almost 4 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

In the Shadowlands, players will meet the Runecarver, a mysterious figure locked away in the very depths of Torghast. To find the Runecarver, players will need to go through the initial Torghast experience and defeat Warden Skoldus in Skoldus Halls, receiving a mysterious key which starts the questline that unlocks the beginning of the Runecarver’s story. Once unlocked, players will be able to call on the power of the Runecarver to carve ancient runes on their armor and imbue them with Legendary power.

For testing, we plan to add a teleport NPC inside Torghast that will take testers directly to the Runecarver, so they can begin crafting their own Legendary armor almost immediately.

Memories and Legendary Powers

To craft Legendary armor, you’ll first need to retrieve specific memories that contain Legendary powers. These memories can be found all over Shadowlands – from questing, running dungeons with friends, fighting against the enemy faction, or defeating powerful foes in Castle Nathria and the Maw, there will be plenty of work for the bravest of champions to do in order to collect them all.

Once found, players can take these memories back to the Runecarver in Torghast, who will then be able to imbue specific Profession-crafted armor pieces with this power. Not all powers can be applied to all armor slots. For example, some powers can only be applied to Boots and Pants.

The Legendary powers available to players in Shadowlands have strong ties to the history of Azeroth. As they are memories in their base form, these Legendary powers are new interpretations of Set Bonuses, Legendaries, and other powers that players have had access to in World of Warcraft’s history. In addition to these more historic powers, players will also be able to unlock a few Torghast Anima Powers as possible Legendary powers.

Crafting your Legendary

Before you can craft your Legendary, you’ll need to gather a few materials first:

  • A Base Item. These items are created by Blacksmiths, Leatherworkers, Tailors and Jewelcrafters and serve as the vessel for Legendary powers. These items are not soulbound, and can be acquired from other players, alts or the Auction House. There’s no requirement that a character has to have a crafting profession to make Legendary armor; crafting Legendaries is open to all players as long as you’ve collected the appropriate reagents.
  • The Legendary power of your choosing.
  • Two Optional Reagents. These optional reagents dictate the secondary stats (Critical Strike, Haste, Mastery and Versatility) of the crafted Legendary. Unlike normal Profession crafted items, these reagents are necessary for the creation of Legendary armor.
  • Carcerus. This raw source of power is used to fuel the Runecarver’s Chamber and is needed to craft Legendary armor. Carcerus is found in Torghast as a reward for completing sections of the Tower. As the item level of the Base Item increases, so does the required fuel to create Legendaries, so players will need more Carcerus as they start crafting higher item level pieces.

Somehow, the friendly Runeataur has found himself stuck inside the Runecarver’s chamber. He’ll be able to supply players with the base armor pieces, legendary powers, optional reagents, and Carcerus required to craft Legendary armor. But he’s not a big fan of being trapped inside the chamber with the Runecarver, so he won’t be around for long.

Additional Information and Updates

Players will only be able to wear one piece of Legendary Armor at a time and Legendary powers cannot be applied to Weapons or Trinkets.

To start, there will be an allotment of 4 Legendary powers for each base class and 4 for each spec. In addition to that, there will be a generic pool of Legendary powers available to all classes.

Not all classes currently have Legendary powers implemented. We expect to get all of the class powers in place over the next few weeks.

In the coming weeks, we’re planning on adding a system to allow players to upgrade the item level of their Legendary armor through the Runecarver. If they’ve imbued a lower item level piece, they’ll be able to collect more materials from Torghast and Professions, instead of having to imbue a brand new piece of armor.

Please use this thread to provide your feedback and discuss Runecarving and Legendary powers in Shadowlands.

Thank you very much!