about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Just to be clear, we did listen to the feedback presented on Italian helicopters, however its worth noting, the two key main points of feedback most discussed in the topic were:

- AB 205 being an "inadequate" starter helicopter to some judging it before it got its combined rocket + machine gun loadout.

- The size of the starting Italian Helicopter tree

To begin with, all starter Helicopters in game represent a basic low entry level helicopter. AB 205 is no different in this respect to the UH-1B found as the Japanese starter helicopter.

Secondly, regarding the size of the tree, this is simply the launch of the tree. Nobody said no more would be added over time and other nations also launched with similar size trees like the UK also with 3 and Japan with 4. More can be added over time, however there was no way entirely new models could possible be created in the short time between taking the feedback and the release of the update. The tree was perfectly in line with a launch tree with room to grow over time.

Beyond that, their were discussions on loadouts, which needed historical reports submitting with evidence to pass to the developers. Those submitted need more time for investigation and review.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

AH-1G is unique because virtually nobody else had a equal or contemporary example to it. It falls under a strange category where it has no ATGMs but was the perfect attack support helicopter. So its rather pointless to compare every starter Helicopter to AH-1G because quite simply, nobody has a direct counterpart.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

All Rank 6 Helicopters in game are 390k to research (unless there is more than one). Ab 109 is no exception. Should more be added to the tree, the cost can always change. But right now, there is only 2 helicopters to research.