about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

A few days ago, we posted the planned changes to the battle ratings. We have received a number of comments from you, and as always are grateful for your constructive feedback. After processing this information and further study of the statistics and possible options for changing battle ratings, as well as other possible balance parameters, we have decided to make a few changes to the planned BR changes. Since some of the solutions may not seem obvious, we would like to clarify them, and also say a few words about the balancing of War Thunder vehicles.

The efficiency of a vehicle in

about 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

A few days ago, we posted the planned changes to the battle ratings. We have received a number of comments from you, and as always are grateful for your constructive feedback. After processing this information and further study of the statistics and possible options for changing battle ratings, as well as other possible balance parameters, we’ve decided to put a few changes to the planned BR changes. Since some of the solutions may not seem obvious, we would like to clarify them, and also say a few words about the balancing of War Thunder vehicles.

The efficiency of a vehicle in ga

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

11.0 is not a possible BR we can have right at the moment, that is why the changes are being made now and additional tanks will be added to better combat Leopard 2 in the future:

We cannot expand BRs upwards without the necessary population, vehicle pool in a given matchmaking bracket, 24 hour concurrent stability in all time zones for a given BR and several other factors. Right now, that criteria has not yet been met. But the developers are aware of peoples desires for a larger BR range. When its possible to do so, we always try to expand BRs.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Table updated.

Jaguar GR.1, J 32 Lansen and Su-7 were incorrectly shown to jump 2 BR spots to 9.3.

Its now correctly updated to show them going to 9.7

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Reloading rates have always been a joint central ground between documentation and balancing. We keep them as close as possible to actual combat, but as explained by BVV in the M1A2 article, the developers reserve reload rates as a soft balancing mechanic where necessary.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Where possible, we always try to expand BRs when we can do so without causing the damage that can come by doing it when its an unsustainable change to support.

In order to expand BRs, there needs to be enough players at a given bracket that can also be supported with strong matchmaking around the clock (taking into account all timezones where the playerbase drops off slightly, like Australian timezones), enough of a vehicle pool to cover a -1 BR spread, a clearly consistent and matchmaking pool and several other key factors.

Right now we cannot move the Leopard 2A6 / S