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Known Issues
Updated November 22, 2022
- Most Gossip text options on NPCs don’t function currently. Notable examples include setting your hearthstone location, or resurrecting at the spirit healer.
- If a character uses Body Type 2 and has the effects of “Human Illusion” in the Culling of Stratholme, that character will not have their appearance changed when becoming a Zombie while the dungeon has Defense Protocol Alpha active.
- You may receive an interface error when changing tracking options on the minimap, and nodes and objects of the new selection will not properly appear on the minimap.
- You may receive an interface error when opening the guild bank.
- You may receive an interface error when opening the guild bank tab rename interface.
- The oceans are missing in the Blood Elf and Draenei Starting zones, as well as on the Isle of Quel’danas.
- You may receive an interface error when opening the scoreboard in Battlegrounds.
- Your player character power bar (mana, runic power, energy, etc) may visibly dim in certain circumstances, such as after Dying and resurrecting.
- In Culling of Strathholme, with the Titan-runed empowerment active, you do not become hostile to your party when you transform into a Zombie.