Transcript (by Youtube)

4s The Shooting Range
8s In this episode...
9s Pages of History: Tanks for Urban Combat
13s Special: Changes to Ground Maps
16s And Metal Beasts: Versatile Heavy Fighter
28s Not a lot of time has passed since we added the legendary Su-27,
32s a 4th gen heavy fighter,
34s but today we’re all set to meet the most modern
37s mass-produced version of this aircraft.
40s Of course, we need to add that it’s the most modern among the base index versions.
44s Please welcome: the Su-27 modification SM!
53s On the outside, it’s almost identical to the predecessor,
56s but you can still spot a few differences if you know where to look.
59s The Su-27SM has a different placement
62s of the electro-optical targeting system sensor:
65s the engineers moved it to the right of the aircraft axis to improve the cockpit view.
73s Same as on the earlier version, this aircraft is propelled
76s by a twin turbojet engine with a total afterburning thrust exceeding 23,000 kgf.
83s Despite its large mass, the fighter enjoys a decent level of acceleration
87s and a good climb rate.
88s Although, it is a modern fighter,
90s and for modern fighters, flight performance is less important
94s than advanced avionics, devices, and weaponry.
102s And weaponry is where this new top Su can truly deliver!
106s In addition to the familiar R-73 and R-27 AAMs,
110s it can carry up to six R-77 missiles with active radar-homing heads.
116s These missiles can boast impressive maneuverability.
119s Coupled with a helmet-mounted display,
121s they become a handy, effective tool even in close combat.
125s The avionics of this aircraft are also up to snuff.
129s Sim mode fans might enjoy the new cockpit featuring large multifunctional displays,
134s while the most important new feature is the radar warning system.
138s The RWR on the first version of the Su-27 was quite primitive
142s compared to its counterparts, but the new modification fixes that.
150s Another flaw of the early jet was its lacking CAS capabilities
154s since it had no air-to-surface guided munitions in its arsenal.
158s The Su-27SM fixes that, too!
161s It can use the well-known KAB-500Kr bombs and the Kh-29T missiles
168s as well as a brand new munition in War Thunder!
171s Say hello to the largest TV-guided bomb in the game: the KAB-1500Kr!
177s Even the 500-kilo bombs look like toys next to it...
181s And no way we’d call those small in the first place.
189s The Su-27SM can confidently assume the title of a top fighter.
194s It retained all the qualities of an aerial predator
196s while gaining the qualities a truly versatile aircraft needs!
210s The overall design of a modern tank was complete a long time ago.
213s Engineers of all nations arrived at the same concept:
216s strong frontal armor over stronger sides and rear.
220s But the end of the Cold War heralded a new era that shifted the paradigm.
225s Instead of preparing for a new global war,
228s the nations focused on ‘low-intensity conflicts’
231s mostly taking place in urban environments.
234s The military had to adapt to new battlefields
236s where any corner might hide a shoulder launched ATGM or a Molotov cocktail
241s and having reliable frontal armor and a good cannon can’t guarantee a victory.
246s A modern tank had to return to full perimeter protection.
250s A modern tank also had to be equipped with modern communication systems
253s and remotely controlled auxiliary weapons.
256s So, engineers began to adapt existing vehicles to new realities on the fly.
262s One of the most popular ‘urban’ tank modifications was the American TUSK kit.
267s This conversion kit gave Abrams tanks reactive armor
270s and slat screens for the sides,
272s shielding for machine guns, an auxiliary turret,
275s and a phone for the crew to talk to the infantry following the tank.
279s All of it could be installed right in the field.
282s The United States ordered a few hundred such kits
284s and soon modified the TUSK itself,
287s improving the remotely controlled turret
289s and adding a new tile-shaped ERA layer on top of the existing one.
293s Other nations did similar things to their vehicles.
296s In 2006, the French introduced the Leclerc AZUR,
300s which gave the tank light ERA modules
303s and a remotely controlled small-caliber machine gun:
306s total ammo count seemed preferable over firepower.
309s The tank was never mass-produced,
311s but the extra armor became part of the newest modification of the vehicle.
315s The German Leopard 2 PSO includes extra composite armor modules
320s for the front and sides,
321s an improved machine gun, and mounts for auxiliary equipment like a dozer blade.
327s The additions made the tank heavier, so it also received a stronger engine.
331s Same as the AZUR kit, the PSO remained a prototype,
334s but some of the parts found their way into newer versions of the tank.
338s The British Challenger 2 might have received
340s the most massive addition to its armor — in all meanings of the word.
345s Extra armor modules were added to the lower front plate,
348s the sides of the turret and hull, as well as the rear.
351s The heaviest version of the tank had a mass of almost 75 tons!
356s Russian engineers also worked on the overall protection level of their tanks.
361s For instance, the latest modification of the T-90
364s received double-layer ERA on the sides,
367s extra protection for the autoloader carousel, a layer of Kevlar spall liner,
372s a rear niche for turret ammo, and a remotely controlled machine gun.
376s The numerous ‘urban’ modifications of MBTs never became widely popular,
381s but one can spot their influence all over the world.
384s Most manufacturers are ready to add extra protection to their tanks
388s if the buyer desires it.
389s This competitive advantage has become somewhat of a standard by now.
407s We’ve already mentioned that the Seek & Destroy update
410s brought a bunch of changes to in-game locations.
413s Today we’d like to give you a small tour around ground maps
416s and tell you all about the new features.
418s We hope this’ll help you avoid getting surprised in battle.
424s Let’s begin with picturesque Sweden.
426s This urban location is famous for its numerous narrow streets and tiny corners.
431s You can ambush an opponent by catching them in a tiny firing line across a block
436s or surprise someone by slipping into the enemy rear using an unexpected approach.
441s The only thing that limited tank movement in the old version
444s was the concrete blocks barricading some of the paths.
447s Well, the map has no dead ends now!
449s The blocks have been moved to provide cover instead.
453s We’d also like to mention the new design of the minimap.
455s Streets and buildings have much more contrast now,
458s so you’ll have less trouble navigating them.
460s The next location is the Middle East.
463s Our designers have removed the hill climb in squares G6 and G7,
467s while also closing up some positions in the north of the map and in square F6.
472s The main goal of this change is to reduce the number of long-range firing lines
476s and protect the spawn points.
478s Besides that, we’ve also fixed those pesky bushes,
481s removing some of them from places they shouldn’t be in.
485s Some other maps had similar issues fixed.
487s For instance, we removed large plants around point [A] on the Campania map
492s to improve visibility.
494s The Sands of Sinai got some of its hills in squares C7 and F7 cropped
499s because they complicated action on most of the map.
502s One of the most popular ground maps,
504s the Advance to the Rhine, has also been changed.
507s The park area lost its brick barricades and trimmed its bushes.
511s Additionally, air fields, plane and helicopter spawn points in all modes
516s have been moved to positions behind their teams to improve the balance for all sides.
521s The same logic was used to move aircraft spawn points on the Ardennes map.
526s The Carpathians only received a single tiny change:
529s we blocked a position in the rocks found in the northern part of the map,
533s on the border between D3 and D4.
536s European Province received a few small changes.
539s Square B2 now has no positions that allow safe fire onto the enemy spawn point.
545s The biggest update was given to the Tunisia map.
548s We reduced its overall size a little and removed the large hill from the center,
552s together with the rocky maze and a large bridge.
555s These changes can be found in almost all modes,
558s especially the largest versions of the map.
561s We’ve also reworked some of the ground spawn points,
563s removed small rocks that prevented free movement,
566s fixed the height of the dunes, and reduced the depth of the river in the main area.
571s All tanks can now cross the waters safely!
577s Share your thoughts in the comments!
579s Meanwhile, we’ll answer some of your questions...
595s The first question was sent by a player called The23rdRadioTower:
600s “How would you recommend using the F8F in air RB or ground RB?”
606s Hi there! The F8F is best played using altitude advantage in air combat
612s because it has a superior climb rate.
614s In dogfighting, try to pull your opponent up
616s to enjoy the advantage of the strong engine.
619s And don’t forget to use your flaps: the F8F has excellent high-lift devices.
625s In mixed battles, the Bearcat is an amazing versatile aircraft
629s thanks to its impressive ordnance load.
632s Nathan Yu asks:
634s “What are the differences between the AD-4 and the A-1H?”
639s Hey Nathan! The A-1H is a later modification
642s with an expanded arsenal of suspended armament.
646s Another question comes from Ákos Dobos:
649s “Why does the reload of ATGMs in tanks take longer?”
653s Hello! That’s one of the situations where size actually matters.
657s ATGMs are usually much longer than other types of ammo,
661s so few autoloaders can handle them.
663s And when they can’t, some manual labor is needed.
667s Xka24 writes:
669s “What's the best way to use the Mig21-S (R-13-300) effectively?”
675s Hi! This aircraft has early radar-guided missiles
679s that you can even launch in a frontal attack.
681s Most opponents at this low BR have no radar warning receivers,
685s so they won’t expect an attack like this.
688s In close combat, this MiG should rely on its flight performance and autocannon.
693s And the last comment for today was written by YuanFurbax:
697s “What’s the difference between the ''Ground zero'' map and the ''Alaska'' map?”
701s Hey Furbax! ‘Ground Zero’ is a version of ‘Alaska’,
705s only with a destroyed town center.
707s A large explosion is rumored to have happened there.
710s That’s it for today. You’ve been watching the Shooting Range by Gaijin Entertainment,
714s and the next episode will premier the following Sunday
717s at 4 PM GMT or noon Eastern time.
720s Subscribe and click the bell if you don’t want to miss our next videos.
724s Don’t forget to say thanks to Betty for saving your jet,
727s leave a like, share your thoughts and comments...
729s and see you next week!

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s 欢迎观看《射击场》!
8s 本期节目我们为您带来了:
9s 历史一页:瑞典轻坦攻势学说
13s 军械工厂:苏-27 家族的决胜利器
16s 以及硬核狠车:丹麦大镖客
29s 新版本“寻猎者”发布后,在欣赏新一代顶级战机上演天宇屠龙舞的同时,
33s 地面装备的身影也不容错过!能使出闪电旋风劈的步战车更是其中的焦点
39s 本期节目我们就先从游戏中首辆丹麦载具说起
42s 有请丹麦大镖客 CV9035DK 登场!
49s 这款装备与 CV90 家族的其他成员,尤其是瑞典与芬兰版本相比
52s 不能说是异父异母的亲兄弟,至少也是一个模子里倒出来的
55s 之间的主要区别在于主武器,这一点在载具型号名称上也有体现
64s CV9035 的主武器为一门 35 毫米机炮,配备双向稳定
70s 俯仰角在 -8 至 +37 度之间
75s 其主力弹种为带尾翼稳定的穿甲飞镖 (APFSDS)
78s 最大穿深为 130 毫米,和锥膛仔称兄道弟
82s 想要用来对付敌方正面装甲,那是不可能的
85s 但绕到侧后对着敌人使出闪电五连鞭还是可以的
88s 当然如果真的正面与敌人撞上也不用太过紧张
91s 用您的机炮给对方的炮管、炮闩以及履带做做护理以缓解空气中的尴尬氛围
96s 有道是:选车不选炮,等于没选炮
100s 丹麦版的 CV90 在口径和穿深威力上都是绝对的中间派:
104s 和大力出奇迹的瑞典 40 炮以及小刀喇屁股的芬兰 30 炮那是不上不下
108s 但是在战斗中也要考虑到射速因素:
113s 瑞典 40 炮待发弹药相当少,一下子打完就只能等着留辞世诗了
117s 芬兰与我们的丹麦主角则采用了弹链供弹,
121s 因此火力持续性方面可以说是大有改观
127s 丹麦版本 CV90 还有一个好,功重比全系列最高
132s 在全车总重高于其他两款型号的情况下仍然能胜出一筹
136s 在其 815 马力发动机的驱动之下能够轻松达到 70 km/h 的极速
141s 意味着 CV9035 在进行战场机动时
146s 比同权重其他主战坦克跑得还快
153s 既然提到了车重这个话题,
156s CV9035DK 这 32 吨重量多出来的部分基本都花在了附加装甲上
160s 为其正面与侧面提供了额外的心理安慰
162s 话都说到这个份上了,想靠这点防御挡下坦克主炮炮弹那自然不能够
166s 但在面对路过的机炮流弹时还是能有点作用的
169s 在和同级别其他轻坦近身搏斗时也许能成为制胜的关键!
175s 至于其他方面,CV9035 基本与常规步兵战车保持在同一水平线上了
179s 全面的载具性能让作战体验有了基础保障,
182s 而这样均衡的性能表现自然让车长们无往而不利!
197s 坦克歼击车、中坦重坦、巡洋坦克步兵坦克……
202s 以上所有分类在二战之后都变成了明日黄花
206s 所有细分型号都退出了历史舞台,
209s 为新兴的装甲多面手主战坦克让路
214s 轻型坦克则是唯一的例外
216s 在上世纪中叶时期,
218s 世界各国的现代军队对于轻量级
222s 高机动、具备空运能力的火力运载车有着相当高的需求
225s 即使是牺牲防护作为代价也在所不惜
228s 瑞典在上世纪 60 年代推出的一系列设计就是这样的风格
231s 其中多数都是以旧型号载具为平台进行改造而成
234s Ikv 72 步兵炮和 Strv 74 轻型坦克
239s 乃至其他类似的设计都只能算是临时解决方案
243s 瑞典需要的是真正新颖、面向未来的创新设计
247s 瑞典国防部也列出了一系列参数要求
250s 以当时的常规观念可谓相当不走寻常路:
252s 未来轻坦计划被定型为步兵支援装备
257s 要求配备重火力,能够在任何地形上施展火力支援步兵单位
261s 要求适配瑞典广袤的林地与北部沼泽地形
264s 此外军方还要求载具具备两栖能力、车重不高于 15 吨
268s 能够在无准备情况下通过桥梁乃至直接浮渡
273s 火力方面,新款轻坦预定装备一门为轻型平台定制的
278s 低后座 90 毫米炮
281s 而最后一条指标则是火炮俯仰角:
284s 俯角不小于 10 度,仰角不小于 20 度
287s 如此不走寻常路的参数要求自然让竞标公司也脑洞大开
292s 其中部分提案,如博福斯公司的设计
294s 就采用了固定射界与后置战斗室,与 ASU-57 相类似
299s 而其他的方案则更接近传统自行火炮
302s 最终 Hägglunds 公司夺得头筹
305s 该轻坦方案与另一款装甲人员输送车以及
308s 扫雷车共用同一底盘设计
310s 为了达到限重标准,工程师们使出锉刀大法
313s 将装甲削减到了仅有 8 毫米的极限
317s 然而瑞典人还是希望保有一定的防护能力
321s 车体首上采用了与 IS-3 相近的“箭簇形”布局
323s 后者在柏林阅兵上的首秀一度震惊世界,
327s 新轻坦的炮塔部分也采用了大倾角流线型设计
328s 大功率沃尔沃发动机倾斜布置以节省车体空间
332s 新款装备于 70 年代初正式入役,定型为 Ikv 91
338s 作为一辆主要设计用途是支援步兵的“突击炮”
342s Ikv 91 是瑞典百夫长与无头骑士 Strv 103 系列的得力补充
348s 尽管引擎方面存在可靠性问题,
350s Ikv 91 还是一直服役至 21 世纪初
354s 这款步兵炮的火控系统包含一具激光测距仪,
357s 在当时算得上是相当先进的配置
359s 无疑能让其在战场上更好地发挥反坦克火力
363s 幸运的是,冷战终究是没有演变成全面热战
365s 而这些为支援步兵而特化的装备最终
367s 由真正的全能高手 CV90 步战车与豹 2 系列主战坦克所取代
371s 瑞典还研制了一款配备 105 炮的型号瞄准出口市场,
377s 遗憾的是买家响应寥寥,没能激起多少回响
394s 在上期节目中,我们介绍了苏-27 家族的最新成员
398s 但尚未介绍系列载具的最佳挂载配置,
401s 其中中国的歼-11 系列也值得一谈
404s 我们就从空战挂载部分说起
408s 飞行员上手苏-27 系列解除的第一款武器无疑是 R-73 格斗弹
413s R-73 虽然在有效射程和飞行极速方面算不上遥遥领先
415s 但独特的燃气舵与鸭翼设计带来的超群机动使其无愧于格斗之王的名号
420s R-73 在头盔瞄准具的加持下简直是如虎添翼,
424s 能够在各种看似不可能的情况下命中目标
427s 继续解锁战机武备即可使用 R-27 中距弹
431s 能够挂在内侧翼下挂架与四个机腹挂架上:
435s 玩家们首先解锁基础型号,之后则是增程型的 ER
439s 在选择增程与常规型号之外,飞行员们还面临着一项选择:
442s 究竟是该选择红外导引头还是坚持雷达制导不动摇?
446s 一方面来说,R-27T 采用光电制导系统,
451s 能够对毫无察觉的敌人送上隐蔽一击
454s 这一特性在无标记的全真模式下尤为有利
458s 雷达弹在历史模式下所扮演的角色要更重要一些,
462s 毕竟雷达锁定能够无视热焰弹,远为可靠
464s 两种导引头选项只能说是各有千秋
468s R-73 与 R-27 的组合仍然是早期型号苏-27 与歼-11 最为有效的配置之一
473s 但后期升级型号引入的新一代空对空武器则将改变顶级空战的走向
476s 旧型号 R-27 的全部六个挂架都能够兼容
480s 采用主动雷达导引头制导的 R-77
483s 后者即使在较近距离下也能有用武之地:
486s 新款主动弹在使用便利性与机动性能上均有提升
490s 但飞行极速与有效射程比起 R-27ER 还是要逊色一些,
494s 因此我们建议有需求的飞行员们进行混合搭配
501s 现在是时候来聊聊对地攻击挂载了
504s 首先,清空其他挂架的一切元素,只留下翼尖的 4 枚空空弹
508s 从指标上看,苏-27 家族的每款战机都拥有超过 8 吨的起飞载荷能力
512s 但只有携带小当量炸弹才能接近这一上限
516s 虽然地毯式轰炸的场面着实壮观
519s 但 50 千克地瓜海显然无法对防护厚重的地面目标造成有效毁伤
522s 我们认为最合适的配置还是 8 枚 500 千克航弹
526s 战机的载荷能力尚有余地,同时这一规格的航弹算是完全够用
529s 稍稍偏离目标也能造成有效毁伤
533s 如果想追求任务泛用性,可以选择将其中部分航弹替换为火箭弹
537s 我们建议您着重关注大口径的 S-13 和 S-25 系列
544s 苏-27 家族中最为先进的苏-27SM 型
548s 则有自己的珍藏绝技值得单独一说
550s 它是目前游戏中唯一配备空对地制导挂载的侧卫型号
554s 第一款挂载配置是相对低廉的 4 枚 KAB-500 航弹
558s 与创纪录的大宝贝 KAB-1500 进行组合
562s 以上两款航弹都采用电视制导,投放后无需手动修正
567s 第二款挂载配置相对更加灵活多变,但出生点花费也更高
572s 这一配置将 4 枚制导炸弹更换为 Kh-29TD 对地导弹
577s 能够以更快的速度为目标送上炽热打击,毁伤效率也显著提升
581s 以上两款配置都包含额外的 R-77 空对空导弹
585s 以备不时之需应对可能出现的空中交锋
590s 下期节目您又想看到我们介绍哪款战机呢?
593s 不妨在评论区留言告诉我们吧,与此同时让我们来回答玩家疑问:
609s 今天的第一条问题来自玩家 Toe1000:
614s “F-4S 鬼怪在陆战历史模式下推荐携带什么挂载组合?”
618s 你好 Toe!我们直接选最通用的组合好了:
622s 机腹机炮吊舱、带上两个挂架的祖尼人,剩下两个挂架安排炸弹:
627s 500、750 或 1000 磅规格任君选择,根据地图和目标数量适配就好
634s Rick-Drakon 问道:
636s “KF41/箭式步战车搭载的长钉导弹射程大概是多少?”
642s 你好,Rick!长钉导弹在理想状态下能飞行 4 千米
647s 但如果用于对付直升机一类的机动目标,
650s 有效射程就要缩减到 2.5 至 3 千米了
655s 另一条问题来自 SRC:
658s “新的 AMX A-1A 飞行性能比 AMX 要更好吗?
663s 为什么它的分房权重要更高一点?”
668s 你好 SRC!这两款战机的飞行性能是一样的,
672s 但巴西版本的前射火力更为充沛,
676s 空对空导弹性能更优秀,还有便利的瞄准吊舱可供选用
680s Bankballgreen 留言道:
682s “游戏中有多少战机配备了主动雷达弹?”
685s 你好!以下是大致名单:
688s 三款 F-16、三款 F-15、三款鹰狮 C
693s 三款鹞、苏-27与歼-11A、幻影 2000F
698s 最新锐的德国鬼怪 ICE、米格 29 SMT、狂风以及歼-8F
703s 一共有 19 架!
707s 今天的最后一条留言来自 Yahya Imran Paracha:
711s “能给我们中国老铁的强-5III 专门做一期军械工厂或者
715s 历史一页节目详细介绍一下吗?”
718s 你好!这个建议确实不错!
720s 我们计划在后续军械工厂节目中介绍全部的强-5 系列战机,
725s 强-5III 自然包括在内
727s 以上便是本期节目的全部内容,您正在收看的是由 Gaijin Entertainment 制作的《射击场》节目
731s 下期节目将在格林威治标准时下午 4 点
734s 或美国东部时间正午时分播出
738s 敬请关注我们的频道,启用通知功能 以免错过下期精彩内容
741s 别忘了练习身法,像 Neo 一样躲避敌人的导弹攻势!
743s 给我们的视频点个赞,欢迎在评论区分享您的想法建议
746s 我们下周同一时间再会!