about 2 months ago - Kethryllia - Direct link

Hey all, we have a tentative fix coming soon. However, as a heads up, we do need to despawn all of the NPCs involved, which will mean that Bolvar will likely be gone for a few hours until he respawns.

Once he’s back, please reply to this therad and let us know if it’s still stalling!

about 2 months ago - Kethryllia - Direct link

When you say it’s bugged, I need the following information:

  • Is Bolvar present or missing? If Bolvar is missing, then the event will stall. While exceptionally frustrating, this is technically not a bug, as it is accurate to Vanilla, even with his long respawn timer.
  • Where did it stall? Is Prestor a dragon or still a human? Is Reginald still standing is he dying?
about 2 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

We’re continuing to work on this. Players are seeing authentic behavior here, but our goal is to get Bolvar to respawn a bit faster when this event has been initiated.

about 2 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

We’re aware of and working on the issue with Bolvar following maintenance this morning.

We expect that the fix to address the situation will require realm restarts.