about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

2 Parts to this.

We did no remove the Maus for being a prototype. We removed it because its historically a unique and rare vehicle that should never be used en mass. Its much harder to balance due to how unique it is.

Panther II, Tiger II 105 and Flak 341 were removed because they were incomplete, paper or mockups.

We have never removed vehicles for being prototypes and the Class 3P is no exception to that.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

T95 did not and still does not present the same balancing issue the Maus has. The two are hardly comparable other than the fact they are both super heavy vehicles. Maus is unique in the since its a super heavy tank that at a lower BR would be particularly overpowered against many tanks it faces, but also cant really compete well with higher rank tanks.

Vehicle collectability "rarity" has nothing to do with it. The point was, there should never be tons of Maus tanks running about as it presents a bigger problem. It should be with the IS-7, E-100 and others in lower numbers.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its not. At least one prototype was built based on current information.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We do not use information provided by him as our only sources.

Something he said also is not enough of a source too I'm afraid. We had the same thing with the Lighting where people claimed to have spoken to pilots who said "it's like a rocket" and expected us to do something with that and treat it like a valid source.

Indeed he's extremely knowledgeable and we have used some of his source material. But spoken words or something outside of a proper publication are not proper sources or something we can use.