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Welcome to preliminary update notes for War Thunder "Drone Age" Update.

Please note all specifications and dev server details are

subject to change and NOT FINAL

Known Bugs:

New vehicles in the “Drone Age” update may have inaccuracies in characteristics, armour and weaponry settings.

The armour model for new ground vehicles in update “Drone Age” is “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.

Some new aircraft lack c*ckpits.

Some ground vehicles lack a visible crew.

There may be a lack of localization for some equipment.

No sound played on some events.

Some aircraft may have inaccuracies in the Damage Model, missing fuel, oil and water leaks, armour materials.

Non-final models and textures of pylons and weaponry blocks on new aircraft models.

Jaguar GR.1A — The sighting camera of the suspended container is not operational.

Engine fire extinguisher activation control may not be assigned by default during opendev.

New visual effect of the smoke screen in the current version is larger in size and more costly in performance than the old one. We are working on optimising and sizing the effect so that in the final version there will be no differences in performance and size compared to the old version.

New vehicles





Su-25K (pack)


Fiat G.91 Y


S.O.4050 Vautour IIN

Mirage 2000C S5

Ground vehicles




VK3002 (M)



Т-60 (updated model)




Type 16 (P)


AFT-9 (HJ-9)


VRCC Centauro




Pbv 302 (BILL)

Leopard 1A5NO

CV 90105 XC-8 - Model replacement for the formerly designated CV90105 TML unit.


Magach 3

Magach 5

Magach 6R

Magach 6M

Magach 6C

Merkava 3C



SA.342L Gazelle




Naval Fleet


Alaska-class, USS Alaska, 1944

Cyclone-class, USS Cyclone (PC-1)


KM-5 (premium)

Pillau-class, SMS Elbing, 1915


Pr.56-PLO, Blagorodnyy, 1978 (premium)

Pr.68-А, Michail Kutuzov, 1986


Attack-class, HMAS Arrow


Hatsuharu-class, IJN Hatsuharu, 1933


Navigatori-class, RN Giovanni da Verrazzano, 1940

Andrea Doria-class, RN Andrea Doria, 1930

New locations and missions (not available now)

Two new missions for the helicopter PvE on the locations Bourbon Island and Southeastern City have been added.

New naval-aircraft location “Golden Bay” has been added.

New location “Pradesh” for combined battles has been added.

Location and mission updates

The areas of accessible game zones in some locations have been changed, also unnatural obstacles on locations edges have been removed as well (it is not possible to go beyond locations limits and visually maps have become more authentic). List of locations: Breslau, Ash River, Jungle, Karelia, Kuban, Port Novorossiysk, Advance to the Rhine, Stalingrad.

Non-physical hulks of the vehicles have been removed from some locations for ground vehicles (they can not be pushed, hooked with a tow cable and can not be shot). List of the locations: Berlin, Advance to the Rhine.

Enduring Confrontation:

In Helicopter PvE, pads for takeoff/landing (Landing and capture the point task) have been replaced by single, smaller landing pads. It will now be harder to land on them.

Air defence effectiveness has been re-adjusted due to the detection of a number of bugs. The effectiveness isn’t final and may be changed based on the statistical results.

A large number of minor bugs in the “Enduring Confrontation” mode has been fixed. That should increase the stability of the game and reduce the number of issues, We are aware of some still unsolved bugs in the mission logic of this game mode and are working on finding and fixing them.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Light tanks of rank VI-VII now have a UAV module that allows them to order a fly out of the reconnaissance UAV in the battle. UAVs of light tanks of rank VII have a thermal imaging camera.

45mm BR-240, BP-240SP, BR-240P, O-243 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 45-мм противотанковой пушки обр. 1942г. Основные таблицы стрельбы и краткие таблицы стрельбы на море 45-мм универсальной пушки 46 клб. длиной.

57mm O-271, BR-271, BR-271SP, BR-271K, BR-271N, BR-271P - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Sources: Краткие таблицы стрельбы 57-мм противотанковой пушки обр. 1943 г. Таблицы стрельбы 57-мм противотанковой пушки обр. 1943 г.

76.2mm BP-353A - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 5.3 to 3.94kg and the explosive mass weight has been changed from 623 to 480g. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии.

76.2mm Sh-354T - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 6.22 to 6.44kg. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии.

76.2mm OF-350M, D-350A - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been reduced. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г.

76.2mm BR-350SP - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 6.78 to 6.5kg. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии.

76.2mm BR-350B - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 6.3 to 6.5kg. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм. орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии

76.2mm BR-354P - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г.

85mm O-365K - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Explosive mass weight has been changed from 660 to 741g. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 85-мм пушки Д-44. Пятое издание.

85mm BR-365A,
BR-367, BR-367P - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 85-мм пушки Д-44. Пятое издание.

122mm D-462A, OF-462, BP-460 - The external ballistics of the have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 122-мм гаубицы обр. 1938 г.

122mm OF-471 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 122-мм танковой пушки обр. 1943 г.

130mm BR-282B - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 33.3 to 33.4kg and the explosive mass weight has been changed from 115 to 125g. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 130-мм пушки М-46

130mm OF-282M - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 33.7 to 33.4kg and the explosive mass weight has been changed from 2.645 to 3.64kg. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 130-мм пушки М-46

152mm OF-540, BR-540, BP-540 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 152-мм пушки-гаубицы д-20

The external ballistics of the 105mm and 120mm HESH shells and 12.7 machine gun primer rounds have been clarified. Crossing of trajectories at 1,000m is ensured (Report).

The external ballistics of the 106mm HESH shell for the M40 recoilless gun and 12.7 machine gun primer rounds have been clarified. Crossing of trajectories at 1,000m is ensured (Report).

13.2mm Hotchkiss Mle 1930 - The type of the AP rounds has been changed from AP-I and API-T to AP and AP-T. The external ballistics have been clarified. Armour penetration of the rounds has been transferred to the calculation according to the Jacod De Marre formula. Source.

37mm М1A2 cannon - The external ballistics of the shells have been clarified. Source: Terminal ballistics data, volume III, bombs, artillery, mortar fire & rockets

183mm Shell L1 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Firing trials against Conqueror tanks with additional ballistic protection. Part 1. The use of large squash-head rounds. FVRDE, 1956.

20mm slsgr m/42 - The type of the explosive mass in the shell have been changed from TNT to PETN. Source: Amregister, 1960

75mm APDS slpprj m/49 - Shell mass in flight has been changed from 3.7 to 2.6kg. Source

105mm M156 - Shell mass has been changed from 14.85 to 11.4kg and weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 2.99 to 2.2kg. Source

105mm M111 - Shell mass has been changed from 3.79 to 4.2kg. Source: Ammunitionskatalog, Data och bilder. FMV 1994

105mm M426 - Shell mass has been changed from 4.3 to 4.4kg. Source: Ammunitionskatalog, Data och bilder. FMV 1994

163мм SS.11 - Speed in trajectory has been fixed. Self-destruction time has been changed from 20 to 21sec. Weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 3.47 to 1.53kg. Source

9P149 - A bug with discrepancy between reload time and fire rate in the card has been fixed (Report).

9P149 - A bug with missing point marker on launcher from the 3rd person view has been fixed (Report).

RakJPz (HOT) - A bug with missing point marker on launcher from the 3rd person view has been fixed (Report).

FlaRakPz I - SAM Roland-1 has been replaced by Roland 2

Fixed a bug that allowed destroyed IR illuminators to keep working. The ability to repair IR illuminators has been added (Report).

AMX-13 DCA 40 - The number of crew members has been changed from 4 to 5. Source.

AMX-13 DCA 40 - Weight has been changed from 15,500 to 14,500 kg. Source.

CCKW 353 AA - Amount of crew members has been changed from 3 to 6. Source.

Strf 9040 (BILL) - Amount of crew members has been changed from 3 to 4. Source.

Zrinyi I - Smoke grenade launcher modification has been added.

AMX-50 (TOA100) - Designation has been clarified. Mass has been changed from 53,700 to 48,400 kg. Source.

M3A1 all - Mass has been changed from 12,600 to 12,900. Source.

ZTZ99A - Transmission performance has been revisited to fix the issues with turning on neutral gear especially without installed modifications that affect mobility.

M1 Abrams all - A problem with the difference in the turning speed on neutral gear on hard and soft surfaces which was observed only with these vehicles has been fixed.

Type 63-I - Fire rate of the cannon has been changed from 7 to 8,5 shots per minute. Source.

Type 63-I - Values of gear rations of the gearbox have been specified. Engine RPM has been changed from 2100 to 2000. Source.

Type 59, Type 59A - Vertical guidance angles have been changed from -4/+17 to -5/+18. Source.

Type 69 - Vertical guidance angles have been changed from -4/+17 to -5/+18. Source.

Type 62 - Transmission parameters have been corrected. Maximum speed has been changed from 70 to 59.7 km/h. RPM has been changed from 2,000 to 1,800. Source.

AGS - Weight has been changed from 22,200 to 19,050 kg. Source.

AC1 - Maximum speed has been changed from 41.8 to 45 km/h. Source.

ELC bis - Values of gear rations of the gearbox have been specified. Vehicle dynamics has been improved. Source.

Char 25T - Designation of the cannon has been corrected. New designation is D.911 APX. Source.

AMX M4 - Values of gear rations of the gearbox have been specified. Vehicle dynamics has been improved. Source.

AMD35 - Weight has been changed from 8,500 to 8,200 kg. Source.

Type 87 AA - Night vision device has been added for the gunner. Source: 制式要綱 87式自走高射機関砲 D8008

Type 93 - Crew member models have been replaced. The modern uniforms of Japanese ground vehicle crews will be used now.

UDES33, Pvrbv 551, Lvrbv 701, ItO 90M (Sweden) - Crew member models have been replaced. The modern uniforms of Swedish ground vehicle crews will be used now.

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Custom weapons setups are now available for the following aircraft: A-129 (all versions), AH-1 (all versions), AH-64 (all versions), AH-Mk.1 Apache, YAH-64, EC-665 Tiger (all versions), A-7D, A-7E, F-5 (all versions), F-104C, F-104G, F-104J, F-104S,
F-8E, F8U-2,
Jaguar (
all versions
G.91 YS, Mirage (
all versions
Kfir C7, Nesher, Saab AJ37, Saab JA37C,
Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-28 (all versions), Su-17M2, Su-22M3.

Aircraft with the HUD camera for guiding missiles with the laser seeker now able to switch to this camera when the missiles are depleted.

If the weapon selector is used, the secondary weapon is no longer automatically switched to the next type when the last weapon of the selected type is launched. A player has to switch weapons manually. This prevents accidental launches.

Game option “Seeker automatic stabilisation” was added. If the option is disabled, seeker stabilisation of the weapon with optical guidance is enabled and disabled manually in the same way it is done for targeting optics and TGP. If the option is enabled, seeker behaviour remains the same: automatic activation of automatic seeker stabilisation after switch to seeker camera and deactivation after exit.


Mi-28N, Mi-28NM, Ka-52, Ka-50 — shell order in the belts has been changed; ‘Armoured targets’ belt has been added, containing only AP sub-caliber rounds, since their ballistic range differs from other types of ammo.

MiG-19PT — shell order in the belts has been changed. Tracer has been removed from the AP rounds; in the standard belt, AP rounds changed to AP-T; ground targets belt now contains AP and AP-T rounds; in the air targets belt AP round has been changed to AP-T.

Aircraft armed with the
NR-30 gun
(Su-7/Su-17/Su-22/MiG-19S/MiG-21 F-13) — tracer has been removed from the AP rounds; in the standard belt HE-IT round has been changed to AP-T; HE-I round has been added to the armoured target belt; in the air targets belt additional HE-IT round has been added, AP-T changed to AP.

GSh-30-2K gun (Mi-24P) — additional AP round has been added to the ‘Ground targets’ belt.

30mm DEFA 553 cannon — rate of fire has been corrected from 1,300 to 1,200 rounds per minute.

30mm GAU-8/A, GAU-13/A cannons — type of the armor piercing rounds has been changed from AP to APCR, weight of the rounds has been adjusted.

37mm М4, M9, M10 cannons — velocity loss of the shells on the trajectory has been adjusted. Source: “Terminal ballistics data, volume III, bombs, artillery, mortar fire & rockets”.

163mm SS.11 missile — cruising speed has been fixed; self-destruct time increased from 20 to 21 sec.; explosive weight reduced from 3.47 to 1.53 kg Source

50mm BK 5 cannon — rate of fire has been corrected from 40 to 50 rounds per minute.

120kg m/61 bomb — explosives type has been changed to Compound B, in accordance with “Taktiska anvisningar för attackförband TAA 61, 1961”.

A-7D — “AIM-9E” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

AH-1F (USA) and AH-1F (Israel) — М18A1 gun pod has been revoked (Source: “ТМ 1-1520-236-10 Technical manual. Operators manual for army model AH-1F attack helicopter”).

A-129 CBT — AIM-92 and Mistral missiles now could be suspended to the pylons close to the hull.

EC-665 Tiger HAP and HAD– SAP-I round of the GIAT M781 gun has been changed to semi-AP high explosive incendiary round (SAPHEI).

EC-665 Tiger HAD — AGM-64B Hellfire missile has been changed to AGM-64K Hellfire II.

Etendard IVM — a bug has been fixed due to which the AS-20 missile was missing in the weapon menu.

F4U-1C — HVAR rockets have been added.

F4D-1 —
ammo capacity has been increased from 260 to 280 rounds.

F-5A — “AIM-9E” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded. “Chaff/Flares” modification moved to Tier I; modification “Offensive 20mm” moved to Tier II.

F-5A (China) — “AIM-9P” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded. “Chaff/Flares” modification moved to Tier I. Zuni Mk.32 rockets have been added to the weapon menu, as well as the corresponding modification.

F-5С —
modification has been revoked. “Chaff/Flares” modification moved to Tier I; modification.“Offensive 20mm” moved to Tier II, “New 20mm cannons” - to Tier IV.

F-5E —
“AIM-9E” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

F-8E — LAU-10A rocket pods have been added with corresponding modification to unlock them. The max number of the Mk.81 bombs has been increased from 8 to 12; Mk.83 bombs — from 2 to 4 in total. Modification “Offensive 20mm” moved to Tier II.

F-104G (Germany) — AS-30 missiles have been added.

F-4 EJ / EJ Kai — the display of the upgraded specifications of the GAU-4 gun after researching the modiciation “New 20mm guns” has been fixed.

F-4E Phantom II (Israel) — visually missed pylons of the AIM-9G missiles have been fixed. Missing AIM-7E-2 (DF) missiles have been restored.

Firestreak, Redtop — explosives type has been changed from TNT to RDX/TNT (report)

Jaguar GR.1A — “AIM-9G” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded. Modification “GR.1B TIALD” has been moved to Tier III. and requires “Flares/Chaff” modification to be researched first. Chaff (dipoles) container has been added.

Jaguar GR.1 — Chaff (dipoles) container has been added, with the corresponding modification to unlock it.

Jaguar A — Chaff (dipoles) container has been added.

Kfir C.2 — the number of the preset ‘combined’ weapon setups in the weapon menu has been reduced.

G.91 YS — Zuni Mk.32 Mod 0 ATAP rockets have been added.

Mirage IIIC / IIIE — LR-F1 rocket pod has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

Mirage IIICJ — ‘Shafrir 2’ and ‘Matra R530’ modifications have been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

Mirage 5F — Matra JL-100 36 rocket pods have been added, as well as the corresponding modification to unlock them.

Mirage F1 CT — pilot’s night vision device has been added, as well as the corresponding modification to unlock it.

Mystere IVA — modification to unlock 400 kg bombs has been added.

N1K2-J / Ja — 2х250kg bomb setup has been removed. Source: “Specification and performance of service aeroplanes of the I.J.N , Maru Mechanic 43”.

Nesher — ‘Shafrir 2’ and ‘AIM-9D’ modifications have been removed,RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

UH-1 (all versions) — the pivot angles of the XM21 system with M134 machine guns have been corrected. Source: “FM101-20 — 1973 — United States Army Aviation Planning Manual”.

Wellington Mk.III, Wellington Mk.X, Stirling B.Mk.I, Stirling B.Mk.III — ammo capacity of the tail turrets has been increased from 1,000 to 2,500 rounds. Source: “British Aircraft Armament Volume 1 RAF Gun Turrets from 1914 to the Present Day”.

UH-1B, UH-1C, UH-1C XM-30 — М129 grenade launcher has been changed to the М75. Sources: “TM 43-0001-28 1977” and “FM 101-20”.

Z-19E — Type-90-1 rockets have been changed to FS70 with an increased armour piercing capabilities of up to 290mm. The ammo capacity of the W99 machine gun pods have been increased from 500 to 640 each.

Type 23-2K cannon — rate of fire has been changed to 1.150 rounds per minute, muzzle velocity has been increased to the 705 m/sec. Source: “National Gun/Cannon Manual (Specification Part)”.


A-129CBT — modification “New 20mm cannons” has been moved to Tier III.

F8F1, F8F-1B — separate HVAR rocket fire has been removed. Source: “AN 01-85FD-1 Pilot’s Handbook for Navy Models F8F-1 B/N” and “F8F-2 N/P Aircraft”.

F-14A Early — modification “New 20mm cannons” has been moved to Tier III.

He 177 A-5 - pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed.

Ki-67-I Ko / Ki-67- I-otsu — pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed, Ammo capacity of the upper turret has been changed from 500 to 700 rounds. Source: “Japanese aircraft: performance & characteristics, TAIC manual no.1. OPNAV-16-V No. T126, March 1945, technical air intelligence centre summary No. 26, Peggy I”.

Ki-109 — pivot angles of the turret have been fixed.

Lincoln B.Mk.II — pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed. Source: “British Aircraft Armament Volume 1 RAF Gun Turrets from 1914 to the Present Day”.

Lynx AH.Mk.1, G-Lynx — a bug has been fixed due to which there were missing pylons for the ATAS missiles (report), modification “Offensive 20 mm” and “New 20mm cannons” have been moved from Tiers II and IV to I and III, respectively.

Mirage IIIC / IIIE — “Matra R530” modification has been removed. Spent RP or GE will be refunded. Modification Matra R530E has been moved to the Tier II. Lau 32 rocket pods have been added, as well as the corresponding modification to unlock it.

Mirage F1CT — incorrect bomb icons in the weapon menu have been fixed.

Re.2001 CB, Re.2002 Early — The order of researching bombs has been fixed.

Saab AJ37, Saab JA37C — a bug has been fixed due to which wing parts remained in the air when the wings were detached.

Shackleton Mr.Mk.2 —
a bug has been fixed due to which all turret guns in the xray mode were designated as ‘offensive’ (report

Sea Venom FAW 20 —
G-Suit has been removed from the modification’s list. Source: “Pilot's Notes for Sea Venom F.A.W. 20 (2nd Edition, October 1957) by Royal Navy”. RP and GE spent on the modification will be refunded.

Stirling B.Mk.I / Mk.II — pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed. A bug has been fixed which prevented the elevator split in the xray mode.

Ka-52 — “Offensive 30 mm” modification has been moved to Tier II.

Mi-24V — modification “New 12mm MGs” has been moved to Tier II, modification “UPK-23-250 pod” moved to Tier II.

Mi-24P (all versions) — modification “New 30mm cannons” has been moved to Tier II, modification “UPK-23-250 pod” moved to Tier II.

Mi-35 — modification “New 23mm cannons” has been moved to Tier II, modification “UPK-23-250 pod” moved to Tier II.

MiG-19PT —
30mm belt of the NR-30 gun now has ‘early’ round order.

MiG-21SMT, MiG-21bis-SAU, MiG-21MF — a bug has been fixed which prevented speedbrake extension while Flares/Chaff pod installed.

Su-6(АM-42) —
the armour of the radiators has been reduced from 6 to 4 mm, in accordance with blueprints.

Su-17M2 — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up.

Su-17М4 — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up.

Su-22М3 — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up. Modification “New 30mm cannons” has been moved to Tier III, modifications ‘SPPU-22-01 pod’ and ‘R-60’ moved to Tier II

Su-22UM3K — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up. Modification ‘R-60’ moved to Tier II.

Fire extinguishers, as well as corresponding modification to unlock them, have been added for the following aircraft:
MiG-23 (all versions), Su-22 (all versions), Su-17 (all versions), Su-7 (all versions), Q-5 all versions), A-5C, J-7 (all versions), MiG-21 (all versions), MiG-19 (all versions), Як-38 (all versions), А-10 (all versions), Harrier (all versions), AV-8 (all versions), F-14A Early, P-61 (all versions), A-26 (all versions), Tu-4, B-29, B-17 (all versions), PB4Y (all versions), PBJ (all versions), B-24 (all versions), B-26 (all versions), B-25 (all versions), EC-665 Tiger A-129 (all versions), A-109, AB-205, Lynx (all versions), YAH-64, AH-64 (all versions), AH-Mk1, AH-1 (all versions), UH-1 (all versions), Ka-29, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-24 (all versions), Mi-35, Mi-28 (all versions).

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

USS Douglas — The system of replenishing missiles after they have been expended has been changed. Now missiles will be replenished only when they are fully expended. The ability to detonate them from damage to or destruction of the launchers has been added.

PG-02 — Air target detection radar has been removed.

PT-15 — Mk.16 torpedo has been replaced by Type 72 mod. 1.

Prinz Eugen - Amount of spare torpedoes has been increased to 26.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

The artillery strike of the coastal fleet has been improved:

Damage area has been increased by 30%.

Time of shells falling has been reduced by half.

Number of shells in a salvo has been increased to 25 shells.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

Armour belts and vertical armour of heavy cruisers are divided into destructible armour plates. Belt armour plates and inner vertical longitudinal armour can be destroyed by kinetic and high-explosive damage. For example to destroy an armour plate it would take 2-4 direct hits with 150mm AP shell. The lower the kinetic energy of the shell, the less damage it can do to the armour plate. Shells of calibre less than 100mm don’t damage the armour plate. Once destroyed, the armour plate is considered destroyed and lets a shockwave and some shrapnel pass through and it can also let an AP shell through without losing much of its penetrating power.

USS Arizona, IJN Tone, Admiral Hipper, Prinz Eugen — The size and location of the fuel tanks have been adjusted.

IJN Mogami, IJN Suzuya, IJN Mikuma — The armour in the area of the stern traverse has been corrected.

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

HMS Leopard — The guidance animation of the aft fire-control tower has been corrected.

USS Baltimore — The position of seaplanes on catapults has been corrected.

Fairmile C 312, 332 — Texture of the 40mm cannon and bridge in the X-Ray view has been fixed.

IJN Hyuga — Unnecessary bridge elements in the X-Ray view have been removed.

USS Fletcher, Bennion, Cowell — Displaying of the main calibre elevators in the X-Ray view has been corrected.


USS Helena — The type of the catapult aircraft has been changed from OS2U-1 to SOC.

USS Trenton — The type of the catapult aircraft has been changed from SOC-1 to OS2U-1.

The time of ship disappearance when behind a smokescreen which prevents it from being visible in the sight has been reduced. The time of reappearance of the ships from behind the smokescreen has been increased.

Economy and Research

Maximum BR in the bluewater fleet research tree has been increased to 7.0. BR of the following ships have been changed:


USS Northampton — 5.0 => 5.3 (all game modes)

USS Mitsher — 4.3 => 4.7 (all game modes)

USS Willkinson — 4.3 => 4.7 (all game modes)


SMS Bayern — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

Scharnhorst — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)


Parizhskaya Kommuna — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

Kronshtadt — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

Kerch — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

Krasny Krym — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)


HMS Hood — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

HMS Marlborough — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

HMS Dreadnought — 6.7 => 6.3 (all game modes)

HMS Dido — 5.0 => 5.3 (all game modes)

HMS Hawkins — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

HMS Arethusa — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

HMS Liverpool — 5.3 => 5.7 (RB)


IJN Kongo — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

IJN Haruna — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

IJN Hyuga — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)


RN Trento — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

RN Raimondo Montecuccoli — 5.3 => 5.7 (RB)

RN Eugenio di Savoia — 5.3 => 5.7 (RB)

Magach 6 and Magach 6A - Have been grouped.

Crusader Mk.I - Moved from rank III to II.

ZSU-37 - Moved from rank IV to III.


BM-13N - Camouflages set available for completing tasks or purchasing for GE have been added.


Pop-up tooltip of contacts has been reworked: Profile icon has been enlarged, squadron tag and title have been added, vehicle list for the selected mode with current BR will be shown.

Animation of critical damage has been added to the naval hit cam.

Game mechanics

Aircraft engine fire extinguisher system has been added.

Conditions for crediting serious damage to ground vehicles have been changed: destruction of optics, wheels and also partial damage to the barrel and cannon breech are no longer considered as serious damage and can not lead to vehicle destruction assistance.

Indication of the radar/IRST for SB has been changed. Radar indication "in the world" (indication of target acquisition, position of the radar antenna) is no longer available. This indication provided the player with more information than what is available to the pilot in reality and allowed for example to build an approach to the target "under the hood". At the same time, the pilot would have a separate radar warning system screen and radar in the c*ckpit.

Reconnaissance UAVs available for light tanks of ranks VI-VII have been added.


A bug with playback of the explosions sounds by switched on “Speed of Sound” settings has been fixed.

A bug that caused not all gunshot sounds to be played when “Speed of Sound” has been enabled in settings has been fixed.

New sounds for the aircraft cannon GSh-30-2 have been added.


The visual effect of the smoke screen has been updated.

The visual effects of destroying ground and naval vehicles have been updated. Different effects of exploding ammo have been added. New effects of full detonation of ammo racks and fuel have been added for ground vehicles. The hull of the tank in this case will be completely destroyed.

New effects of local smoke traces and ignition at the shell hit point have been added for aircraft. Fuel tanks explosion and fire effects have been updated.

You can leave feedback here

over 2 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Welcome to preliminary update notes for War Thunder "Drone Age" Update.

Please note all specifications and dev server details are

subject to change and NOT FINAL

Known Bugs:

New vehicles in the “Drone Age” update may have inaccuracies in characteristics, armour and weaponry settings.

The armour model for new ground vehicles in update “Drone Age” is “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.

Some new aircraft lack c*ckpits.

Some ground vehicles lack a visible crew.

There may be a lack of localization for some equipment.

No sound played on some events.

Some aircraft may have inaccuracies in the Damage Model, missing fuel, oil and water leaks, armour materials.

Non-final models and textures of pylons and weaponry blocks on new aircraft models.

Jaguar GR.1A — The sighting camera of the suspended container is not operational.

Engine fire extinguisher activation control may not be assigned by default during opendev.

New visual effect of the smoke screen in the current version is larger in size and more costly in performance than the old one. We are working on optimising and sizing the effect so that in the final version there will be no differences in performance and size compared to the old version.

New vehicles





Su-25K (pack)


Fiat G.91 Y


S.O.4050 Vautour IIN

Mirage 2000C S5

Ground vehicles




VK3002 (M)



Т-60 (updated model)




Type 16 (P)


AFT-9 (HJ-9)


VRCC Centauro




Pbv 302 (BILL)

Leopard 1A5NO

CV 90105 XC-8 - Model replacement for the formerly designated CV90105 TML unit.


Magach 3

Magach 5

Magach 6R

Magach 6M

Magach 6C

Merkava 3C



SA.342L Gazelle




Naval Fleet


Alaska-class, USS Alaska, 1944

Cyclone-class, USS Cyclone (PC-1)


KM-5 (premium)

Pillau-class, SMS Elbing, 1915


Pr.56-PLO, Blagorodnyy, 1978 (premium)

Pr.68-А, Michail Kutuzov, 1986


Attack-class, HMAS Arrow


Hatsuharu-class, IJN Hatsuharu, 1933


Navigatori-class, RN Giovanni da Verrazzano, 1940

Andrea Doria-class, RN Andrea Doria, 1930

New locations and missions (not available now)

Two new missions for the helicopter PvE on the locations Bourbon Island and Southeastern City have been added.

New naval-aircraft location “Golden Bay” has been added.

New location “Pradesh” for combined battles has been added.

Location and mission updates

The areas of accessible game zones in some locations have been changed, also unnatural obstacles on locations edges have been removed as well (it is not possible to go beyond locations limits and visually maps have become more authentic). List of locations: Breslau, Ash River, Jungle, Karelia, Kuban, Port Novorossiysk, Advance to the Rhine, Stalingrad.

Non-physical hulks of the vehicles have been removed from some locations for ground vehicles (they can not be pushed, hooked with a tow cable and can not be shot). List of the locations: Berlin, Advance to the Rhine.

Enduring Confrontation:

In Helicopter PvE, pads for takeoff/landing (Landing and capture the point task) have been replaced by single, smaller landing pads. It will now be harder to land on them.

Air defence effectiveness has been re-adjusted due to the detection of a number of bugs. The effectiveness isn’t final and may be changed based on the statistical results.

A large number of minor bugs in the “Enduring Confrontation” mode has been fixed. That should increase the stability of the game and reduce the number of issues, We are aware of some still unsolved bugs in the mission logic of this game mode and are working on finding and fixing them.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Light tanks of rank VI-VII now have a UAV module that allows them to order a fly out of the reconnaissance UAV in the battle. UAVs of light tanks of rank VII have a thermal imaging camera.

45mm BR-240, BP-240SP, BR-240P, O-243 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 45-мм противотанковой пушки обр. 1942г. Основные таблицы стрельбы и краткие таблицы стрельбы на море 45-мм универсальной пушки 46 клб. длиной.

57mm O-271, BR-271, BR-271SP, BR-271K, BR-271N, BR-271P - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Sources: Краткие таблицы стрельбы 57-мм противотанковой пушки обр. 1943 г. Таблицы стрельбы 57-мм противотанковой пушки обр. 1943 г.

76.2mm BP-353A - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 5.3 to 3.94kg and the explosive mass weight has been changed from 623 to 480g. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии.

76.2mm Sh-354T - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 6.22 to 6.44kg. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии.

76.2mm OF-350M, D-350A - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been reduced. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г.

76.2mm BR-350SP - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 6.78 to 6.5kg. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии.

76.2mm BR-350B - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 6.3 to 6.5kg. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г, Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм полковой пушки образца 1927г, Боеприпасы к 76-мм. орудиям наземной, танковой и самоходной артиллерии

76.2mm BR-354P - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Sources: Таблицы стрельбы 76-мм дивизионной пушки образца 1942г.

85mm O-365K - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Explosive mass weight has been changed from 660 to 741g. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 85-мм пушки Д-44. Пятое издание.

85mm BR-365A,
BR-367, BR-367P - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 85-мм пушки Д-44. Пятое издание.

122mm D-462A, OF-462, BP-460 - The external ballistics of the have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 122-мм гаубицы обр. 1938 г.

122mm OF-471 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 122-мм танковой пушки обр. 1943 г.

130mm BR-282B - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 33.3 to 33.4kg and the explosive mass weight has been changed from 115 to 125g. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 130-мм пушки М-46

130mm OF-282M - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Shell mass has been changed from 33.7 to 33.4kg and the explosive mass weight has been changed from 2.645 to 3.64kg. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 130-мм пушки М-46

152mm OF-540, BR-540, BP-540 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Таблицы стрельбы 152-мм пушки-гаубицы д-20

The external ballistics of the 105mm and 120mm HESH shells and 12.7 machine gun primer rounds have been clarified. Crossing of trajectories at 1,000m is ensured (Report).

The external ballistics of the 106mm HESH shell for the M40 recoilless gun and 12.7 machine gun primer rounds have been clarified. Crossing of trajectories at 1,000m is ensured (Report).

13.2mm Hotchkiss Mle 1930 - The type of the AP rounds has been changed from AP-I and API-T to AP and AP-T. The external ballistics have been clarified. Armour penetration of the rounds has been transferred to the calculation according to the Jacod De Marre formula. Source.

37mm М1A2 cannon - The external ballistics of the shells have been clarified. Source: Terminal ballistics data, volume III, bombs, artillery, mortar fire & rockets

183mm Shell L1 - The external ballistics of the shell have been clarified. Source: Firing trials against Conqueror tanks with additional ballistic protection. Part 1. The use of large squash-head rounds. FVRDE, 1956.

20mm slsgr m/42 - The type of the explosive mass in the shell have been changed from TNT to PETN. Source: Amregister, 1960

75mm APDS slpprj m/49 - Shell mass in flight has been changed from 3.7 to 2.6kg. Source

105mm M156 - Shell mass has been changed from 14.85 to 11.4kg and weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 2.99 to 2.2kg. Source

105mm M111 - Shell mass has been changed from 3.79 to 4.2kg. Source: Ammunitionskatalog, Data och bilder. FMV 1994

105mm M426 - Shell mass has been changed from 4.3 to 4.4kg. Source: Ammunitionskatalog, Data och bilder. FMV 1994

163мм SS.11 - Speed in trajectory has been fixed. Self-destruction time has been changed from 20 to 21sec. Weight of the explosive mass has been changed from 3.47 to 1.53kg. Source

9P149 - A bug with discrepancy between reload time and fire rate in the card has been fixed (Report).

9P149 - A bug with missing point marker on launcher from the 3rd person view has been fixed (Report).

RakJPz (HOT) - A bug with missing point marker on launcher from the 3rd person view has been fixed (Report).

FlaRakPz I - SAM Roland-1 has been replaced by Roland 2

Fixed a bug that allowed destroyed IR illuminators to keep working. The ability to repair IR illuminators has been added (Report).

AMX-13 DCA 40 - The number of crew members has been changed from 4 to 5. Source.

AMX-13 DCA 40 - Weight has been changed from 15,500 to 14,500 kg. Source.

CCKW 353 AA - Amount of crew members has been changed from 3 to 6. Source.

Strf 9040 (BILL) - Amount of crew members has been changed from 3 to 4. Source.

Zrinyi I - Smoke grenade launcher modification has been added.

AMX-50 (TOA100) - Designation has been clarified. Mass has been changed from 53,700 to 48,400 kg. Source.

M3A1 all - Mass has been changed from 12,600 to 12,900. Source.

ZTZ99A - Transmission performance has been revisited to fix the issues with turning on neutral gear especially without installed modifications that affect mobility.

M1 Abrams all - A problem with the difference in the turning speed on neutral gear on hard and soft surfaces which was observed only with these vehicles has been fixed.

Type 63-I - Fire rate of the cannon has been changed from 7 to 8,5 shots per minute. Source.

Type 63-I - Values of gear rations of the gearbox have been specified. Engine RPM has been changed from 2100 to 2000. Source.

Type 59, Type 59A - Vertical guidance angles have been changed from -4/+17 to -5/+18. Source.

Type 69 - Vertical guidance angles have been changed from -4/+17 to -5/+18. Source.

Type 62 - Transmission parameters have been corrected. Maximum speed has been changed from 70 to 59.7 km/h. RPM has been changed from 2,000 to 1,800. Source.

AGS - Weight has been changed from 22,200 to 19,050 kg. Source.

AC1 - Maximum speed has been changed from 41.8 to 45 km/h. Source.

ELC bis - Values of gear rations of the gearbox have been specified. Vehicle dynamics has been improved. Source.

Char 25T - Designation of the cannon has been corrected. New designation is D.911 APX. Source.

AMX M4 - Values of gear rations of the gearbox have been specified. Vehicle dynamics has been improved. Source.

AMD35 - Weight has been changed from 8,500 to 8,200 kg. Source.

Type 87 AA - Night vision device has been added for the gunner. Source: 制式要綱 87式自走高射機関砲 D8008

Type 93 - Crew member models have been replaced. The modern uniforms of Japanese ground vehicle crews will be used now.

UDES33, Pvrbv 551, Lvrbv 701, ItO 90M (Sweden) - Crew member models have been replaced. The modern uniforms of Swedish ground vehicle crews will be used now.

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Custom weapons setups are now available for the following aircraft: A-129 (all versions), AH-1 (all versions), AH-64 (all versions), AH-Mk.1 Apache, YAH-64, EC-665 Tiger (all versions), A-7D, A-7E, F-5 (all versions), F-104C, F-104G, F-104J, F-104S,
F-8E, F8U-2,
Jaguar (
all versions
G.91 YS, Mirage (
all versions
Kfir C7, Nesher, Saab AJ37, Saab JA37C,
Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-28 (all versions), Su-17M2, Su-22M3.

Aircraft with the HUD camera for guiding missiles with the laser seeker now able to switch to this camera when the missiles are depleted.

If the weapon selector is used, the secondary weapon is no longer automatically switched to the next type when the last weapon of the selected type is launched. A player has to switch weapons manually. This prevents accidental launches.

Game option “Seeker automatic stabilisation” was added. If the option is disabled, seeker stabilisation of the weapon with optical guidance is enabled and disabled manually in the same way it is done for targeting optics and TGP. If the option is enabled, seeker behaviour remains the same: automatic activation of automatic seeker stabilisation after switch to seeker camera and deactivation after exit.


Mi-28N, Mi-28NM, Ka-52, Ka-50 — shell order in the belts has been changed; ‘Armoured targets’ belt has been added, containing only AP sub-caliber rounds, since their ballistic range differs from other types of ammo.

MiG-19PT — shell order in the belts has been changed. Tracer has been removed from the AP rounds; in the standard belt, AP rounds changed to AP-T; ground targets belt now contains AP and AP-T rounds; in the air targets belt AP round has been changed to AP-T.

Aircraft armed with the
NR-30 gun
(Su-7/Su-17/Su-22/MiG-19S/MiG-21 F-13) — tracer has been removed from the AP rounds; in the standard belt HE-IT round has been changed to AP-T; HE-I round has been added to the armoured target belt; in the air targets belt additional HE-IT round has been added, AP-T changed to AP.

GSh-30-2K gun (Mi-24P) — additional AP round has been added to the ‘Ground targets’ belt.

30mm DEFA 553 cannon — rate of fire has been corrected from 1,300 to 1,200 rounds per minute.

30mm GAU-8/A, GAU-13/A cannons — type of the armor piercing rounds has been changed from AP to APCR, weight of the rounds has been adjusted.

37mm М4, M9, M10 cannons — velocity loss of the shells on the trajectory has been adjusted. Source: “Terminal ballistics data, volume III, bombs, artillery, mortar fire & rockets”.

163mm SS.11 missile — cruising speed has been fixed; self-destruct time increased from 20 to 21 sec.; explosive weight reduced from 3.47 to 1.53 kg Source

50mm BK 5 cannon — rate of fire has been corrected from 40 to 50 rounds per minute.

120kg m/61 bomb — explosives type has been changed to Compound B, in accordance with “Taktiska anvisningar för attackförband TAA 61, 1961”.

A-7D — “AIM-9E” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

AH-1F (USA) and AH-1F (Israel) — М18A1 gun pod has been revoked (Source: “ТМ 1-1520-236-10 Technical manual. Operators manual for army model AH-1F attack helicopter”).

A-129 CBT — AIM-92 and Mistral missiles now could be suspended to the pylons close to the hull.

EC-665 Tiger HAP and HAD– SAP-I round of the GIAT M781 gun has been changed to semi-AP high explosive incendiary round (SAPHEI).

EC-665 Tiger HAD — AGM-64B Hellfire missile has been changed to AGM-64K Hellfire II.

Etendard IVM — a bug has been fixed due to which the AS-20 missile was missing in the weapon menu.

F4U-1C — HVAR rockets have been added.

F4D-1 —
ammo capacity has been increased from 260 to 280 rounds.

F-5A — “AIM-9E” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded. “Chaff/Flares” modification moved to Tier I; modification “Offensive 20mm” moved to Tier II.

F-5A (China) — “AIM-9P” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded. “Chaff/Flares” modification moved to Tier I. Zuni Mk.32 rockets have been added to the weapon menu, as well as the corresponding modification.

F-5С —
modification has been revoked. “Chaff/Flares” modification moved to Tier I; modification.“Offensive 20mm” moved to Tier II, “New 20mm cannons” - to Tier IV.

F-5E —
“AIM-9E” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

F-8E — LAU-10A rocket pods have been added with corresponding modification to unlock them. The max number of the Mk.81 bombs has been increased from 8 to 12; Mk.83 bombs — from 2 to 4 in total. Modification “Offensive 20mm” moved to Tier II.

F-104G (Germany) — AS-30 missiles have been added.

F-4 EJ / EJ Kai — the display of the upgraded specifications of the GAU-4 gun after researching the modiciation “New 20mm guns” has been fixed.

F-4E Phantom II (Israel) — visually missed pylons of the AIM-9G missiles have been fixed. Missing AIM-7E-2 (DF) missiles have been restored.

Firestreak, Redtop — explosives type has been changed from TNT to RDX/TNT (report)

Jaguar GR.1A — “AIM-9G” modification has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded. Modification “GR.1B TIALD” has been moved to Tier III. and requires “Flares/Chaff” modification to be researched first. Chaff (dipoles) container has been added.

Jaguar GR.1 — Chaff (dipoles) container has been added, with the corresponding modification to unlock it.

Jaguar A — Chaff (dipoles) container has been added.

Kfir C.2 — the number of the preset ‘combined’ weapon setups in the weapon menu has been reduced.

G.91 YS — Zuni Mk.32 Mod 0 ATAP rockets have been added.

Mirage IIIC / IIIE — LR-F1 rocket pod has been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

Mirage IIICJ — ‘Shafrir 2’ and ‘Matra R530’ modifications have been revoked, RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

Mirage 5F — Matra JL-100 36 rocket pods have been added, as well as the corresponding modification to unlock them.

Mirage F1 CT — pilot’s night vision device has been added, as well as the corresponding modification to unlock it.

Mystere IVA — modification to unlock 400 kg bombs has been added.

N1K2-J / Ja — 2х250kg bomb setup has been removed. Source: “Specification and performance of service aeroplanes of the I.J.N , Maru Mechanic 43”.

Nesher — ‘Shafrir 2’ and ‘AIM-9D’ modifications have been removed,RP or GE spent to research this modification will be refunded.

UH-1 (all versions) — the pivot angles of the XM21 system with M134 machine guns have been corrected. Source: “FM101-20 — 1973 — United States Army Aviation Planning Manual”.

Wellington Mk.III, Wellington Mk.X, Stirling B.Mk.I, Stirling B.Mk.III — ammo capacity of the tail turrets has been increased from 1,000 to 2,500 rounds. Source: “British Aircraft Armament Volume 1 RAF Gun Turrets from 1914 to the Present Day”.

UH-1B, UH-1C, UH-1C XM-30 — М129 grenade launcher has been changed to the М75. Sources: “TM 43-0001-28 1977” and “FM 101-20”.

Z-19E — Type-90-1 rockets have been changed to FS70 with an increased armour piercing capabilities of up to 290mm. The ammo capacity of the W99 machine gun pods have been increased from 500 to 640 each.

Type 23-2K cannon — rate of fire has been changed to 1.150 rounds per minute, muzzle velocity has been increased to the 705 m/sec. Source: “National Gun/Cannon Manual (Specification Part)”.


A-129CBT — modification “New 20mm cannons” has been moved to Tier III.

F8F1, F8F-1B — separate HVAR rocket fire has been removed. Source: “AN 01-85FD-1 Pilot’s Handbook for Navy Models F8F-1 B/N” and “F8F-2 N/P Aircraft”.

F-14A Early — modification “New 20mm cannons” has been moved to Tier III.

He 177 A-5 - pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed.

Ki-67-I Ko / Ki-67- I-otsu — pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed, Ammo capacity of the upper turret has been changed from 500 to 700 rounds. Source: “Japanese aircraft: performance & characteristics, TAIC manual no.1. OPNAV-16-V No. T126, March 1945, technical air intelligence centre summary No. 26, Peggy I”.

Ki-109 — pivot angles of the turret have been fixed.

Lincoln B.Mk.II — pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed. Source: “British Aircraft Armament Volume 1 RAF Gun Turrets from 1914 to the Present Day”.

Lynx AH.Mk.1, G-Lynx — a bug has been fixed due to which there were missing pylons for the ATAS missiles (report), modification “Offensive 20 mm” and “New 20mm cannons” have been moved from Tiers II and IV to I and III, respectively.

Mirage IIIC / IIIE — “Matra R530” modification has been removed. Spent RP or GE will be refunded. Modification Matra R530E has been moved to the Tier II. Lau 32 rocket pods have been added, as well as the corresponding modification to unlock it.

Mirage F1CT — incorrect bomb icons in the weapon menu have been fixed.

Re.2001 CB, Re.2002 Early — The order of researching bombs has been fixed.

Saab AJ37, Saab JA37C — a bug has been fixed due to which wing parts remained in the air when the wings were detached.

Shackleton Mr.Mk.2 —
a bug has been fixed due to which all turret guns in the xray mode were designated as ‘offensive’ (report

Sea Venom FAW 20 —
G-Suit has been removed from the modification’s list. Source: “Pilot's Notes for Sea Venom F.A.W. 20 (2nd Edition, October 1957) by Royal Navy”. RP and GE spent on the modification will be refunded.

Stirling B.Mk.I / Mk.II — pivot angles of the turrets have been fixed. A bug has been fixed which prevented the elevator split in the xray mode.

Ka-52 — “Offensive 30 mm” modification has been moved to Tier II.

Mi-24V — modification “New 12mm MGs” has been moved to Tier II, modification “UPK-23-250 pod” moved to Tier II.

Mi-24P (all versions) — modification “New 30mm cannons” has been moved to Tier II, modification “UPK-23-250 pod” moved to Tier II.

Mi-35 — modification “New 23mm cannons” has been moved to Tier II, modification “UPK-23-250 pod” moved to Tier II.

MiG-19PT —
30mm belt of the NR-30 gun now has ‘early’ round order.

MiG-21SMT, MiG-21bis-SAU, MiG-21MF — a bug has been fixed which prevented speedbrake extension while Flares/Chaff pod installed.

Su-6(АM-42) —
the armour of the radiators has been reduced from 6 to 4 mm, in accordance with blueprints.

Su-17M2 — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up.

Su-17М4 — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up.

Su-22М3 — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up. Modification “New 30mm cannons” has been moved to Tier III, modifications ‘SPPU-22-01 pod’ and ‘R-60’ moved to Tier II

Su-22UM3K — modifications ‘OFAB-100’ and ‘S-3K’ have been removed, RP or SL spent will be refunded. Modifications ‘FAB-250’ moved one Tier up. Modification ‘R-60’ moved to Tier II.

Fire extinguishers, as well as corresponding modification to unlock them, have been added for the following aircraft:
MiG-23 (all versions), Su-22 (all versions), Su-17 (all versions), Su-7 (all versions), Q-5 all versions), A-5C, J-7 (all versions), MiG-21 (all versions), MiG-19 (all versions), Як-38 (all versions), А-10 (all versions), Harrier (all versions), AV-8 (all versions), F-14A Early, P-61 (all versions), A-26 (all versions), Tu-4, B-29, B-17 (all versions), PB4Y (all versions), PBJ (all versions), B-24 (all versions), B-26 (all versions), B-25 (all versions), EC-665 Tiger A-129 (all versions), A-109, AB-205, Lynx (all versions), YAH-64, AH-64 (all versions), AH-Mk1, AH-1 (all versions), UH-1 (all versions), Ka-29, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-24 (all versions), Mi-35, Mi-28 (all versions).

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

USS Douglas — The system of replenishing missiles after they have been expended has been changed. Now missiles will be replenished only when they are fully expended. The ability to detonate them from damage to or destruction of the launchers has been added.

PG-02 — Air target detection radar has been removed.

PT-15 — Mk.16 torpedo has been replaced by Type 72 mod. 1.

Prinz Eugen - Amount of spare torpedoes has been increased to 26.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

The artillery strike of the coastal fleet has been improved:

Damage area has been increased by 30%.

Time of shells falling has been reduced by half.

Number of shells in a salvo has been increased to 25 shells.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

Armour belts and vertical armour of heavy cruisers are divided into destructible armour plates. Belt armour plates and inner vertical longitudinal armour can be destroyed by kinetic and high-explosive damage. For example to destroy an armour plate it would take 2-4 direct hits with 150mm AP shell. The lower the kinetic energy of the shell, the less damage it can do to the armour plate. Shells of calibre less than 100mm don’t damage the armour plate. Once destroyed, the armour plate is considered destroyed and lets a shockwave and some shrapnel pass through and it can also let an AP shell through without losing much of its penetrating power.

USS Arizona, IJN Tone, Admiral Hipper, Prinz Eugen — The size and location of the fuel tanks have been adjusted.

IJN Mogami, IJN Suzuya, IJN Mikuma — The armour in the area of the stern traverse has been corrected.

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

HMS Leopard — The guidance animation of the aft fire-control tower has been corrected.

USS Baltimore — The position of seaplanes on catapults has been corrected.

Fairmile C 312, 332 — Texture of the 40mm cannon and bridge in the X-Ray view has been fixed.

IJN Hyuga — Unnecessary bridge elements in the X-Ray view have been removed.

USS Fletcher, Bennion, Cowell — Displaying of the main calibre elevators in the X-Ray view has been corrected.


USS Helena — The type of the catapult aircraft has been changed from OS2U-1 to SOC.

USS Trenton — The type of the catapult aircraft has been changed from SOC-1 to OS2U-1.

The time of ship disappearance when behind a smokescreen which prevents it from being visible in the sight has been reduced. The time of reappearance of the ships from behind the smokescreen has been increased.

Economy and Research

Maximum BR in the bluewater fleet research tree has been increased to 7.0. BR of the following ships have been changed:


USS Northampton — 5.0 => 5.3 (all game modes)

USS Mitsher — 4.3 => 4.7 (all game modes)

USS Willkinson — 4.3 => 4.7 (all game modes)


SMS Bayern — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

Scharnhorst — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)


Parizhskaya Kommuna — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

Kronshtadt — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

Kerch — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

Krasny Krym — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)


HMS Hood — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

HMS Marlborough — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

HMS Dreadnought — 6.7 => 6.3 (all game modes)

HMS Dido — 5.0 => 5.3 (all game modes)

HMS Hawkins — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

HMS Arethusa — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

HMS Liverpool — 5.3 => 5.7 (RB)


IJN Kongo — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

IJN Haruna — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)

IJN Hyuga — 6.7 => 7.0 (all game modes)


RN Trento — 5.0 => 5.3 (RB)

RN Raimondo Montecuccoli — 5.3 => 5.7 (RB)

RN Eugenio di Savoia — 5.3 => 5.7 (RB)

Magach 6 and Magach 6A - Have been grouped.

Crusader Mk.I - Moved from rank III to II.

ZSU-37 - Moved from rank IV to III.


BM-13N - Camouflages set available for completing tasks or purchasing for GE have been added.


Pop-up tooltip of contacts has been reworked: Profile icon has been enlarged, squadron tag and title have been added, vehicle list for the selected mode with current BR will be shown.

Animation of critical damage has been added to the naval hit cam.

Game mechanics

Aircraft engine fire extinguisher system has been added.

Conditions for crediting serious damage to ground vehicles have been changed: destruction of optics, wheels and also partial damage to the barrel and cannon breech are no longer considered as serious damage and can not lead to vehicle destruction assistance.

Indication of the radar/IRST for SB has been changed. Radar indication "in the world" (indication of target acquisition, position of the radar antenna) is no longer available. This indication provided the player with more information than what is available to the pilot in reality and allowed for example to build an approach to the target "under the hood". At the same time, the pilot would have a separate radar warning system screen and radar in the c*ckpit.

Reconnaissance UAVs available for light tanks of ranks VI-VII have been added.


A bug with playback of the explosions sounds by switched on “Speed of Sound” settings has been fixed.

A bug that caused not all gunshot sounds to be played when “Speed of Sound” has been enabled in settings has been fixed.

New sounds for the aircraft cannon GSh-30-2 have been added.


The visual effect of the smoke screen has been updated.

The visual effects of destroying ground and naval vehicles have been updated. Different effects of exploding ammo have been added. New effects of full detonation of ammo racks and fuel have been added for ground vehicles. The hull of the tank in this case will be completely destroyed.

New effects of local smoke traces and ignition at the shell hit point have been added for aircraft. Fuel tanks explosion and fire effects have been updated.

over 2 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

If you want to discuss legal stuff:

Forum is not a place for such discussion. EOT


Support will not help you.

You need to wait for update of dev server or submit bug report in Dev Server bug report section.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

An update to the changelog to clarify:

Conditions for crediting serious damage to ground vehicles have been changed: destruction of optics, wheels and also partial damage
to the barrel and cannon breech are no longer considered as serious damage and can not lead to vehicle destruction assistance.

The destruction of tracks is considered serious damage. It was a mistranslation from the Russian words for Rollers / Wheels. Damage to the drive wheel also breaks the track and is considered serious damage.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its already on dev.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

A report has already been made on the skin. If you have more substantial source material that meets the requirements, a report can also be submitted on the countermeasures.

over 2 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link


Cyclone-class, USS Cyclone (PC-1)

Andrea Doria-class, RN Andrea Doria, 1930

over 2 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Since now new location for navy battles is enable.

New naval-aircraft location “Golden Bay” has been added.

Please share feedback here, after you check it!

over 2 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Z-10 added to line up.

over 2 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

New location “Pradesh” for combined battles has been added.

This location will be only available in rotation for dev server ground battles.

over 2 years ago - OrsonES - Direct link

Dev server is closed, thanks everyone for participating in it

Thank you for all the feedback and reports!