over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Proper sources where possible are best for proposals.

P.75 - We have no information on this tank or its existence. Perhaps @BlueBeta can clarify.

P.43 family was nothing more than a wooden mockup and proposals.

P.44 Pantera is a fabricated tank. The Italians intended to produce Panthers, but never did. So far the "P.44 Pantera" name has not been backed up by any credible source material.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nothing substantial and not enough to quantify it being in game.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

When there is sufficient source material to back that up, including all of the technical information we need to actually consider implementing the vehicle, it can be considered. But a mock-up is not a prototype.

We do not and have not for a couple of years now add any wooden mockup or any form of non prototype vehicle. In fact, we even began removing and replacing such vehicles. The only ones that remain in game are ones that have not yet had a suitable replacement found. But no more will be added and the existence of older models added years ago before the policy change is not cause to add another.

The tank does not exist. It was a design mock-up that was utilized by another game. It never existed even as a prototype and there is no material to support anything further than a base design idea.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The model was completed before the change in policy and it was only ever distributed through a limited time event. It's almost non existent and certainly no more than the already removed vehicles.

What about (insert existing vehicle) is also not a good excuse to add even more, when we have said we do not wish to introduce such vehicles anymore and have already started removing some.

This is not a good comparison at all.

The modern vehicles we have in game all exist(ed), in service/tested or have fully built prototypes. There is also sufficient source material on all of them to model them with a reasonable level of accuracy in terms of performance without any classified material.

Compared to tanks that did not exist in realty beyond wooden mockups, paper drawings or a few singular components. There is no comparison here and there is no plan to introduce any further paper or mockup vehicles without sufficient evidence they existed for testing.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

If you have enough information to meet the criteria, you can submit a suggestion topic for a vehicle.

It's a different vehicle and one that was never built. It never got beyond mockup and a few parts built. As we have already explained, based on the current information, it's not viable to add and does not meet th criteria.

The tank did not exist outside of paper.

We need only compare it to the Flakpanzer 341. Which was a Panther that existed, the guns that existed but only a mockup turret and was removed from the game already for that reason.

The P.44 didn't even get to that stage, has even less information and as such there is no real chance of it coming .

Let's stay away from the conspiracy theories please and stick to facts.

There are plenty of tanks from other nations that have not been implemented that got even further and have more information than many of the vehicles you mentioned here. There is a plethora of designs based on the M103 and M48 chassis for the US, several Soviet heavy tank proposals and designs, the O-I for Japan, Strv-K for Sweden, Fv 215b 183 for the UK and many others that have not been implemented for the exact same reason as these paper / mockup Italian vehicles.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Added in 2014 before the policy changes. If viable replacements can be found, it too would possibly go.