over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

You can see for yourself: https://warthunder.com/en/community/userinfo/?nick=Smin1080p_Tech&__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_zQaFPIWr0NDhYwFeRzFRiBWysxeKFIWh6.kTYnKosjE-1635884981-0-gqNtZGzNAnujcnBszQnl

All of us Community Mangers play.

Comments are not being deleted where constructive discussion is taking place. Rule breaking posts however, as per the forum rules will be removed and warned.

Please do not twist our responses.

Nobody has been called or treated as such. We explained in detail in the changelog what changed this major update and made clear that it did not effect SL / RP income for the points changed.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

All developers generally play too. I research all vehicles trees myself.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

China is one of the nation's I'm currently researching though. I play all nations and work through all trees

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nobody is in denial or dismissing anyone's opinion. We are here to present the facts and make it clear that on the changes listed within the major update changelog , there were no direct income changes based on those spesific factors change in terms of RP or SL.

What yourself and others are claiming is a different matter entirely regarding perceived indirect changes. Which nobody has dismissed, simply that as of right now there is not enough evidence to really show anything in a clear way that can be investigated.

The "Gaijin bad' mentality is also not helping the points being raised here. We have been following the topic since it's creation and monitoring both the feedback present. As mentioned already, there currently is insufficient evidence to investigate further so far. But the constant questioning of "Do you even play?" When clearly, we all care about and play the game.

What's needed is constructive discussion and feedback.

No excuses have been made. The changelog was made deliberately clear and with a bold notice that the changes included did not change the rewards for those spesific changes.

The current selection of results do not really show anything clearly enough. We will continue to monitor it and check from our side as well as follow further examples here.

Nobody is being treated as such. All feedback has been forwarded and the facts of the changelog clarified.

If more clear evidence is shared that something is indeed wrong, then we can forward that for investigating again. But the topic has become a general collection of various perceived economical changes across the board and not focused on a singular matter like PvE as you claim and so far there as not been enough evidence to show a clear change apart from what was clearly mentioned on the changelog. Which did not change the rewards for the points changed.

We will continue to follow the topic and monitor constructive discussions and feedback that show example and evidence.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This is a temporary side effect of the ongoing server matters: https://warthunder.com/en/news/7411-news-technical-issues-over-the-past-weekend-en

As @Bruce_R1correctly pointed out, the matchmaker currently prioritizes creating stable game at the very least, rather than no battles at all. This will be returned to normal when the severs are stable.

over 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

We noticed your discussions and speculations about action rewards so we would like to clarify in a bit more detail why we have made changes to the mission scores in the “Ground Breaking” update that will be given for being in close proximity and line of sight when receiving hits and for being killed by enemy shells.

Angle your tank

The reward mechanic for getting hits works for naval and ground vehicles. In its old form, hitting an enemy gave you 10 points. At the same time, the enemy received 30 points at once for the fact of receiving a hit - your fire literally benefited the enemy.

With its design, this mechanic had a specific purpose - to support the more inexperienced players that did not boast a large number of frags. But more often the idea worked the other way round, as an inexperienced player can not prevent damage as efficiently as an experienced tanker or sailor can. As a result, the bonus for beginners rather played into the hands of experienced players.

For this reason, we changed the hit bonus from 30 to 5 points, but added a new scoring. You will now receive 30% of the points awarded to the enemy that defeats you when your vehicle is destroyed.

An example: on average 150 points will be given for destroying a tank which means that the casualty will get 45 points. Previously, your destruction from a single hit brought you 30 points, but now it brings you 50 points. As a result, single shot kills are a little less frustrating.

Visibility and proximity points

A reward for being there, there is no other way to describe this mechanic. We removed it not only because of its uselessness (it gave very few points - only a few dozen), but because of its harmfulness. Particularly cunning players used those points to know when the enemy were approaching and even about detection itself. The poor mechanics have been laid to rest and battles have become a little more honest.

Proximity to the enemy in an air battle

Basically the same insignificant mechanic with paltry rewards that is also extremely outdated. It didn't even take ranks and different classes of vehicles into account, so in some mid- or high-ranked battles, it worked unpredictably for players and illogically for us. This mechanic has also been removed.

But it isn't just a points reduction and reward nerf, as all together a large rebalance was made that had a positive effect on the minimum income.

Take a look at the statistics of aircraft RB game sessions separated into 0-100 and 100+ scores at the end of the battle - as you can see, only 5% of players now go completely without reward, not 20% as before.

In addition, the average player's activity at the end of battles has increased by 3% which means that your Research Points earnings have gone up as well.