almost 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Hi guys

Due to community requests from users who wished for the main bulk of discussions and responses from this thread, as well as the many developer answers within them, we have restored the topic as best possible in order to comply with the original poster of the previous topics wishes to remove their opening post information to share on another platform.

We hope the restoration of the thread in this way is the best solution for everyone in order to retain as much of the many discussions that took place here whilst respecting the previous OPs wishes also to remove their main post.

almost 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Your wish was to remove / censor the information from the OP.

We have respected that wish, but the remaining contents, subsequent discussion and also developer responses are not something your consent is required for as you do not have ownership over all of those posts by others.

The original posts have not been deleted and can be restored at any time. However your wish was to censor them and have the information removed and post to another platform. As mentioned, your wish has been respected here, but the remaining users of the threads are entirely just as entitled to have their posts back.

Respectfully we understand you disagree with certain things and this is not about that. We have respected your wish to remove that information from these topics whilst keeping them here for others to use and discuss.

almost 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

You were not contacted as you made it clear you wished to remove the information in the OP and intended to post your topic on another platform. Again, we fully respect any decision you wish to make with your own post. But restoring the rest of the topic and everyone else's posts is not something we need to consult you for.

If you do wish to update and restore your OP, it can be restored at any point without an issue.

Up until now, we are simply respecting your own wish to remove the info of the OP but restoring the rest of the topic for everyone else. Once you have decided if you do / don't wish for the OP to be restored, that can be done. But this thread itself can carry on in the meantime for others without being connected to other issues you have with other aspects of the game / forum.