over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link


We understand many of you have been asking about when Naval Enduring Confrontation will return and why it has had such a long absence. At the moment, we are working to resolve some technical issues for Naval EC as well as fixing the bugs reported in previous events. We are currently working on a number of fixes and improvements, however the mode itself and some of the issues are very technically complex, so it requires a lot of development time. Unfortunately, its unlikely we can expect Naval EC to return before the next major update.

New Mission in development:

What we can also share with you today, is that a new mission for Naval EC is in development, currently called (not final) Denmark. The mission itself is a similar size to the la manche / English Channel map (roughly around 86 x 86 km, however again this may not be final). We hope to have some more details closer to when the mode will return for you.

Thank you for your understanding

The War Thunder Team

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Just an FYI "constant whining" gets nobody anywhere. Constructive discussions and suggestions are always forwarded. But just general "constant whining" achieves nothing at all.

We are able to deliver this update now we have some more news to share as we said we would as soon as we could

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We are all waiting for its return and look forward to what lies ahead

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This message as I said was always planned to come for some time. I made it very clear when we have news to share properly we would. This update was always planned to be made, it was a matter of time and development factors.

As I explained to you previously, whining or hostility was not going to speed that up in any way I reminded you that we were working on it and would share news when we could. All you were in fact doing was just mocking the messenger, not changing any of the facts or development at all.

We fully appreciate frustrations why it has been gone for so long, but thats because we are trying to work on the previously raised issues and improve the quality of the mode overall.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

You are entirely fine to hold your own opinions

All im making clear is the facts are clear as day. You are welcome to go back through my posts, I made it very clear that as soon as we could post a note worthy update, we would as we now have. All pinging me did every week was disappoint you more and lead you to get more and more hostile despite the fact we were doing all we could to help. You have made you frustrations very clear.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Indeed, because it was intended to be soon when I said that. Then when further issues arised and I made that clear when they did. Things in game development change, unforeseen issues come up.

When I said it was intended to be soon thats because it was. From the moment it became clear that there were then further issues, I then made that clear that there were issues, that were being worked on and we would have more news to share on the matter when we could.

There is nothing for me to pretend about. We have been keeping everyone as up to date as we can throughout this whole period.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It was pinned when it was news. When we have an update / announcement to share we will

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

New news I should have clarified

Yes its still current.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Nobody is being "strung along". People asked for an update and more information and the developers provided all the information they could in the current situation. When its possible to share more info, we will.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

At the moment we are testing all the fixes and stability improvements worked on over the last few months. That's why we haven't properly announced en mass that it's open as we are monitoring it closely to make sure it's all functioning ok. It's possible it may be closed at any time if issues begin.

Bug reports and feedback of any issues are really useful at this point in time so we can solve any issues asap.

over 4 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Bug reports needs to fulfill requirements.

Opening it and allowing to post anything as bug report will only slow down reporting the process

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Glad to hear

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It would indeed be helpful to have just to be sure yes.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

If you are having issues like this, please make sure you correctly report them with your files so we can check it out: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/587-connection-and-update-issues/

In general, we are not getting reports of issues like this. So it may be limited to you or a smaller group of people. None the less, we need to investigate.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There are a range of different objects for all ship classes to perform. You dont have to go toe to toe with cruisers and have a range of target options.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This is indeed the feedback area.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback guys. Points up until this have been passed along.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Seems you already know the answer )))

Yes, its down for maintenance and work now.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Hi. Last update I had was that a few more things needed resolving. I dont have an ETA on when we can expect it next, but most likely not this side of New Power as all hands are on deck for that at the moment.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Beacuse there is nothing more to add that I have not already said. I warned that it was very unlikely before the next major at the very least.

There were a string of issues in the previous version that needed to be fixed. When the developers are happy with the build and it's possible to run it, it will be back again.

Right now we don't have an ETA on that.

There is nothing I more I can add to what I've already said right now and I'm certainly not going to respond to baseless made-up conspiracy theories.

If you don't want to believe what I or any other member of the Gaijin team have already said. There is no reason for us to respond further to what we have already said.

about 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This is a topic for Naval Enduring Confrontation. Aviation Simulator Battles is not even close to on topic and have nothing to do with this.

almost 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

No news for now. Its not been abandoned at all. But as was made clear in a previous developer Q and A, there are currently no plans to make it permanent.

almost 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We don't expect to have it this week. Beyond that we dont have an ETA for the time being

If the developers had any further comment to add, it would have been done in the last Q and A with that question

over 3 years ago - Stona - Direct link

It's intended, but we never announce it right away (first, we need to check if it do not crash, there are no major bugs etc)

So just to be official:

We invite you to the Naval Enduring Confrontation mission Saipan!

Mission is available till July 19th.

Testing could be cancelled before time, if it will be required to fix issues found.

Economy of the event, including RP and SL income, may be corrected anytime during the testing session.

over 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

We invite you to the Naval Enduring Confrontation mission: Malta!

The mission will be available until July 26th.

Testing might be cancelled before time if it will be required to fix any issues found.

Economy in the event, including RP and SL income, may be adjusted anytime during the test session.

Unit requirement changes:

To join Players need at least one BR 4.7 or 5.0 vessel

Players can use vessels from BR 3.3 to 6.0

Players can use aircraft from BR 1.0 to 6.0

Vessels BR 5.0 and lower do not require SP to spawn.

almost 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Most of the fully reported issues were resolved. If you still have persistent issues, please submit a report here: https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder

almost 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Everything that was properly reported via bug reports last time as far as I can see was marked as resolved. As I said, if you experience bugs, please report them


almost 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Poking us over and over again doesn't actually tell us how popular a mode is. We are well aware of people's opinions in this topic on this mode

We have collected and passed all feedback onto the Devs from this test.

almost 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I'm not sure how you got that from anything I said, but rather than learn Russian, I'd recommend you simply re-read what I said and stay tuned to the news

almost 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

For the time being, where possible its currently every weekend. That can however change.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It's still currently planned, starting today

over 2 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Hi, we had to work on EC mechanics after the update, but if there will be no issue, EC should return in next weekend.

@kkang2828, @Conte_BaraccaI strongly suggest you to re-think language you use towards developers here. One more step and you will cross the line.

over 2 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Will be fixed shortly.

Edit - Now fixed on production.