about 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Dear Players!

We are carefully reviewing the feedback from players, looking at the statistics and playing ourselves on the new Ranks. At the moment, the statistics are not entirely clear - for example, the MiG-29 is worse than all the F-16s, the American F-16 ADF is the best according to the statistics of the first day with more sorties than the MiG-29, while being exactly the same as the Italian F-16 ADF, which has statistics similar to that of MiG-29 with a much smaller number of sorties (usually the fewer sorties - the less popular the aircraft, the more enthusiastic people play it - the better the statistics).

Regarding the R-27T missiles and their countermeasure resistance, the game has 2 available mechanics:

1) Dual-band photodetector - This works as a filter on the frequency of the flares signature. If a flares enters the field of view of the seeker head tracking the target, then the missile stops tracking the common signature of the target and the countermeasure until the flares leaves the area of view of the seeker. The seeker coordinator moves in the direction and at the same speed that the target had before the appearance of the seeker, while the real target can also leave the missile's field of view and be lost. In practice, this means that if the flares quickly separates from the target, while the target continues to fly in the same direction, then a missile with this system will not be decoyed by the countermeasure. To disrupt it, a long release of flares is necessary with a simultaneous change in the trajectory of the aircraft, so that when the countermeasure leaves the field of view of the seeker, the missile of the defending aircraft is no longer there. The method is currently used in the game on advanced MANPADS (Stinger, IGLA, etc.).

2) Different viewing angles of the seeker when searching for and capturing a target. After locking the target, the viewing angle of the seeker narrows, so fewer flares fall into the field of view of the missile.

In the first iterations of the R-27T missiles, the first method was used, since there is indirect information about the presence of anti-jamming measures in the seeker head of this missile. In the release of the update, it was decided to use the second method, since there is information about it that is more credible and more clearly describes how it works on the real missile. At the same time, according to our experience in the game, the narrowed viewing angle of the seeker gives a significantly higher countermeasure immunity compared to missiles that do not have this feature - for example, everyone can see a difference of this kind in practice by comparing the R-60M and AIM-9L. At the moment, the R-27T is the best air-to-air missile in the game in this parameter.

We also plan to fix some bugs in the functionality of the Mig-29 radar in the near future. Right now, the capture of a target detected by the radar is not always reliable.

Among other balancing measures, we are also considering adding the R-27ER missile to the aircraft's arsenal, which, in terms of performance, will be close to AIM-7M missiles, which will ensure parity in BVR combat.

As for the R-73 missile, we still reserve the right to issue it to an aircraft at any time, but we would not like to issue it in its current form without the necessary improvements that we have in our plans.