about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

No candidate for China was found. So the Type 69-IIG came instead.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I would say im shocked this is up to 21 pages already somehow, but then again...

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Which is quite interesting. Because when we have the larger patches (from a pure vehicle count perspective) we have the exact opposite claims that there is too much content, too many issues and not enough fixes. "less content Gaijin, more fixes!"

Yet when we have a patch with fewer vehicles, but more quality of life fixes and improvements, lots of bug fixes and general positive changes across the game, the comments become about how "disappointing" or "boring" it is. "More content Gaijin, not enough!"

One thing is said one time, then the complete opposite the next

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Theres no "victim mentality" here. Major updates have always been filled with thousands of fixes that go totally unrecognized.

Im simply stating the facts. We have thousands of fixes every major that go totally ignored. Thats clearly evidenced here when we have major content updates with lots of fixes, followed closely by a smaller update with lots of fixes and then a further major update with lots of quality of life changes and improvements. There is always going to be that follow on of "ok but what about this". No matter what we do thats never going to stop.

The issue is everyone has different things they consider priority and important without seeing the full perspective as a whole.

Often its just assumed everything is "easy" to fix without considering the fuller and wider implications and factors.

Nobody is expecting to receive anyone as a "saint". But the constant "Gaijin dont listen" mentality is hardly helping the situation when we very much do. Its just easier to focus on the areas where whats directly desired has not been possible or not materialized yet. But we are working towards improvements for the whole game.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We listen to all feedback. Nothing selective about it.

There is a big difference between something that takes time, investigation and further review than just simple "quick fixes".

Lots of changes are made across the board, some without bug reports, so trying to justify every change with whatever singular source we list on the patchnotes is logical. We cant list every source used for every change because the changelog would then become enormous.

Where did i say this?

Please do not just twist the context of my words to suit whatever situation you can link it too. Each case is different and every matter thats properly reported will be reviewed and where it is proven correct, will be actioned. Not to mention, it has quite literally no relation or connection to "money" at all. Creating links where there are none are rather meaningless.

Going though all the update feedback, ive seen literally no mentions or complaints of this. If it has been properly bug reported, then please feel free to shoot me the link via PM so we can get a proper developer response rather than the false accusations and claims your making and not take this topic further off course.

Over the last year, we have implemented a huge amount of things coming directly from the feedback of what people wanted to see. And I dont just mean vehicles. Several of the naval content creators ive spoken too on the matter also agree this update was a huge step forward on helping Naval and improving the mode. As well as all the other feedback we have had from across the community and all areas of the game.

Yes of course there is still much more work to be done and improvements that need to be made. Nobody is denying or ignoring that. But at the same time, "selective listening" of the changelogs, the effort that is being put in and simply claiming that nothing is being done is not helping achieve anything at all.

Nobody is asking for "instant gratification" and it seems you just missed the point entirely of what I said. When we have vehicle content heavy patches, there are lots of crys out for "not enough fixes" (conveniently ignoring the huge changelog of fixes in every major) and too many vehciles. Then, on the flipside when we have a reduced number of vehicles and a more quality of life focused patch the exact opposite becomes true.

The point there is no matter what we do, what approach we take, what we focus on or what we prioritize, there will always be a group or select individuals unhappy with an area of the game.

Thats not to say that we dont see them or we dont always expect there to be constructive criticism. Because we fully expect there to be.

Thats why we all spend hundreds of hours every update, dev server and between updates patrolling everywhere to collect feedback, pass ideas, requests and suggestions along and raise the concerns the community raise in constructive ways.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and not every issue that every member of the community sees as a priority can be resolved in a singular patch.

What does not help, is when those who are more interested in simply throwing shade and sarcasm than constructive feedback as that achieves quite literally nothing. Negative opinions, dislikes and things you want to see improved are always welcomed when delivered in a constructive way. But when you come here just to simply start throwing false accusations of how we see things, or that we somehow dont ever expect to see negative reactions, then it achieves nothing.

Now this has taken things far off the subject matter just because you needed to put your personal opinion on the matter into the mix. If you wish to continue, please either take it to PM or in the many other more suitable topics.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The developers are aware of the communities concerns in these areas.

Spawn areas and map terrain on several locations has already been adjusted to prevent spawn-spawn shooting and the remaining ones as we have already said are planned to be investigated also.

Bombers very much do have a role and many of them continue to be the most played and used aircraft. The recent changes to remove airfield destruction were done based on the feedback of the community as a whole. Bombers being able to end games via base destruction was not popular for the whole community. There are also other ways bombers can be deployed and contribute towards a victory and we will continue to monitor the situation for them as well as any feedback and suggested changes that the whole community can agree on as a positive. Air RB for example over the past 2 patchs has seen a number of improvements that came from a previous roundup of community feedback all linking back directly to what players want to see and that will only continue.

Hispanos and the issues reported within them are rather complicated. Their shell composition is different to lots of other more popular cannon shells which can lead to a noticeable difference in effectiveness. Their belt composition also has an impact on this too. But regarding the "sparks" matter, we have been forwarding all feedback to the developers along with the evidence presented and its currently being reviewed internally to ensure there are no errors anywhere in the DM code or more advanced underlying issues.

For heavy fighters, the instructors have been improved several times and on spesific cases where reported they have generally all been actioned. Not to say that there may not be further issues, but as long as they are properly bug reported, that ensures it will be investigated.

Naval is and was always known to be the more niche mode. From the very start, a realistic naval mode was always going to be less popular than ground or air because of the style of gameplay in a realistic setting. With that said the mode itself has been very closely developed with feedback from players and over the last few major updates, has received a lot of attention and focus to improve it more and it wont stop there. This major update, a lot of core community concerns for Naval were improved upon and many new improvements introduced. We have much more planned ahead for naval not just in terms of content, but overall to improve the mode and will continue to monitor the reception and feedback of players in this area.

As for the last part, I dont recall hardly any discussions, mentions or real big concerns form the community on this. Each tank is shaped with its own unique characteristics inside of a game environment. We try to get them as close to their real counterparts as possible, but as with everything, there are limitations.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its not only about raw fixes alone, but also the quality of life improvements and changes. Of which, there were indeed more.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

For those that should have it, they will receive it when the feature is ready if/when its implemented on future vehicles.

When we have some news to share on them, it would generally be via a dev blog. Right now there is nothing new we can say.

Then there is far more likely another factor in play here that needs to be confirmed. Different standards of shell calculation are not applied to different nations. They all follow the same system.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We have some more plans indeed for that area

Squadron Vehicles in the Russian translation I believe.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Just before conclusions are jumped too, I also mean in general long term too. Not specifically the next update.

The WW2 content is not stopping anytime soon thats for sure.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Regenerative steering in its basic form was implemented some time ago. At least a general simulation of the effects it has. Where possible, further improvements will be made.

But like everything, there are limitations to what can be done in game and how something can be replicated in game. Such as the Hydrogas suspension defectiveness claims.

That doesnt really change the point, not every tank is a T-34 and each is unique based on its own characteristics as far as can be replicated in a game setting.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Good thank you, working towards my Jaguar

Afraid we cant give specifics just yet, all I can say is take a look backwards at the past and where major updates typically fall. They often offer a solid guideline for where the next will fall

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Typically the plan is always 5 yes.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

That makes two of us.

Thread cleaned up a little.

Please take the personal debates on random subjects to PM or an appropriate area on the forum.

We have a huge amount of areas specifically for such debates. This isnt the place.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys we literally just had a major update this week. We cannot start confirming stuff so early.

Both are within development plans. We cant say how far along they are right now.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Well, we have said, time and time again, this is not the place to discuss it. If you want to discuss it, take it here please https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/396-general-upcoming/

Just because you want to talk about it, it doesnt mean its on topic. The thread has been cleaned and warnings stated twice now.

Please use the correct area and topics for that discussion. Here is not the place.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Type 16 is currently an end of line vehicle unlike the ones you are comparing it too in Germany and Italy. So it will have higher RP costs as a result.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

If/when there is nothing new to discuss, there is a whole forum outside of this thread.

Nobody is being forced to discuss everything within this.

If you cant be on topic here, then it means there are probably 2 other existing topics elsewhere that you can be.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I really really really hope people would appreciate we cant say anything about the next patch this early and certainly cant just confirm/deny vehicles because people keep asking about them too

We appreciate there are vehicles everyone wants to see, but its not always a case of it all coming at once.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nothing at all right now as I have said already. We just had a major last week.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There are quire literally hundreds of aircraft with BVR, so does that mean they are suddenly all confirmed too?

No it does not and we have confirmed nothing about anything yet. Carrier models are indeed being worked on as we confirmed in a Q and A. They will come when they are ready.

I cant count the amount of times Ive said this is not coming for a while. We have literally said nothing on this aircraft at all to even indicate its being worked on. Its practically a generation ahead of where we are right now.

Please dont expect it anytime super soon.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

You are wishlisting is the correct way to describe it.

We are fully aware its an aircraft a significant amount of people want to see, just like the Mirage, Lighting and all the other "Gaijin pls gib" we tend to have a lot, and just like all of those aircraft, it takes research, development and time and will come when its able to come.

With that said, there are other nations trailing even further behind Russia in terms of both number of jets and the level of some jets. Russia is not at the bottom of the list and has not been for some time.

There has been no confirmation of any kind on this aircraft. Simply wishlisting..

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

By constantly raising discussions on it, you are wishlisting.

Because there is no rumour, datamine, confirmation or leak of any kind on MiG-23. Only pure wishlisting.

Im not sure why any Phantom or MiG-23 is being discussed right now.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Im not claiming you did. But carrying it on when we have asked multiple times for people to take things to their respective topics is just the same.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys, im really not sure why we are back on this again. There is nothing on any MiG-23 or Phantom at all. This is just pure wishlisting.

Please take it to the appropriate areas and topics.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We said in the last Q and A we always have X.XX.1.X patches, just most of the time they dont have a name. Regia Marina got its name to celibrate the release of the Italian Fleet.

So yes, there likely will be a similar patch when we move to 1.101.1.X

Actually it did:

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

They are vehicles in the tree that were not there before, so yes, they are new. Regardless, I dont see the point of what is trying to be made here now.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

New maps of all kinds are always possible. As for what ones, we cant be spesific.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not exactly sure what you mean by this?

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Ah indeed. Yes its stated net hp will be used instead of gross hp.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

In an appropriate thread discussing the MiG-23 yes, that would be correct. But thats not what I was referring to at all and I think thats pretty clear. Its pure wishlisting at this point.

This is not a MiG-23 discussion and there is no reason or substance to base the continued discussion of it here.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Both are 10.0

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Oh good, it does work then

That was just a test.

I would like to ask everyone again, to please take all MiG-23 debates and discussions to their appropriate topic(s). This one has been derailed several times over the last week and the same people repeatedly ignoring previous requests to remain on topic and use the appropriate areas.

MiG-23 is not to be discussed here.

We really do not want to start issuing warnings for those who just keep ignoring this, but we can always change MiG-23 > Po-2 in case

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thats an awfully big interpenetration if you got all that from what I said. I also said nothing of the next patch just to point out.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nothing to "troll" about in this event.

D.521 is a rare event vehicle that wont be returning to the British or French tree anytime in the foreseeable future. It will remain a collectible for those that have it.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This is a Battle of Britain event. Not the Battle of France. We have a ore suitable and new premium for the focus of this event and I think its fair to say the general reception to it has been positive.

I understand you want to see more French aircraft, but that has nothing to do with this event or topic.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

2 years before France was even in the game as a full nation. As I said, after that, its not planned to return as its a collectible vehicle from the past like many others.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys, we are heading down that avenue again. Please take the correct junction.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As much as this is secretly one of my favorite aircraft, not anytime soon. Its certainly not in any immediate plans.

It was posted back at the start of the year. Its nothing new and this isnt a Puma discussion.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Once again, thats not the only choice.

There is a whole forum outside of this one topic. If there are no rumors to discuss, then its not an excuse or reason to just start discussing random vehicles.

We have topics and areas for that.

Nobody is forced to keep this topic alive every day. It will still be here when the rumors and blogs actually start.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

In 2018 we had 47 premiums added in updates. In 2019 we had 41 premiums in updates. So far in 2020, we have had 25 premiums.

In 2018 we had 203 tech tree vehicles in updates. In 2019 we had 223 tech tree vehicles in updates. So far in 2020, we have had 143 tech tree vehicles with 2 major updates still to go.

Please do not mislead people with incorrect claims.

Good things do indeed come to those who wait, but what im saying is, please stop going off topic discussing aircraft / tanks that have had 0 official confirmation, leaks or any kind of proper rumor at all. Wishlisting and hypothetical guessing are not rumors.

We have a whole forum with plenty of places to discuss MiG-23, Puma and the myriad of other vehicles that keep coming up.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

No bug report has ever taken years to approve on this forum. Some reports, during heavy major update periods can take a month. But usually its around a week or so depending on the availability of Technical Moderators, testing periods and update periods. Baring in mind all Technical Moderators are both players themselves and volunteers.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It never had bombs. Its the Hurricane Mk I/L in Fleet Air Arm service. The FAA also contributed to the battle and the Hurricane Mk I was the highest scoring aircraft on the RAF side that bore the brunt of the fighting.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thats not really what was said in the post. More a direct claim that we are somehow making less tech tree vehicles whilst also increasing the number of premiums. Which is not accurate at all.

Regardless, F-11 is not really an "iconic" aircraft and it was only in service for a short window with limited numbers. The US tree is hardly short of jet aircraft and there are many more still to come in the future head for both the USAF and USN.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Production numbers are not the only factor. Event vehicles also cover unique and interesting examples as well. Event vehicles have to be interesting, otherwise people are not interested.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Im not sure after several attempts over the last week or so and responses of me saying that we cant answer anything yet, people still try

This has quite literally nothing to do with the topic. Picking a vehicle and asking if its coming is wishlisting.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not all event vehicles are production vehicles. There are already also prototypes and experimental vehicles too. At the same time, its worth noting, not all players want prototypes and obscure / unknown that they know nothing about. The general response and feedback on the F-11 and Ar-196 when we announced them was largely positive.

Squadron vehicles are also getting a regular supply of vehicles.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The vehicle was not even released. It was given to content creators early to create videos to show the vehicles. At no point is a repair cost ever "final".

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

None of this changes what I said. All of them are interesting machines that players were happy to see.

As I said, not every event vehicle is production and not every event vehicle is prototype. They are a mix of both with the main goal of being interesting.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There is always a need to add new vehicles. But as @Stavroforoshas already pointed out from my post yesterday. We are only barely 2 weeks after the last major update. We are not going to answer on where the upcoming vehicles will be just yet or what they will be.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Please use the correct section for the second time asking today: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/494-ground-forces-discussion/

This topic is not a dumping ground for whatever discussion you want to have.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There will be 4 vehicles in total for the event.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

You will find out over the coming days.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its not this week, we can say that much for now

We will have some more blogs to come and then the full event details next week.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not during the weekend no.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Dont think I've ever had that

I can remember seeing what you mean, but cant remember who it was.

We are not close to the next major update blogs at all yet. The only ones over the next few days will be the 4 event vehicles (3 remaining now).

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We have said numerous times. There is not going to be an Israeli tree.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys, if you want to discuss minor nation trees or how X, Y or Z nation can be implemented, please go here


This topic is not a new nation discussion. (Or a MiG-23, German Halftrack or Wishlist topic too)

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not over the weekend. Stay tuned early next week.

Late Chinese tanks are proving troublesome source and info wise. But the devs are indeed working on them. They will have some more vehicles in future updates.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

"Personal project" - On the page for this aircraft.

As has already been pointed out, lets not please start taking any model found online in progress and saying its WT related.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Israeli vehicles have never just been in the British tree. France had the IDF/AF Vautour one patch later from when the Shot Kal was introduced.

Nations without a full tree have their vehicles distributed to the closest and most logical connecting tree on a vehicle by vehicle basis. As was the case with the C2 MEXAS.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We haven't blocked any comments on any dev blog today. Please dont mislead people.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This discussion has nothing to do with this topic at all. If you want to discuss Italian Ground Forces, please do so in the Italian Ground Forces topic. Merkava Mk 3 is not going to suddenly negate the entire Italian tree or its top tier at all.

Italy remains one of the most competitive nations in ground forces in several areas. The Merkava won't change that.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys, just to remind everyone, we have a dedicated ground forces area where you can discuss shells, tank vs tank comparisons and future and desired vehicles in: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/494-ground-forces-discussion/

Please do not keep taking this topic off subject when none of it has any relevance and clogs the thread for others.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Approximately a solid Soon™

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Typically there are always 2 Winter patches. One quite close to the anniversary and one on top of the holiday period.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We always have a X.XXX.1.X update. They just dont always have names. Regia Marina had a name as it was the full release of the Italian Fleet too.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

And it has nothing to do with this topic.

MiG-23 is not planned to come this update. So its not on topic here. We have asked several times for it to be kept to the MiG-23 topics until there is a credible reason to discuss it in one of these topics.

We dont like to knock things of the list so early, but the topic cant go more than a week without straying back onto MiG-23 territory.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

A few people being unable to keep a topic on subject and simply wish listing what they want to see over and over again is not a red flag. We cannot snap a MiG-23 model together, along with all the complex flight model variables, factors and unique elements that come with swing wing aircraft together overnight because a handful of people are demanding it be added. We are well aware of the interest for MiG-23 and its very much in the works. But models, development, new technologies and especially complex new flight mechanics like swing wing take considerable time and come with their own unique challenges (see the Mirage/Draken delta situation)

We have 9 nations in game, not just the USSR and USA. 3 nations have Phantoms all armed with Sparrows, not just the USA. 3 other nations on top of that also have long range missiles. France had to wait a period for its very competitive Mirage, as did Italy with its F-104.

Whilst we do indeed have lots of plans for Soviet/Russian aviation, they are far from being in last place right now. The current MiG-21s remained a competitive force for some time and even now are showing strong numbers. The USA is not in as powerful position as some make it out to be, the evidence simply doesn't show it. With that said, there is indeed more to come for lots of nations including the USSR this update.

But the MiG-23 along with other swing wings are not coming this patch.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We sometimes do add skins for aircraft mid patch, possibly because they were being worked on before the major but at a much lower priority. For example if there are any model / texture issues, the devs are more likely to focus on that as we can always add the skins in later.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

From what I hear a Lightning can also catch a U2 spyplane and catch Concorde for days. Why? "Because someone said it could".

Im sorry to tell you that whoever you heard that from, has no clue what they are talking about. Like many of these recent "leaks" or "rumors" its people making up random things and pretend to be some "insider expert".

MiG-23 is not already "made and being tested" .

The current MiG-21s have been performing perfectly fine since they were added and were even dominant for quite some time. Even now they remain more than competitive.

As I already said, we have much more planned, including this patch for the USSR. But the notion that the USSR is somehow in last place in jet battles when the MiG-21s have been more than competitive and above what many other nations have is simply untrue.

Actually, If you read my quote, things have changed quite drastically: https://warthunder.com/en/news/6830-development-new-t-72-modifications-here-come-the-top-of-the-line-russians-en

And as I have already said, we have much more planned for the USSR including this patch. F-4E's better leveled the playing field with the MiG-21s. Until now there has been much closer harmony between the two and even with recent additions balance has not strayed far at all. We have more ahead for all nations and the game does not revolve around the USSR and USA.

6 other nations have Sabres, 2 other nations have F-100s, 5 other nations have F-104s and 2 other nations also have F-4E or equal level Phantoms in the British case. Quantity =/= Quality. USA is simply one of the largest nations in game with a plethora of aircraft to add. The USSR has also had 2 new top rank jets in the past 2 updates and that trend will continue.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

And now we are discussing nothing that relates to the next patch. Your questions have been answered, so please stop derailing the topic and take the discussion to the appropriate area: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/853-soviet-union/

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys. None of these planes are coming this patch. So please take the discussion elsewhere.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I didnt so im not sure where that one came from, but I also didn't say they were coming. They come when they come.

USA never used that variant and right now there is no real need for another US Sabre.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We will show what will be in the update via dev blogs and the news.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The carrier models in development are in no way related to any aircraft that did or did not operate them. There is no link between the two.

The carrier models come when they come.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As I said previously, when we have new vehicles to announce, they will be done in dev blogs.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

You are free to express your opinions, but please do so in the correct area: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/396-general-upcoming/

If you want to wishlist:

This topic is not a debate on what missiles you personally want to see. To please cease with the off topic discussions.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We are nowhere near that stage right now, so its far too early to say.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

When its ready to come

This time around, unlike Regia Marina it wont be quite as much of a spectacle as its not launching a tree for example. But we are also progressively deploying lots of fixes/improvements in bigger chunks this time as you can see over the last week or so.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We dont discuss vehicles that are planned until they are at such a stage where we can reliably confirm them via dev blogs or proper means to do so.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There will be a Q and A soon yes. Economic patch is probable, but we will announce it for sure when it comes.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It would depend on the size of both, but yes typically we combine them. But there are exceptions.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I said a rework would only come (similar to the recent F-104 line split in the USA tree) when enough vehicles are added but we welcome suggestions. I don't believe I've seen a suggestion yet for that and nothing has changed in the last month for the French tree to be reworked.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It linked to the first page of the Jaguar topic. So no, I hadn't read all of the pages

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We will post a news article for everyone to see about whatever special is planned for that

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Well as I said, number of vehicles within any given line is also a core factor in weather a new one can be created or changes made.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Given its 22:30 in Moscow right now so ill leave that for you to decide

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Your not going to be seeing the F-15 or F-16 for a long time, as those aircraft were not "equals" to the MiG-21, but literally designed in every way to be better.

They are a whole generation ahead of every MiG-21.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

P-51TL was exclusive to the Thunder League. If and when we have a similar esports event, then perhaps its possible. But there are certainly no current plans to return it.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

That is essentially the entire crux of this issue. The BR wall was leading to aircraft like the Lightning F.6 that needed to come down due to how poorly it was doing above the wall whereas aircraft like the G.91 and J 32 that did very well needed to go up. The wall created problems in terms of balancing lots of aircraft and led to further problematic issues with feedback. Now there is a normal BR spread in operation, lots of 10.0 aircraft now have a fair chance at normalized matchmaking with quantitive matchmaking also in full effect. This now opens the door for higher BRs for aviation after we can review the new dataset.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

If you read what I just said, this change can potentially allow us to expand the BRs where previously we could not. But we cannot do that before first evaluating this changes effects.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Guys, this is not the place to discuss BR and Matchmaking. Its now starting the spiral this one out of control.

If you would like to share your thoughts, please do so in a more appropriate topic:

This one has been cleaned up more to get back on track.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Folders are generally done when a rank becomes very large and there is a lot to research.

Considering Japan has 4 Rank VIIs, thats not going to happen anytime soon.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

The reasoning we provide you is the reasoning from the developers in as much detail as they can give. Developers are not intended to explain themselves or reasoning for changes beyond Q and As as they themselves are busy working and developing the game. Everything we provide comes directly from the devs, from the questions you ask.

Even if you could speak to a developer directly, they cant explain things further to you because you are already getting the full reasoning.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I didn't say it effects the number of vehicles in a rank, but the number to research.

Japan only has 4 Rank VII tanks in need of research. Compare that to the USA, USSR, Germany, UK and others in places where they have foddered vehicles that explains why.

For example to get to the top Leopard, you have 3 Leopards to go through. To get to the T-80U, you have 2 T-64s and a T-80 to go through. For Japan, you only have the Type 74 for now.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Probably not next week, but things could change.