about 3 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Please note all specifications and dev server details are subject to change and NOT FINAL.

Blue font = changed/added

Known Bugs:

New vehicles in update “Winged Lions” may have inaccuracies in characteristics, armour and weaponry settings.

The armour model for new ground vehicles in update “Winged Lions” is “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.

Some new aircraft lack c*ckpits.

Some ground vehicles lack a visible crew.

There may be a lack of localization for some equipment.

No sound played on some events.

Some aircraft may have inaccuracies in the Damage Model, missing fuel, oil and water leaks, armour materials

Nesher - Not final version of suspended weaponry and modification presets, final textures on the armament pylons may be missing.

There may be inaccuracies in the weapons menu for new aircraft.

F-4E Phantom II - Visually missing flares/chaff modification in the modification menu.

A-4H — Missing modifications and suspended weaponry.

Kfir C.7 — Missing flares/chaff modification and wrong radar installed.

G-Lynx, Lynx AH Mk.1 — Flares modification has been temporarily removed.

S.O.4050 Vautour IIN (France) — There are errors in the armament menu and in the visual displaying of the suspended weaponry.



F-105 Thunderchief

OS2U-1 (updated model)

OS2U-3 (updated model)




Su-22M3 (Squadron Vehicle)

Great Britain

Seafire LF Mk.III




Seafire LF Mk III

Mirage 5F


Spitfire Mk IXc



Spitfire Mk IX (CW)


M.D.450B Ouragan

Vautour IIA

Vautour IIN

Meteor NF.13

Meteor F.8

M.D. 454 Mystere IVA

A-4E Early (M)



Super Mystere B2 Sambad

Super Mystere B2 Sa`ar

F-4E Phantom II


Mirage IIICJ

Kfir C.7

Ground vehicles





Pz.II C, Pz.II C (DAK) — (updated model)

Pz.III B — (updated model)




Challenger 2 TES (2008)


Type 10






Leclerc SXXI


Bkan 1C

Naval Fleet


USS Wilkinson


Flusi 1



JDS Harukaze

New locations and missions

New location for aerial battles “Israel”

New operation for the location “Israel”.

New [Ground Strike] mission has been added for the location “Israel”.

Return of the updated mission “Volokolamsk”.

Test flight for Israeli aircraft has been added.

Location and mission updates

All Ground Strike missions (except for novice Ground Strike missions), and Enduring Confrontation missions (where not applied before): ground AI units utilize the same models available in ground vehicle battles. The same will be implemented for RB missions later.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Upper and lower armour plates of the following ground vehicles have been converted to volumetric armour:






Object 268

Tiger II (P)

Tiger II (H)

Tiger II (10.5 cm KwK)

Tiger II (H) Sla.16


The turret sides on the following ground vehicles have been converted to volumetric armour:

Tiger II (H)

Tiger II (10.5 cm KwK)

Tiger II (H) Sla.16

Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:


A28B - 18 cm HPRAK m/49 rockets have been removed from weapon presets (Source 1: FV Raketbeväpning 1944-1954 (SAF Rocket armament 1944-1955), Source 22: SFI (Speciell förarinstruktion) J 28 B Prestanda)

Aircraft with HVAR and RP3 rockets now feature separate launches.

F-4E — GBU-15(V)1/B guided bomb has been added.

Naval vessel model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

MPK pr.12412 - aiming angles of the AK-630 30mm rotary cannon have been increased.

IJN Yugumo - traverse aiming angles of the first torpedo launcher have been increased.

SF40 Leichte - 37mm FlaK-Lafette C/36 has been changed to 37mm FlaK.43 gun.

Torpedo type for British destroyers has been changed from Mark IX to Mark IX**:

HMAS Armada

HMS Brissenden

HMS Jervis

HMS Kelvin

HMS Nepal

HMCS Haida

HMS Mohawk

HMS Tribal

HMS Tobruk

ORP Garland

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

Ballistics in naval shells have been corrected - changes have been implemented to the dynamics and speed loss, in accordance with historical data. The effect of air resistance has been fixed. As a result, the flight time has been changed. For the vast majority of shells the flight time has been reduced. Trajectories have become more flat, including according changes to fall angles. Speed loss at distance has been reduced that has resulted in increased armour penetration capabilities of many rounds. Changes affect almost all shells in naval battles, their parameters may be specified further in future. Shells with the most noticeable armour penetration value changes are (first parameter - distance 1,000 meters; second - 15,000 meters):

SAP 130 mm/50 B-13: armour penetration increased by ~10-12 mm

AP and SAP 180 mm/57 B-1P, B-1K, 152mm/57 B-38: armour penetration increased by ~25-40 mm

SAP 127 mm/50 Mk.5: armour penetration increased by ~13-21 mm

SAP 152 mm/53 Mk.12: armour penetration increased by ~24-34 mm

AP 152 mm/47 Mk.16: armour penetration increased by ~16-29 mm

AP 203 mm/55 Mk.14: armour penetration increased by ~12-31 mm

AP 203 mm/55 Mk.12: armour penetration increased by~18-43 mm

AP 305 mm/45 Mk.5: armour penetration increased by ~16-40 mm

AP 305 mm/50 SK L/50: armour penetration increased by ~14-44 mm

SAP 152 mm/50 BL Mk.XXIII: armour penetration increased by ~1-15 mm

SAP 152 mm/45 BL Mk.XII:armour penetration increased by ~11-27 mm

SAP 203 mm/50 Mk.VIII: armour penetration increased by ~12-18 mm

AP 305 mm/45 Mk.X: armour penetration increased by ~19-46 mm

SAP 343 mm/45 Mk.VH: armour penetration increased by ~12-52 mm

AP 343mm/45 Mk.VH: armour penetration increased by ~23-95 mm

AP 203 mm/50 Ansaldo mod.1924: armour penetration increased by ~21-37 mm

AP 305 mm/46 Armstrong mod.1909: armour penetration increased by ~26-62 mm

SAP 305 mm/46 Armstrong mod.1909:armour penetration increased by ~48-121 mm

SAP 140-мм/50 3rd Year Type 14 cm: armour penetration increased by ~19-25 mm

AP 305-м/50 41st Year Type:armour penetration increased by ~14-34 mm

SAP 356-мм/45 41st Year Type: armour penetration increased by ~26-30 mm

Other AP and SAP shells have 1-10 mm armour penetration rise/loss.

List of documents on the basis of which the ballistics of the naval shells have been changed.

When specifying ballistics first of all we tried to bring the flight time of the shells and its speed at different distances to the data from the documents listed.On most shells it turned out quite accurately. Absolute accuracy is currently impossible to achieve for objective reasons and limitations in the game engine. In future we plan to bring external ballistics to a more accurate simulation. Currently you can observe differences in the angles of incidence with shells for historical ones. This is also due to the limitations of the engine which we will eliminate during development. We also remind you that penetration data from the documents and in-game penetration may differ because in-game penetration is calculated uniformly according to a single formula for all shells and the documentary data may have been obtained in different ways: theoretical and practical. However the flight time and speed on the trajectory are now much closer to historical (and for many shells almost completely coincide) than they were before.

283mm/54.5 SK C/34 — Shell velocity dynamics that caused armour penetration to be lowered and flight time to be increased has been fixed.

One coefficient of the armour penetration on the semi-AP rounds calculation has been fixed, resulting in a slight armour piercing value rise.

Admiral Graf Spee - ship’s armour has been corrected: the thickness on extremities and decks. The deck traverse has been separated into two plates of different thicknesses.

Parizhskaya Kommuna - the dynamics of sinking and the behavior of the ship when flooding has been fixed. The ship no longer capsizes when losing buoyancy up to 60-80%

USS Raleigh, USS Trenton - a model of fuel tanks has been added in the area of the ammunition room of the aft turrets of the main battery.

USS Pensacola - the location of the central artillery post and the location of the aft ammunition stowages for secondary and anti-aircraft artillery have been changed.

HMS Liverpool, HMS Southampton - armour has been added under the barbettes of the main caliber guns.

USS Northampton - elevators have been added for the secondary guns.

M-17 - the internal geometry of the bow section of the ship has been fixed for the correct calculation of the received damage.

Naval Visual models and visual parts:

MPK pr.12412 - the mounted rescue boat has been removed during a battle session.

HMS Blackpool - incorrect display of torpedoes inside of the torpedo tubes has been fixed.

USS Raleigh - incorrect display of the elevator of the aft tower of the main battery in the x-ray has been fixed.

USS Pensacola - the shape and dimensions of the fuel tanks have been changed in accordance with the blueprints.

Economy and research

F-84F and Vautour IIA IDF/AF(Premium French aircraft) have been withdrawn from purchase. In future the Vautour IIA will appear as a premium vehicle in Israel’s aircraft tree.


A bug has been fixed where the “Fire Arrows” achievement might only be completed using unguided rockets.

"Emblem of the 61st Mechanised Battalion, South West Africa" decal has been added for the South African vehicles. The decal can be unlocked only with SA vehicles.

R3 T106 FA, R3 T20 FA-HS — tricolor camo has been added available for Golden Eagles.

New “Road Signs” decorations have been added and are available for purchase with GE.


In battle in the action bar's selection window, each point now has a fixed location. If some actions are missing on the vehicle, then instead of them there will be empty spaces in this menu.

Game mechanics

Scout aircraft in naval battles. The ability to launch a scout aircraft from the ship’s catapult (if it has one) has been added to naval battles. It is necessary to open and install the appropriate modification beforehand. After the start of the battle, the launch of the aircraft becomes available after a specific time. To launch, activate the catapult (default "U"), point it outboard and launch the aircraft (default "U"). During flight, you can switch between the aircraft and the ship. As long as the player controls the aircraft the ship will remain on the course it was on at the time of launch. The ship will fire in accordance with the set shooter AI mode. If the ship is destroyed while controlling the aircraft the flight will end after a while. In addition to aerial fighting, scouting aircraft can:

Capture points

Drop bombs

Deploy a smoke screen at altitudes of up to 50m

Perform long-range scouting


Implemented surround sound support for Windows 10 platforms (Windows Sonic for headphones, Dolby Atmos for headphones, DTS: X headphones), Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5.

Sound events of aircraft engines, ground vehicles, as well as aircraft guns and enemy/allied ground vehicles received support for improved spatial positioning.

For the player's ground vehicles, the suspension soundtrack has been implemented when driving over rough terrain. That is, the movement of the suspension arms is now voiced.

Some of the jet aircraft received unique engine sounds, reflecting the characteristic features of a particular engine model. The work is still in progress.

Discussion thread

about 3 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Changelog updated for today's Dev Server opening.

New/edited parts marked by blue font.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The SMT should not and wont have the R-60M. Its a bug at the moment.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not at the moment. Nobody is getting AIM-9L. It's an all aspect missile with far greater capabilities than the R-60M. The German Bis will be getting R-60M.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

These are entirely separate matters.

Missiles and loadouts are given with consideration to the individual performance of any given aircraft based on game balance.

In the case of the Bis SAU, when it was first introduced, we said that we would monitor it's performance before giving it any additional weponary. As it currently stands, it's one of the worst 11.0 aircraft so R-60M is viable to add now.

In the case of bug reports, they have nothing to do with balance, but require source material, authentication, validation and more often than not, further research to ensure the material is correct.

The two matters are not linked in any capacity.

In addition, as we have already said for some time now, a new domestic top fighter for France is coming. Just not in this update.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It's currently not planned for the Soviet Bis as Russia already has multiple aircraft at the top of the performance bracket.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thunderskill is not representative of the actual data and only uses the values from those that use its site or who's nicknames are searched. The actual performance is not comparable.

MIG-27K is a slight modification of the M. They are almost identical. Variants of the same airframe are usually always considered when making the first model.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Mirage 5 was a ground attack variant also used by France themselves. Not just for export.

The K is after the M, so it's down to the player to decide if they wish to research it. Folders are added when there are things after it to add and when there is more aircraft in general in any given rank.

about 3 years ago - Stona - Direct link

We have added a link to document:

List of documents on the basis of which the ballistics of the naval shells have been changed.

about 3 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Additional info for changelog

List of documents on the basis of which the ballistics of the naval shells have been changed.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It will be hidden from purchase in the French tree. Currently it isn't planned to come back for now.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link