7 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Welcome to the Cataclysm Classic Firelands PTR.

This patch will include the Firelands raid, the Elemental Bonds questline, the legendary staff Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, some minor guild updates, and the new increased challenge difficulty option for dungeons.

Some of these features are not available for testing yet, and will be added to the PTR over the next several weeks.

The main focus for this week’s PTR build is the Regrowth and Molten Front quest hubs.

  • Players will help Malfurion and the Guardians of Hyjal secure The Regrowth in Mount Hyjal, then create a portal to Molten Front to attack Ragnaros’ forces in their home realm.
  • To get started, find the new NPC, Molten Frontaur, in your capital city. He will port you to the Regrowth and get you started on your quest.
  • This questline requires gathering Marks of the World Tree to unlock new quest hubs.
  • To streamline testing, Molten Frontaur will also sell Commendations of the World Tree to help you get stocked up on Marks and progress through the content at a much quicker pace than will be possible in the final release.

We’re currently tracking the following known issues:


  • Some UI elements are much larger than they should be.
  • Creating a new gear set results in a LUA error.
  • The Friend of Friends background is missing.
  • Whispers to offline characters appear to be sent successfully.
  • Players are not able to set a character language via the language selector in chat.

Plans are underway for our first Firelands raid test, coming soon.

Thank you for testing patch 4.4.1 with us!