over 4 years ago - Bornakk - Direct link

With a hotfix that is now live on all realms, we’ve adjusted the damage done by several Corruption Effects:

  • Damage dealt by Infinite Stars, Twisted Appendages, and Gushing Wound is now based on the item level of the Corrupted item. This previously scaled dynamically with Attack Power and Spell Power.
  • Lash of the Void damage is now based on the item level of the Corrupted Item, and now procs less often than before.

Previously the damage dealt by these powers was modified by Attack Power and Spell Power, which meant that certain specialization abilities or random bonuses could cause drastic swings in their effectiveness. Infinite Stars in particular was too strong against single targets as a result of this and other factors.

This change also adjusts Infinite Stars base damage accordingly, as the scaling method was one of the primary factors behind some of the extreme outliers we saw in our logs and from player feedback. Our goal with this change and other adjustments to Corruption powers is to improve parity in the effectiveness per point of Corruption of the different bonuses available on Visions of N’Zoth items.