over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It's not uncommon for people who claim to do their homework to also get things wrong. The vehciles we are working with have a plethora of source material that can often conflict.

We are probably at the stage where we have more British vehciles modelled than most other games, including some types that have never been represented in any game.

Coupled with the fact we have 10 nations now, with over 2000+ vehciles in game, most vehciles reach the game in a very solid way. The vast majority of historical matters are minor and insignificant in many ways with the occasional larger ones. However the Dev team always aim to do the very best at representing things as accurately as possible.

There is also information access and sources that sometimes are not easily available, so the developers go with the best of what is available. Often information can come out years after a model has already been started. Some of these vehciles can take 6-12 months and new information is coming out all the time.

TL:DR - the Devs do as much "homework" as it sometimes humanly possible, but mistakes can still happen. It's also much easier with the benifit of hindsight and most of the hard parts done to find minor or smaller scale things than it is to make the vehicle a relality in the first place.

Thanks. It's already known as far as I'm aware but I'll forward that later so there is a public report visable.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

These are illumination flares. Same thing was reported on the Harrier GR.1.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Currently nothing suggests it ever made it past paper marketing material. If it was at least shown at shows like the overwing pods it would be a bit more viable. Currently though it's just a general plan.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Napalm will be expanded to other nations over time. As to the spesifics of who or what aircraft, it's too early to say at this time.