8 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Hello Mistweavers!

We have a few updates planned for Guardians of the Dream and we’d like to share some of our thoughts here.

Defensiveness and Healing Elixir Updates

Mistweaver is squishier than we would like, particularly for a primarily melee-based healer, and its defensive toolkit is based mainly around active spell use. We don’t feel it’s appropriate to ask Mistweavers to actively manage nearly every part of their defensive kit to play at the highest level, so we want to explore passivity for Healing Elixir.

We also agree there is room for improvement with the current updated passive design and players can expect updates in upcoming PTR builds that are intended to provide value while the low health effect is not needed.

This passive update also gives us room to make modifications without straining key binding space to a certain personal defensive element of Mistweaver’s toolkit that is currently out of use – namely Expel Harm.

Expel Harm

Several changes to Expel Harm have been made to increase its viability for Mistweaver and fully integrate it into the kit. This isn’t an off-global option like Healing Elixir was, so it can instead be much more impactful while reducing the total APM required to play Mistweaver optimally in tense moments. This is a bit of a trade off, but we’re hoping the overall feel is like Healing Elixir but punchier. Additionally, the Soothing Mist functionality for Expel Harm will be removed to avoid having to tune around healing allies.

We also think this may help the class talent tree feel more satisfying to path through, as Expel Harm talents will be more of an enticing option. Hopefully these updates in totality will help Mistweaver defensively while making it more satisfying and approachable.

Guardians of the Dream Tier Set

We’re aware of several functionality issues including some healing spells not being counted towards its accumulation. All healing (aside from other accumulators such as Chi Harmony itself and Lesson of Anger) is intended to contribute to the final healing. We’re looking to address this in future PTR builds.

Thank you and we look forward to your continued feedback!