about 8 hours
ago -
War Thunder Commander
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- Su-33 — a bug with the landing gear animation that caused some pieces to clip through the plane has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug that caused vehicles to excessively slide on rocky surfaces has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- XM246 — a bug that caused the tracking radar dome to move when the turret was aimed vertically has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- Rapier — the maximum overload of the Rapier Mk.2 missile has been increased to 35G (Report[community.gaijin.net]). Source: BAE press kit.
- Rapier — the maximum speed of the Rapier Mk.2 missile has been increased to M2.5 (Report[community.gaijin.net]). Source: BAE press kit.
- Rapier — the range of the Rapier Mk.2 missile has been increased to 8.2 km. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- Advance to the Rhine — a bug where the detailed cathedral building was only displayed at low altitudes for aircraft has been fixed.
- [Operation] Kamchatka — a bug that caused allied air defense vehicles to appear on the runway has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- Support for DLSS 4 has been added.
- A bug that caused the feed from the UAV (picture-in-picture) to turn white if the player turned on night vision while in the tank and thermal while in the UAV has been fixed.
- A bug that caused aircraft-launched rockets and missiles to not have the cumulative and high-explosive armor penetration values in the stat card has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- F/A-18A, F/A-18C Early, AV-8B Plus (all variants), F-4F KWS LV — a bug that caused the game to crash when launching radar homing missiles has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).