over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

To further explain and repeat what was said elsewhere, its very easy to find a picture of something cool as well as a wiki page and then say "why cant/haven't you implement it?"

For a vehicle to be added, the model artists need reference photos, drawings, blueprints, images and dimensions just to begin. Then there is a need for historical sources, performance, armor, weaponry, capabilities all backed up by credible material, not just a singular website or wiki. Lots of vehicles are indeed in existence that would make for very interesting event vehicles, but then there is the consideration of are they actually viable to implement? Can all the material actually be found and located?

The other thing to consider is as we have already said, a nation like France or Italy does not have the near infinite number of vehicles that can actually be added to the game. Speaking realistically about machines that actually existed in proper form with the information behind it to implement, every time an event vehicle is added for a smaller nation, thats one less vehicle that could have gone in the tree as a researchable vehicle of regular premium. Even vehicles are rare collectable machines intended to be in short numbers. So every time one is added for France for example, thats one less machine that new players or anyone who doesn't take part in the event / buys on the market afterwards can actually obtain easily.

Events also need to be interesting for the largest number of people. Sure, you can probably find some random obscure tank nobody has ever heard of and doesn't care about, but then who is going to want it in events other than the most dedicated collectors and the 5 people that have heard of it?

These are all factors that need to be considered when making "but there are 500 machines that could be event vehicles!" idea is put forward.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Which we do already. However France is not the only nation in game and is also not a massively popular nation that would justify a huge diversion of resources above what other nations get.

Once again. There is a massive difference between being able to create a proposal or suggestion for a vehicle with surface level detail and pictures and then the actual viability of implementing said vehicle with all of the required resources, source material, photographs and data. The number of suggestions created for any given nation is rather meaningless. If you went back to 2013, the number of past created, discussed and implemented suggestions for other nations would be higher. The number of current suggestion topics sitting on a forum section is not really an indicator of the viability of these vehicles being implemented. Anyone can make a suggestion topic, which is something we very much see as a positive. But its also something to remember when considering that its not an actual reasonable indication of how many viably creatable vehicles there are. Its not just a blanket case of "well just go to the museum more" or "well pay for more archives". We already do this. Every single vehicle in game costs thousands per model not just for the 3D work, but the resources, source material and other trips / data collection undertook. Its not the same situation for each and every vehicle as everyone is different.

The French community here on the forum is indeed a passionate one and thats why its excellent to see a huge array of suggestions, some of which have already been implemented. But its very important to realize the amount of work, sources and material needed for each and every single vehicle. Its not as easy as you make it out to be in many situations.

Its precisely the point. When we give nations such as France event vehicles, the automatic response is "but why is this not in the tree/premium?". There is not an endless amount of vehicles we can generate for all nations and no amount of museum trips is going to rectify that. Its a simple fact that larger nations such as USSR, USA and Germany have far more subject matter, interest and demand behind them both historically and from the perspective of source material and viable examples. With the smaller nations, we need to be very careful with how much and what we can implement as an event vehicle as it has to be something interesting, popular and worthy of an event. Indeed there are lots of hypothetical examples of what on paper appears to be a great fit for an event, but then it turns out there could be huge information black holes or other issues. Even popular and widely known vehicles such as Mirage III had massive information issues which contributed to its delayed introduction, let alone smaller niche vehicles.

Nobody implied it does not have much left to be added. What was said was, they do not have the size and scope to be added that nations such as USA, USSR and Germany do in many areas and have a much more finite pool of possible vehicles. Nowhere was it said that it was "the end of the road" for France or that "theres nothing left". The point was, every vehicle added for France is more significant than for example to the USA, USSR or Germany who already have such large trees that more event vehicles wont detract from their main tree. Whereas with France, any event vehicle has the possibility to be detrimental to the trees structure. Thats not to say France wont have event vehicles. It has and will have more in future. But the point was, the expectation that it would ever have the same amount as USSR, USA and Germany is very much an unrealistic one.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thats true of the postwar / modern era, but for Germany, there are for example still a plethora of WW2 era vehicles that could be explored.

Once again, when we start talking about the 50s, 60, 70s and 80s+ yes indeed in terms of viable vehicles in some cases. But even then, France is not comparable to the US and USSR.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

All of the factors explained are actually relevant.

It doesn't matter how many event or tech tree vehicles were given to France, the tree would never be under any conditions more popular than nations such as the USA, USSR and Germany simply due to demographics, general historical interest and the playerbase populous.

The reason being of why more obscure and "strange" vehicles for the larger nations is because they have a demand and interest as well as the fact generally more information is available. In most cases, there are often examples in the Soviets case sitting in museums that have much more access.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

France is both interesting and competitive

It has some of the highest performing tanks at their BRs and strong aircraft like the Mirage III that remain competitive even now.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

MB.157 was generally needed in its position for the main tree. We have other considerations in mind for more fighters too for the tree

Indeed, but there is also a fine line between troll / meme / derp vehicles and actually interesting vehicles that people want to get. Event rewards should be aimed at the maximum number of people, not a small niche or with uninteresting machines.

This is a totally meaningless and irrelevant comparison as other games create fantasy, made up or mostly fake vehicles then with made up or values or features, much smaller trees, a mostly arcade and non realistic setting, a much narrower range of vehicles to choose from and with artificial advantages all of which don't occur here. Thats like saying "well the MP5 was popular in Call of Duty so why not in Battlefield?" - Two different games, different settings, different scenarios and different audiences.

If a tank does an unrealistic 90 kph over any terrain, sure people are going to play that. We prefer real tanks and more realism here though.

Our game is based on realism, not arcade creations. We give nations the vehicles they historically used because we are not making lines of only 10 vehicles which can all be tweaked and buffed/nerfed artificially and a historically for scaling and to make something "feel" distinctly different. We are trying to make all vehicles feel exactly like they should.

As for spesific mechanics, there are nots of unique "quirks" or spesific things that different vehicles across the game could or may have. But consider, if we were to work specifically per vehicle on each of these unique "things", that would consume a huge amount of resources for small things for an even smaller pool of vehicles that could lead to huge amounts of development time being spent on things hardly anyone would use. We implement features when there is a range of vehicles that can benefit from it (for example we implemented hydropneumatic suspension when we introduced Japan as they have lots of machines that can use it). It is simply unreasonable and inefficient to work on singular case by case features for every single machine like that.

You answered this point yourself. Every time we add an actual useful or relevant event vehicle to nations like France the question then becomes "but why was it not in the tree?".

Every time an event vehicle is added for some of the smaller nations it takes away from their potential pool of main tree or premium machines which are more important in the long run as a new player coming in who didn't participate in that event suddenly cant get ahold of that event vehicle. So the point of event vehicles being good to research a tree is also redundant.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

A Game Designer has nothing to do with model creation and model bug fixes.

In future yes as for all nations where possible. That includes jets.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

No other game is like War Thunder, so no, it is not the same at all and has no comparison to this.

Thunderskill only uses the data of those that use the site and the majority of people that use the site are high skilled / veteran players, hence why the AUBL number is high. Its not at all reflective of the actual numbers.

There was no "heavy backlash" over these machines. There is always those that disagree with changes, but in the wider community as a whole, there was no backlash and in fact, those tanks actually improved the numbers of Italian players and people playing at those ranks, achieving their main goals which was to create more balanced lineups and make the tree more attractive by filling gaps whilst other native tanks are in development.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

2 videos of people expressing their personal opinions and a topic with under 300 votes in agreement is not a "huge backlash by the whole community". For context, we have nearly 85,000 people online and in game at this very moment and as I said, Italy's numbers around the ranks where these vehicles were added are up as a direct result since their introduction. So they achieved their main purpose of both better balancing the tree and making it more attractive whilst more domestic vehicles are in development.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thats correct, as they both came either in the Regia Marina patch or even later in the summer event. I was referring very specifically to the vehicles added and the numbers around them in their given ranks, as well as the lineup composition, battle efficiency and metrics around that.

And a reminder that this has quite literally nothing to do with this subject at all now which is in the French Ground Forces section and regarding the French tree.

You are entirely free to express your personal views on the matter as you have made very clear now, but please do not keep derailing this topic more and more and use the correct area:

Please do not continue to redirect this topic away from its original purpose and intent was towards a reflection of your own personal aims that have nothing to do with the actual subject matter.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Its not always about hard to find information all the time. Please check the context of my posts. Sometimes, things are already planned or in the works. But baring in mind some vehicles can take 6-12 months.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We dont ignore anything valid and constructive at all actually and always try to engauge as much as possible with you guys, forward things on and providing answers wherever possible.

However, when you open topics here and see things such as:

and the other sarcasm, insults and everything else, dont then expect:

When every time you open threads, its full of the above.

We always forward all reports and always pass along all constructive suggestions. I think the point of misunderstanding here is these things take time. Its not just a case of heres the documents, why is it not fixed within a month or two. We have 1700+ vehicles in game for 9 nations.

We are not just making decisions and choices for the game that benefit France. We have to look at everything overall, as a company and balance everything for the sake of the games health and longevity. That means critical actual bugs such as gameplay, crashes, functionality etc always take precedent. Historical and secondary matters such as missing armament is always an ongoing thing handled by consultants and the relevant devs. Every single case is different and depends on the source material, validity and investigation. France is no exception in that respect to anyone else and is treated no differently.

A good example of that is the fine work done by @Tantor57 that resulted in the AMX-32. Did it take time? For sure. But everything does.

We are never going to pass insults, sarcasm or trolling on to the developers, because its a waste of their time and ours. So im not sure why people ever believe its the right way to go about things.

We are however more than willing to answer questions and work with those being constructive as much and wherever possible and always will.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I said this with regard to event vehicles, not vehicles overall.

We are always adding more vehicles to all trees. But there are areas where France is never going to be equal to a nation like Germany or Russia for example and then other areas like Helicopters were France has more than Japan and the UK even.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not really sure why you think I or any other CM sit in every topic waiting for a post to appear.

I answered everything that was directed towards me in this topic. Everything else was people discussing things themselves.

If a topic is just being actively negative for negatives sake and hardly constructive at all, there is nothing more for us to add to it. So I'm not sure what your point is here.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Not really sure what you mean here?

If your referring to the EBR. It has multiple variants, Like the Puma and like the Sd.kfz.251 and many other vehicles.

It also proved to be the correct choice as it was a popular event vehicle, that lots of people went for.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As I said previously, event vehicles need to be interesting and something people want to actually obtain. This version of the EBR is the most interesting and desirable for those people who are not just focused on the French tree.

If you believe you have proper documentation to back that claim up, please submit it via a historical report. Quoting a random source (particularly American) is not really viable here.

As for its wheels, the game does not make any distinguishment between 4 x 4 or 8 x 8 wheels due to how they are currently designed. So the ability to retract is wheels if implemented now would be a purely visual matter and not have any gameplay relevance.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I have not seen the source, I am going by what was said here in this topic and this topic is not a bug report and no source has been posted.

It needs to be submitted properly under the correct area and then can be investigated.

Im not going to comment on what reports are / are not accepted on the Russian forum, because thats not my domain.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Again, thats not this forum and I cant speak for that one.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nobody is asking questions that have not already been answered. Since the last time I was here and you said the same thing, there have bee. No new questions that I or developers have previous answered before.

I'm not really sure what your point is to tag me once every 2 weeks here and not actually ask any questions, but just to complain that I'm "not here". So if that's all this topic has become, then indeed it is time to draw a line under it. It's also unclear why you assume I am the only person responsible for answering here.

Bug reports and suggestions are not ignore