over 1 year ago - Bornakk - Direct link

Thanks for kicking this off Sixxfury and to everybody who has shared their thoughts so far.

Some of you have covered this already, but we’re very interested in hearing what you all are most excited about after the Lich King is defeated. Based on the discussions in this thread so far, there seem to be two general directions for this:

  1. If Wrath is a bit of a stopping point for you, what would make you most interested in playing WoW Classic in the future? (Seasons, Fresh Start experiences, or anything that appeals to you)
  2. Does the possibility of continuing on to Cataclysm sound exciting to you? If so, are there still changes you’d like to see? If not, are there certain changes that would get you excited?

Note that these questions aren’t meant to be all encompassing, so if you have something else to add, please share that. We look forward to reading your feedback!