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The Merkava Mk.4B is the latest and most advanced variant of the famous Israeli main battle tank, entering production in the early 2000s. Soon, both the Merkava Mk.4B as well as the upgraded Mk.4M version will be arriving to War Thunder as the top vehicles of the upcoming Israeli ground forces tree awaiting tankers in the next major update “Wind of Change''!
Briefly: The most advanced iteration of the Merkava MBT, featuring a novel active protection system, capable of intercepting certain incoming projectiles.
Merkava Mk.4M, main battle tank, Israel, rank VII Features:
- Strengthened armor
- Improved mobility
- Powerful 120mm cannon
Veteran tankers in War Thunder are well familiarized with the Merkava series of MBTs as they are a common appearance in high ranked battles. Known for their exceptional survivability and respectable offensive capabilities, the new Merkava Mk.4B continues building upon these basic design principles established with the very first vehicle of the series. As a result, the Merkava Mk.4B inherits its predecessor's MG253 120mm smoothbore cannon along with access to highly potent kinetic and chemical ammunition choices. Furthermore, the vehicle also retains its signature comprehensive machine gun arsenal as found on previous models, albeit reduced by turret-mounted one rifle-caliber MG.
While the Merkava Mk.4B retains its lethal firepower, the changes it received to its protection are far more significant. For starters, the vehicle retains the strong modular composite armor found on the Merkava Mk.3D. However, the shape has been optimized to increase its effectiveness even further. As a result, the turret of the Merkava has become more rounded, particularly at the front section, thus virtually eliminating certain weak points found on previous variants.
Furthermore, the Merkava Mk.4M is equipped with the novel ‘Trophy’ active protection system with so-called ‘hard-kill’ ability. This means that the system is able to detect slow incoming projectiles, such as missiles, and launch a tight spread of small projectiles in its direction in an effort to destroy the incoming threat before it makes contact with the vehicle.
As the changes implemented on the Merkava Mk.4B also increased its mass once again, engineers fitted the vehicle with a more powerful 1,500 horsepower diesel engine, bringing it roughly on par with most other nations’ MBTs found in the game. As a result, not only does the Merkava Mk.4B compensate for its increased mass, but it’s also able to attain a higher top speed, going up to 64 km/h on paved roads.
The Merkava Mk.4B and Mk.4M will await all tankers at the top rank of the upcoming Israeli ground forces tree, arriving to War Thunder as part of the next major update “Wind of Change''. In the meantime, keep a weather eye on the news as we continue showcasing more exciting new additions and features awaiting you in the upcoming update. Until then, happy hunting tankers!