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The American M1A1 AIM Abrams main battle tank in service with the Australian army comes as a new squadron vehicle for all War Thunder players!

M1A1 AIM, main battle tank, USA, rank VII. Squadron vehicle.
  • Detailed thermal imager
  • KE-W armor piercing rounds
  • High vitality
  • Good mobility

With the release of the Danger Zone update, the M1A1 AIM main battle tank will become a new squadron vehicle and will be available to all War Thunder players. Abrams is good, a good Abrams is even better, and a good Abrams that you can get for free is simply great! Let's take a closer look at the Australian MBT?

The Australian Abrams is an overhauled tank of the M1A1 series with the replacement of the obsolete fire control system. In gameplay the Australian tank differs from the US early M1A1s by improved thermal imaging electronics, TVD for the AA machine gun, and a different gun ammunition. The tank received a better thermal imager than the M1A1 of earlier versions - the poor digitalization of early Abramses’ TVD is one of the most annoying things with these tanks.

As for ammunition, one may say that the variety of shells of the Australian tank is poor - the stock M830 HEAT round, which is unlikely to surprise anyone at rank VII, and the much more interesting KE-W. The KE-W APFSDS round is already familiar to players from the Turkish M60 AMBT. The projectile of this shell is able to pierce more than 580 mm of armor - this is, without a doubt, one of the best kinetic projectiles in the game. It is worth noting that, as with all other squadron vehicles, the player needs to research the modifications on their own, even if they are purchased for Golden Eagles. This round is unlocked for commanders already at the third tier of the M1A1 AIM modifications, and it would be most reasonable to schedule a modules research in order to quickly acquire the fearsome AP round, which is capable of piercing any vehicle in the game in any area of ​​​​the hull or turret.

The Abrams M1A1 AIM will be yours for squadron activity points (if you're already a member of War Thunder squadrons) or for Golden Eagles (there's a good article about Squadron vehicles on our Wiki[]). Australian Abrams, dozens of other interesting vehicles, new locations and game mechanics await you in the upcoming Danger Zone major update. Soon!