over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We are investigating some reports on specific missiles, but generally its not so much a case of any missiles being "worse" than before. Flares are generally functioning now as they should which to some might make them think their missile is doing worse.

Beyond that, im generally a bit unsure what it is here you are asking me to comment on. Without any reports, evidence and sources, we cant take escalations further without the grounds.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

A report on this would be helpful. Any evidence is apricated.

Whilst this report is still open, it requires further review. By intention it has always been 15G. The missile autopilot limits the missile lateral acceleration during the 1st phase of flight to achieve maximal launch range. So we use average maximal load factor to achieve the correct limit.

MiG-23MLD is a later variant and as with most cases, we usually start with the first steps. The combination of F-4 + F-5 and MiG-21Bis and MiG-23M has created solid starting point for Rank VII which

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Both. We cannot generally just add something solely because it's asked for if an aircraft is already doing well (see AIM-9G on the British Phantoms). However, coupled with feedback, the MIG-23 was the worst on its BR bracket before. Which greatly factors and gives the feedback more backing.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

That would depend on the outcome of any historical reports submitted.