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Here are today’s hotfixes to Wrath Classic:
OCTOBER 20, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- The effects of the Rogue Overkill talent are now cancelled upon activating another talent specialization.
Dungeons and Raids
- Death Knight NPCs can no longer cast Unholy Frenzy on raid bosses.
The Culling of Stratholme
- Fixed an issue with Chrono-Lord Epoch’s Time Step. He will now properly move around the room as he targets different players, including those he started in melee range with.
- Hide/Show Helm and Cloak options now behave properly when transformed in the dungeon.
Items and Rewards
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom now properly benefits from Mixology.
- Drums of Speed will now provide the Tinnitus effect to the players affected by the item, similar to Greater Drums of Speed.