about 4 hours ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link
I'll be honest, I've never personally ran into the radar issues described. No more radar issues than I've experienced with gepard/similar platforms, anyways.

Stock? OK, it's not an opwagon. Still, plenty of people heli-rush that you should be able to pick up kills pretty readily even without proxy HE.
Upgraded HE? Pretty much any light vehicle is done for. Aim carefully.
Proxy HE? I've found it to be lethal inside of 3km, and good out to ~4km as long as it's a semi-stationary helicopter. Most won't have any idea they are being radar locked, and they won't see the proxy HE incoming.

The M247 is probably the enemy SPAA that I want to see the least. The early MANPADS and most gun-based systems are pretty easy to see and avoid. You can't "see" the M247 shoot at you, good luck evading something you can't see.