over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - CyberStonka - Direct link

For the whole month you will have 8 tasks available to you one by one. Completion of each task will bring you a trophy with a reward and completion of all of them will bring a unique in-game player icon.
A detailed description of the task for current game and your overall progress can be found by clicking on your nickname → Achievements → Pages of History
Reward for completing all 8 tasks
Special profile icon of John Lavarack Lieutenant General Sir John Dudley Lavarak was a veteran of two World Wars and governor of the state of Queensland. During World War II, he commanded Australian units in North Africa against Rommel's army.

You may immediately purchase the icon profile for Golden Eagles until May 3rd,11:30 GMT without completing tasks. Click Nickname → Achievements → Pages of History (April)
Trophy with a reward for each task Completion of each individual task will bring you a trophy with one of the following rewards:
  • 20-50% RP booster for 3-10 battles
  • 20-50% SL booster for 3-10 battles
  • 3-5 universal backup vehicles
  • 1 day premium account
  • Random camouflage for ground vehicles from among those available to obtain in the game through achievements or purchase for Golden Eagles.
April 1st — April 4th Operation Iceberg
The capture of Okinawa began on April 1st, 1945, with the capture of the Kerama Islands to secure US Naval operations in the area, and the landing of US Marines on the western part of Okinawa.

April 5th — April 8th Operation Flax
Operation Flax was initiated in April, 1943 to blockade air traffic between Tunisia and Sicily as part of the North African campaign. US fighters conducted an intensive hunt for German transport and bomber aircraft in the air, while Axis airfields both in Italy and Africa were bombed in numerous bomber raids.

April 8th — April 11th Operation Grapeshot
The Italian campaign must be completed! Having gathered forces and carefully calculated the strike, the Allies began an operation to destroy the German forces in northern Italy. On April 9th, 1945, British and Polish troops, supported by aviation, began an offensive against the enemy.

April 11th — April 14th Siege of Tobruk
Tobruk is the key to the advance of German troops on the African continent. That is why the Fuhrer entrusted the assault on the city to one of his best generals, the "Desert Fox" Erwin Rommel. The city's garrison of retreating Australian infantry bravely fought back the onslaught from the armoured corps, forcing the Germans into a long siege. One of the brightest and most dramatic battles in the North African campaign had begun!

April 15th — April 18th Battle of Berlin
The Red Army had travelled an incredible distance in preparation for this day. From the threat of imminent defeat near Moscow, having defended Stalingrad, having survived near Kursk, having liberated Ukraine and Belarus, they marched across half of Europe to finally come here. Berlin is ahead - the last and most important battle of this war.

April 18th — April 21st Stettin-Rostock operation
German troops in northern Germany found themselves between the hammer and the anvil. Soviet battalions are crossing Oder in the East, British troops advancing from the West of the country to the North. The Baltic coast might be a last hope for besieged Berlin, but only if the Germans manage to keep the area clear from the enemy.

April 22nd — April 25th Allied landings on New Guinea
In the fight against the stubborn Japanese defence of eastern New Guinea, American forces could get bogged down for an extended period, losing time and initiative. After the destruction of the Japanese aviation group defending the island, the Americans undertook a daring landing operation. Deep behind enemy lines, in the area of ​​the towns of Holland and Aitape, a significant number of troops led by General MacArthur landed to swiftly cut off the main forces of the Japanese from supply.

April 25th — April 28th Elbe day
We are so different, but how similar we are! Troops of the Soviet 1st Ukrainian Front met infantrymen of the 1st US Army near the beautiful Elbe river. A handshake between Russian and American soldiers closed the encirclement of Germany.

You may immediately purchase the icon profile for Golden Eagles until May 3rd,11:30 GMT without completing tasks. Click Nickname → Achievements → Pages of History (April)

Other terms
  • Tasks are available from 11:00 GMT until 11:30 GMT on the final day of each task.
  • Tasks can be completed in random battles, except for “Assault” mode.
over 1 year ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link

For the whole month, you will have 8 tasks available to you one by one. Completion of each task will award you with a trophy containing a reward, while completing all tasks will award you with a unique in-game player icon.
A detailed description of the current task as well as your overall progress can be found by clicking on your nickname → Achievements → Pages of History

Reward for completing all 8 tasks
Gerard Roope During World War II Gerard Roope, commander of HMS Glowworm, was the first to perform a heroic deed deserving of a Victoria Cross, the highest military award of the British forces. On April 8th, 1940, near the coast of Norway Glowworm found itself outgunned against the German heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper. Heavily damaged Glowworm rammed the enemy ship, piercing her hull, and fired a last shot before capsizing. Gerard Roope perished helping the crew escape the sinking ship. Hellmuth Heye, commander of the Admiral Hipper, was so impressed by Roope's actions that he wrote a letter to the British authorities recommending him for an award.

You can immediately purchase the profile icon for Golden Eagles until May 3rd, 11:30 GMT without completing tasks. Click Nickname → Achievements → Pages of History (April).

Trophy reward for each task Completion of each individual task will bring you a trophy with one of the following rewards:
  • 20-50% RP booster for 3-10 battles;
  • 20-50% SL booster for 3-10 battles;
  • 3-5 universal backup vehicles;
  • 1 day of premium account;
  • A random camouflage for ground vehicles (out of the selection of camouflages currently obtainable in game for completing tasks, or purchasing with Golden Eagles).
Other terms
  • Tasks are available from 11:00 GMT until 11:30 GMT on the final day of each task.
  • Tasks can be completed in random battles, except for “Assault” mode.

April 1st — April 4th Operation Iceberg On April 1st, 1945 an operation to capture the island of Okinawa by US forces began. The battle lasted for almost three months and took the lives of over 200,000 Japanese soldiers and Okinawa’s citizens. Controlling Okinawa gave the US a military base and airfields that could be used for the potential full scale invasion of the main territory of Japan.

April 5th — April 8th Battle of Königsberg Königsberg, the key German stronghold in East Prussia, was stormed by Soviet forces from April 6th through to the th9, 1945. The Red Army was well-prepared: the soldiers learned the tactics of urban combat beforehand, and to prepare for the assault, German defenses were attacked by artillery and aircraft. As a result, the USSR suffered far fewer losses than the Third Reich, and the operation was completed swiftly and effectively.

April 9th — April 12th Operation Weserübung On April 9th, 1940, Germany began operation Weserübung (Weser Exercise) to quickly gain control over Denmark and Norway. Denmark didn’t put up much of a resistance, and its capture took only six hours, making it the shortest military operation of WWII. Norway resisted with the help of Poland, France, and Great Britain, but on May 10th the Battle of France began, and the support of Norway quickly dried up. On June 10th the Norwegian government fled to London, and the country fell under German control.

April 13th — April 16th Graz-Amstetten Operation After capturing Vienna, the Soviet Army continued to rout the Wehrmacht across Austria and northern Yugoslavia. Graz-Amstetten offensive operation was the last one in this region: it began on April 15th, 1945, by countering a strong counteroffensive by the German forces that lasted for two weeks, and continued until the end of the war on May 9th, with some garrisons and units fighting even after the surrender of Germany.

April 17th — April 20th Battle for Hamburg By mid April of 1945 Hamburg remained the last stronghold of the Wehrmacht’s resistance in northern Germany. On April 18th British forces started advancing towards the city, entering Hamburg proper near the end of the month, when Germany was already negotiating its surrender. The city’s capture was relatively bloodless, but by that time Hamburg was already devastated by bombings.

April 20th — April 23rd Operation Vulcan On April 22nd, 1943 the Allies began operation Vulcan aiming to crush the last Axis defenses in northern Tunisia. The battle proved difficult due to Axis forces being well-prepared, with German paratroopers performing an unexpected counterattack. Still, in two weeks, by May 7th, Allies captured Tunis, and the victory was at hand.

April 24th — April 27th Elbe Day On April 25th, 1945, two allied armies, from east and west, met on the banks of Elbe. First two American patrols that crossed the river greeted the Soviet soldiers, and on the next day two lieutenants, William Robertson and Alexander Silvashko, took the famous “East Meets West” photo in Torgau.

April 27th— April 30th Cambodian invasion A coup d’etat happened in Cambodia in 1970. General Lon Nol after coming to power demanded Viet Cong to leave his county, but instead they, along with Khmer Rouge, the local resistance group, took up arms against the Cambodian army. On April 29th, 1970, the US forces entered Cambodia to support Lon Nol. The operation lasted for three months and was tactically successful: North Vietnamese forces took heavy losses and had to postpone their invasion of South Vietnam. Still, war in Cambodia led to growing support for the Khmer Rouge, who took over the country in a few years.
over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.