over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

This is why nobody messed with the Swedes ))

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Ah yes, how dare we be human beings and make a lighthearted joke every now and again?

Because of that, the game is somehow dead (75,000 people in game as we speak) and we should shut it down?

Nobody is making fun of anyone here. There is nothing of substance here we can "focus on" to "make the game better".

Please, lets be serious here. If there was something serious of concern here for anyone, then to intestate, proper evidence, clips, replays and files should have been provided in a bug report so that the issue can be properly analysed and reviewed / tested.

Instead, we have a topic with no evidence, personal bias and then false claims from you that we somehow artificially buff things because its new. Once again, a totally unbacked claim.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

1) Once again, nobody was insulted or made fun of. Please do not make such clearly false accusations.

2) That is your personal opinion. I would remind you that this is a video game and realism is at its core as far as possible. But of course there have to be compromises for the sake of gameplay and balance. If you have things you would like to see changed or improved, we have a suggestions area where you can post your proposals and allow the community to vote on them. If you think you have found legitimate issues, then please bring them with your evidence to the bug reports section. Otherwise, this has no relation to this topic at all.

3) The majority of the player-base dont agree or share the same sentiment that this is an issue. We of course will always investigate legitimate community concerns, but there is nothing of substance in this topic so far for anyone to investigate. Its a personal opinion with no evidence. Lots of people take the time to write their ideas, criticism and feedback in constructive, detailed and well backed up posts. Lots of that has been implemented into the game and improvements made over the many updates over past years. Once again, you claim they are overperforming, how are they overperforming? What evidence are you presenting for the developers to action or see what your criticism is of them? What material are you providing here that the developers can review and see is the issue firsthand? Just saying "its broken" provides the developers with absolutely nothing at all.

4) Yes, its very clear the two of you hold a very strong personal opinion. What Im making clear to you, is that neither of you have provided anything at all of substance or grounds for investigation. Anyone can make a topic saying "X gun is overpowered" or "Y cannon is broken". If nothing of substance is provided or no proper bug report clearly showing the issue and why its wrong is made, then there is nothing of serious ground in the topic. What exactly is not historically accurate here? What evidence have you provided showing its wrong? I am not the one making any such accusations. Im very well aware of your thoughts on the matter, but so far nothing of any use for review by the developers at all.

I would suggest you remove yourself from this topic until you are able to communicate in a reasonable and respectable manor and review the forum rules. Please do not assume you dictate the rules and can simply create false accusations, unbacked claims and then insinuate that we are at fault for not investigating a matter when nothing of substance has been provided.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

I would recommend reporting it as a historical issue here https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/1957-weapons-and-ordnance/

How may I ask is it "obvious" we are aware of it?

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

It was, as I already explained a lighthearted joke. Quite how that somehow translates into us being directly aware of an issue and deciding just not to fix it I dont know.

Im afraid its just not the case actually. We closely monitor the statistics of every weapon in game. The stats of Swedish MGs are not dissimilar from other similar caliber weaponry.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Lots of rounds in game can do this. Its not about simply comparing them to .50cals and saying "how cant they do this?". With a good aim, 50.cals are more than capable of reaching that range. But the Swedish MG is a higher caliber. Every round in game has its own ballistics. The core composition of the 13.2mm is different to a .50cal also accounting for the damage.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Well a replay / clip for example of the situation where a 1.8km shot in combination with Sarin's source would be a perfect example of a complete bug report for investigation.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Ive researched the entire Swedish tree from J8 to Draken, so yes we very much do

As for statistics, we monitor and review each and every single gun in game, so its very clearly visible when a gun is "overperforming" due to an error or issue. On top of this, there is also the BR system that would counterbalance certain aircraft if there was a direct need for it from a balancing perspective.

Again guys, if you believe there is an issue with these and have collected evidence, combine it with historical documentation that confirms somethings wrong to form a report and we can pass it on for review.

Ive been here several times. Im afraid 20 people who agree with you is not really representative of the playerbase as a whole. Im also here to help, not here to go "hahah your opinion doesn't matter".

As I also pointed out, the best way to go about this, was to collect evidence, back it up with historical evidence confirming there is an issue and we can forward it to the developers properly.

So far none of that has happened.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As I said, if you have evidence you think is sufficient and can back it up with historical sources, please feel free to make a bug report.

A singular replay is not going to encourage the developers to change anything however.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

As I said, a singular replay or clip is not enough to warrant the developers changing anything. People have moments like that all over with lots of different types of guns. Posting a really good game or showcasing your ability to get lots of kills with a certain gun is not grounds for something being overpowered im afraid.

Like I said, if you wish for things to change, then the best way to go about that is a proper bug report with sources.

over 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Ive explained whats needed several times already. Sufficient evidence showing there is a consistent issue and the historical evidence to back it up. Its not about the number of replays, as long as the issue is showcased on a wide scale.

almost 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Several bug reports were fixed on the Breda and Ho-103 including their shell types.

If you think others have been missed, please link me the report topics and I can see what status they are currently at.

almost 4 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

There have been several changes since Birds of Steel. They are not the same guns as before and these reports come after several of the changes.

From what I can see, the historical ones are still under review. Its possible more info is needed before it can be concluded, but thats down to the consultants.

As for the drop off ranges, it uses the same formula as everything else. So there is something more at play beyond what basic datamine shows.

2 of these reports are within a year and the oldest being 2019. We have much older reports still open.