Transcript (by Youtube)

4s The Shooting Range
8s In this episode...
9s Pages of History: Tanks for Urban Combat
13s Special: Changes to Ground Maps
16s And Metal Beasts: Versatile Heavy Fighter
28s Not a lot of time has passed since we added the legendary Su-27,
32s a 4th gen heavy fighter,
34s but today we’re all set to meet the most modern
37s mass-produced version of this aircraft.
40s Of course, we need to add that it’s the most modern among the base index versions.
44s Please welcome: the Su-27 modification SM!
53s On the outside, it’s almost identical to the predecessor,
56s but you can still spot a few differences if you know where to look.
59s The Su-27SM has a different placement
62s of the electro-optical targeting system sensor:
65s the engineers moved it to the right of the aircraft axis to improve the cockpit view.
73s Same as on the earlier version, this aircraft is propelled
76s by a twin turbojet engine with a total afterburning thrust exceeding 23,000 kgf.
83s Despite its large mass, the fighter enjoys a decent level of acceleration
87s and a good climb rate.
88s Although, it is a modern fighter,
90s and for modern fighters, flight performance is less important
94s than advanced avionics, devices, and weaponry.
102s And weaponry is where this new top Su can truly deliver!
106s In addition to the familiar R-73 and R-27 AAMs,
110s it can carry up to six R-77 missiles with active radar-homing heads.
116s These missiles can boast impressive maneuverability.
119s Coupled with a helmet-mounted display,
121s they become a handy, effective tool even in close combat.
125s The avionics of this aircraft are also up to snuff.
129s Sim mode fans might enjoy the new cockpit featuring large multifunctional displays,
134s while the most important new feature is the radar warning system.
138s The RWR on the first version of the Su-27 was quite primitive
142s compared to its counterparts, but the new modification fixes that.
150s Another flaw of the early jet was its lacking CAS capabilities
154s since it had no air-to-surface guided munitions in its arsenal.
158s The Su-27SM fixes that, too!
161s It can use the well-known KAB-500Kr bombs and the Kh-29T missiles
168s as well as a brand new munition in War Thunder!
171s Say hello to the largest TV-guided bomb in the game: the KAB-1500Kr!
177s Even the 500-kilo bombs look like toys next to it...
181s And no way we’d call those small in the first place.
189s The Su-27SM can confidently assume the title of a top fighter.
194s It retained all the qualities of an aerial predator
196s while gaining the qualities a truly versatile aircraft needs!
210s The overall design of a modern tank was complete a long time ago.
213s Engineers of all nations arrived at the same concept:
216s strong frontal armor over stronger sides and rear.
220s But the end of the Cold War heralded a new era that shifted the paradigm.
225s Instead of preparing for a new global war,
228s the nations focused on ‘low-intensity conflicts’
231s mostly taking place in urban environments.
234s The military had to adapt to new battlefields
236s where any corner might hide a shoulder launched ATGM or a Molotov cocktail
241s and having reliable frontal armor and a good cannon can’t guarantee a victory.
246s A modern tank had to return to full perimeter protection.
250s A modern tank also had to be equipped with modern communication systems
253s and remotely controlled auxiliary weapons.
256s So, engineers began to adapt existing vehicles to new realities on the fly.
262s One of the most popular ‘urban’ tank modifications was the American TUSK kit.
267s This conversion kit gave Abrams tanks reactive armor
270s and slat screens for the sides,
272s shielding for machine guns, an auxiliary turret,
275s and a phone for the crew to talk to the infantry following the tank.
279s All of it could be installed right in the field.
282s The United States ordered a few hundred such kits
284s and soon modified the TUSK itself,
287s improving the remotely controlled turret
289s and adding a new tile-shaped ERA layer on top of the existing one.
293s Other nations did similar things to their vehicles.
296s In 2006, the French introduced the Leclerc AZUR,
300s which gave the tank light ERA modules
303s and a remotely controlled small-caliber machine gun:
306s total ammo count seemed preferable over firepower.
309s The tank was never mass-produced,
311s but the extra armor became part of the newest modification of the vehicle.
315s The German Leopard 2 PSO includes extra composite armor modules
320s for the front and sides,
321s an improved machine gun, and mounts for auxiliary equipment like a dozer blade.
327s The additions made the tank heavier, so it also received a stronger engine.
331s Same as the AZUR kit, the PSO remained a prototype,
334s but some of the parts found their way into newer versions of the tank.
338s The British Challenger 2 might have received
340s the most massive addition to its armor — in all meanings of the word.
345s Extra armor modules were added to the lower front plate,
348s the sides of the turret and hull, as well as the rear.
351s The heaviest version of the tank had a mass of almost 75 tons!
356s Russian engineers also worked on the overall protection level of their tanks.
361s For instance, the latest modification of the T-90
364s received double-layer ERA on the sides,
367s extra protection for the autoloader carousel, a layer of Kevlar spall liner,
372s a rear niche for turret ammo, and a remotely controlled machine gun.
376s The numerous ‘urban’ modifications of MBTs never became widely popular,
381s but one can spot their influence all over the world.
384s Most manufacturers are ready to add extra protection to their tanks
388s if the buyer desires it.
389s This competitive advantage has become somewhat of a standard by now.
407s We’ve already mentioned that the Seek & Destroy update
410s brought a bunch of changes to in-game locations.
413s Today we’d like to give you a small tour around ground maps
416s and tell you all about the new features.
418s We hope this’ll help you avoid getting surprised in battle.
424s Let’s begin with picturesque Sweden.
426s This urban location is famous for its numerous narrow streets and tiny corners.
431s You can ambush an opponent by catching them in a tiny firing line across a block
436s or surprise someone by slipping into the enemy rear using an unexpected approach.
441s The only thing that limited tank movement in the old version
444s was the concrete blocks barricading some of the paths.
447s Well, the map has no dead ends now!
449s The blocks have been moved to provide cover instead.
453s We’d also like to mention the new design of the minimap.
455s Streets and buildings have much more contrast now,
458s so you’ll have less trouble navigating them.
460s The next location is the Middle East.
463s Our designers have removed the hill climb in squares G6 and G7,
467s while also closing up some positions in the north of the map and in square F6.
472s The main goal of this change is to reduce the number of long-range firing lines
476s and protect the spawn points.
478s Besides that, we’ve also fixed those pesky bushes,
481s removing some of them from places they shouldn’t be in.
485s Some other maps had similar issues fixed.
487s For instance, we removed large plants around point [A] on the Campania map
492s to improve visibility.
494s The Sands of Sinai got some of its hills in squares C7 and F7 cropped
499s because they complicated action on most of the map.
502s One of the most popular ground maps,
504s the Advance to the Rhine, has also been changed.
507s The park area lost its brick barricades and trimmed its bushes.
511s Additionally, air fields, plane and helicopter spawn points in all modes
516s have been moved to positions behind their teams to improve the balance for all sides.
521s The same logic was used to move aircraft spawn points on the Ardennes map.
526s The Carpathians only received a single tiny change:
529s we blocked a position in the rocks found in the northern part of the map,
533s on the border between D3 and D4.
536s European Province received a few small changes.
539s Square B2 now has no positions that allow safe fire onto the enemy spawn point.
545s The biggest update was given to the Tunisia map.
548s We reduced its overall size a little and removed the large hill from the center,
552s together with the rocky maze and a large bridge.
555s These changes can be found in almost all modes,
558s especially the largest versions of the map.
561s We’ve also reworked some of the ground spawn points,
563s removed small rocks that prevented free movement,
566s fixed the height of the dunes, and reduced the depth of the river in the main area.
571s All tanks can now cross the waters safely!
577s Share your thoughts in the comments!
579s Meanwhile, we’ll answer some of your questions...
595s The first question was sent by a player called The23rdRadioTower:
600s “How would you recommend using the F8F in air RB or ground RB?”
606s Hi there! The F8F is best played using altitude advantage in air combat
612s because it has a superior climb rate.
614s In dogfighting, try to pull your opponent up
616s to enjoy the advantage of the strong engine.
619s And don’t forget to use your flaps: the F8F has excellent high-lift devices.
625s In mixed battles, the Bearcat is an amazing versatile aircraft
629s thanks to its impressive ordnance load.
632s Nathan Yu asks:
634s “What are the differences between the AD-4 and the A-1H?”
639s Hey Nathan! The A-1H is a later modification
642s with an expanded arsenal of suspended armament.
646s Another question comes from Ákos Dobos:
649s “Why does the reload of ATGMs in tanks take longer?”
653s Hello! That’s one of the situations where size actually matters.
657s ATGMs are usually much longer than other types of ammo,
661s so few autoloaders can handle them.
663s And when they can’t, some manual labor is needed.
667s Xka24 writes:
669s “What's the best way to use the Mig21-S (R-13-300) effectively?”
675s Hi! This aircraft has early radar-guided missiles
679s that you can even launch in a frontal attack.
681s Most opponents at this low BR have no radar warning receivers,
685s so they won’t expect an attack like this.
688s In close combat, this MiG should rely on its flight performance and autocannon.
693s And the last comment for today was written by YuanFurbax:
697s “What’s the difference between the ''Ground zero'' map and the ''Alaska'' map?”
701s Hey Furbax! ‘Ground Zero’ is a version of ‘Alaska’,
705s only with a destroyed town center.
707s A large explosion is rumored to have happened there.
710s That’s it for today. You’ve been watching the Shooting Range by Gaijin Entertainment,
714s and the next episode will premier the following Sunday
717s at 4 PM GMT or noon Eastern time.
720s Subscribe and click the bell if you don’t want to miss our next videos.
724s Don’t forget to say thanks to Betty for saving your jet,
727s leave a like, share your thoughts and comments...
729s and see you next week!