Transcript (by Youtube)

6s Infantry fighting vehicles, or IFVs, are a type of modern armored vehicle.
11s The IFV concept was adopted by armies all around the world
15s in the 1960s and the 1970s,
18s two decades after the end of WW2,
20s when the world ushered in a new era of mechanized combat
24s with a new set of challenges concerning the transportation
27s and fire support of infantry units.
30s Today we’re going to talk about the best IFVs available in War Thunder:
34s the ones with the best mobility, the best protection...
37s or just unusual design features.
42s Let’s start with the IFV with the best overall mobility.
46s Finding a winner in this category isn’t as straightforward as it may seem,
50s as an ideal contestant should, among other things,
53s be able to move quickly in reverse and also turn on the spot.
57s An IFV that matches this description better than any other contender is the Warrior,
61s a British tracked armored vehicle.
64s It can move at up to 75 km/h in either direction,
68s it is equipped with a powerful engine...
70s and it’s tracked!
72s All of that combined means that you can comfortably drive it
75s on any kind of terrain.
81s If we’re looking for the fastest IFV,
83s then it’s clearly the Italian VBC Prototipo 2.
87s Thanks to an excellent chassis design and a powerful engine,
91s it can go at up to 110 km/h on a good road.
95s Naturally, it doesn’t fare as well in off-road conditions,
98s especially compared to its tracked brethren...
101s But its performance is still decent, to say the least.
108s What about the heaviest or the most well-armored IFV?
112s There is a clear winner in both of these categories,
115s and it’s the German Puma, one of the heaviest conventional IFVs.
119s 43 tons of weight!
121s Basically, this vehicle is almost as heavy as the IS tank, or the KV-1!
127s The fighting compartment of the Puma is protected by layers of armor,
131s including composite screens and ERA,
134s and the unmanned turret is equipped with blowout panels to minimize the risks
138s in case the ammo catches fire.
140s All in all, it might be pretty heavy...
143s But it clearly wasn’t for nought
145s as the Puma turned out to be a very tough nut to crack.
154s Let’s talk about gun armaments for a second.
157s The biggest gun in the class is used by the South African Ratel 90:
162s this IFV is armed with a 90-mm rifled gun.
166s The 20-mm RH-202,
168s which is the main armament of the Marder infantry fighting vehicle,
172s has the quickest fire rate out of any other gun used by vehicles of this type.
176s And the most effective cannon is found on the Swedish Stridsfordon 9040C.
182s Engineers that designed this 40-mm gun
185s found a great balance between its caliber and fire rate,
189s and it also has access to high-performing shells
192s including proximity-fused high-explosive rounds.
198s Then we simply have to mention a couple of designs that are somewhat...
202s unusual.
204s Surprise!
205s The Merkava tank can also be classified as an IFV
208s because it comes with a unique troop compartment that can hold up to 6 people.
213s It’s still an MBT, obviously,
215s but it’s interesting that under some specific circumstances
218s it can be used as an IFV as well.
221s Another special mention is the Ratel,
224s the first ever wheeled IFV to enter service worldwide.
228s South African engineers developed it in the early 1970s
232s as a way to meet challenges presented by the local terrain.
235s Thanks to its unorthodox layout,
238s the Ratel also has the distinction of having the largest troop compartment
242s among all IFVs currently available in War Thunder.
245s it can carry up to 9 troops instead of the usual 6-8.
252s The last two categories are the most modern...
255s and the oldest IFV available in the game.
259s The former is, once again, the German Puma,
261s as it was developed in the early years of the 21st century
265s and accepted into service in 2015.
268s It’s fair to say that its design was an amalgamation
271s of decades of experience of using IFVs in the field.
274s The oldest vehicle of the class is the Soviet BMP-1,
278s which is fair enough as it was actually one of the first IFVs ever.
283s After its introduction in 1966,
286s it left quite a mark as a highly versatile,
288s well-protected and well-armed combat vehicle
291s that could also carry troops to battle.
294s If you count all the variants of the BMP-1,
296s including foreign copies like the Chinese ZBD86,
301s there were more than 20,000 BMP-1s made in total.
308s Every single vehicle mentioned on the list is a fearsome combatant.
312s Classic RHA found on a lot of tanks
315s provides little protection against ATGMs that many IFVs are armed with,
320s and a solid burst of autocannon fire to the target’s sides
324s can easily eliminate most MBTs out there.
327s And this list is frankly just us barely scratching the surface,
331s as there are many more infantry fighting vehicles
333s representing different manufacturers and design philosophies.
337s What are your favorite IFVs, by the way?
340s Which ones would you add to the list?
342s Tell us in the comments below!