective product, nor did you buy it with any promise or advertisement that its BR would not change.

I would also point to you the legal End User Licence Agreement and Terms of Service for the game. Both of which you agree to have read and understood both when joining the game and when making purchases:

EULA: https://warthunder.com/en/support/eula/

TOS: https://warthunder.com/en/support/termsofuse/

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As I previously explained, we have had dynamic battle ratings since 2014. Nobody was sold anything on the promise or advertisement its BR would not change. The Harrier still does everything it did before.

Secondly, I would strongly suggest you re-read and take EULAs and TOS more seriously. Because its not something you simply skip, click agree and then get to ignore. You agreed to have fully read and understand it. If you had done that, you would better understand that not only is the changing of BRs well within all the described terms, but that anything purchased is entirely subject to change in all regards as agreed in the EULA and TOS.

The Harrier BR was not changed due to "cry-babies". It was changed because there was not only valid player feedback, but clear data and statistical feedback that showed its BR needed to be increased.

There is nothing in breach of any law regarding the Harrier or its BR being changed as all vehicles BRs change. Its part of the games balance. The Harrier itself has not changed.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As with any vehicle. All BRs are subject to change in any direction.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Both modes are taken into account.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not just the German, but also the Italian R/4 received extra loadouts.

Lots of aircraft are good CAS aircraft in GF RB. If we raised the BR of everyone that does well, there would be nothing left. Its also worth taking into account, in Air RB, the situation is much different. So a middle ground must be reached.

The Harrier is extremely potent in Air RB, but also a very strong ground strike aircraft in ground RB too.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There is no "loophole" I or anyone else is trying to argue here. The Harrier itself has not changed. It is not a "defective" product and nothing advertised or sold to you was a lie or incorrect.

I would strongly suggest you cease making baseless legal accusations where there are no grounds for it. BR changes are and always have been a fundamental core part of the game since 2014.

Premium vehicle BRs have changed before and they will continue to change because they are a standard part of the game, well within the EULA, TOS and law.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

People don't typically go to Reddit or the forums to praise a change or make a whole post about how they agree with a change. So this is not a good sample of feedback because you dont see people agreeing with the change to 10.0. Compare that to how many topics there were before the change asking for it to go up.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thats not really the case. Just to check after I saw your comment, jumped into my GR.1. 10.7 game.

2 MiG-21 SMTs downed. One with SRAAMs, one with ADENs.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

So, 10 battles complete in the Harrier GR.1 just to test, here we are:

Total SL after 10 games: + 231,075

Died 6 times, finished 1 critically damaged with 16k repairs.

Game number 10 as that was the most recent:

Battle 1:

Battle 2:

Battle 3:

Battle 4:

Battle 5:

Battle 6:

Battle 7:

Battle 8:

Battle 9:

So rather than loosing -14-17k every game as you claimed, I finished those 10 battles with + 231,075 than when I started. 7/10 where 10.7 games, with 2 x 10.3 and 1 x 10.0.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Just for clarification, we don't decide BRs based on my stats or any one singular player if thats what you are suggesting.

We base BRs on the stats of all players playing that vehicle. So its not just me who is getting games like this, but the vast majority of people playing it in order for its BR to have gone up in the first place.

Im not a great jet pilot myself, the 10 games were simply to prove that its more than capable at 10.0 - 10.7 BR and you do in fact not "constantly loose 14-17k every game" but can in fact make +200k in 10 very average games.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We dont plan to rework the entire matchmaking or create a "unique bracket" just so the GR.1 can have 100% comfortable games. Every vehicle in the game can get uptired in battle. The Harrier GR.1 is no exception and as I showed yesterday, it can do just fine in a 10.7 game.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I dont see what there is to make you laugh. I showed yesterday in 10 games after it was raised to 10.0 BR, 7 of which were 10.7 it made +231,075 SL:

Its doing just fine at 10.0.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Indeed. That was doing pretty average with no boosters, facing the highest opponents this can face, dying several times and two games were I did basically nothing. Still walking away with over 200k SL in the positive.

Showing very clearly even in the hands of not that great of a jet pilot (me), its more than capable of doing well rather than the "loosing 14-17k every battle" claim some were making.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I think you misinterpreted what I said.

I died because I messed up. Positioned myself poorly and paid the price by bad flying when I died and got no kills. That was also the minority (2 games). Im not the greatest of jet players and was still able to enjoy all those games regardless of the BR and if I died or not. The point was, even in the hands of an average or below jet pilot (me), its still more than a great aircraft at 10.0.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

When its possible to do so, we always expand the BRs. However we only just recently went to 10.7 and higher than that is not possible at the moment.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

"Just do it" is very easy to say completely overlooking the negative impacts of expanding BRs too quickly has on the matchmaker. When its not your risk to take, you overlook the side effects of the change and what impact that has on the game.

The Harrier is performing fine at 10.0 and more than competitive still.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its nothing to do with myself. For the BR to have gone up to 10.0, it means that the majority of people playing it were doing just as well as me.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This is not how BRs work.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We do have the data actually. Because thats exactly how we monitor vehicles and change their BRs accordingly. For a vehicle to get an increased BR, it means it had to have been performing above everything else at its old BR. Which the Harrier very clearly was. So far its showing as fine at 10.0 also.

Dynamic BRs have been part of the game since update 1.37 in 2014. Nobody was sold this vehicle on the promise or advertisement that its BR cannot change. Any believe or perception of that was entirely self created.