over 1 year ago - magazine2 - Direct link
Originally posted by Just Terrible Gameplay: When? The tanks are absolute trash until 4.7 BR... my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ little guns which have 72mm of pen can't do anything against the same BR tanks from other nations especially in an uptier...
USA M4A3 (105) can't be damaged from the front meaning it's a 100% loss every time i run into it so when i play 1.7 and get uptiered it's an instant loss on my side ty gaijn :)))))))

That's how the shells and guns work for the British tanks. You need to learn where to aim on the enemy to kill them with those shells. It can be a bit more difficult than other nations, but it's doable. What British tanks in particular are you having trouble with, though?