14 days
ago -
Direct link
RP Bonus is active on all accounts that fulfifl the requirements (you can read more on this in our article here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/236390/announcements/detail/4659626075698832939
Also, please be sure to double check your post-battle screen. There is an info there, with number of bonus RP you get.
If you still have an issue, please provide screens with info on how many bonus battle left and with post-battle table.
RP Bonus is active on all accounts that fulfifl the requirements (you can read more on this in our article here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/236390/announcements/detail/4659626075698832939
Also, please be sure to double check your post-battle screen. There is an info there, with number of bonus RP you get.
If you still have an issue, please provide screens with info on how many bonus battle left and with post-battle table.