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Burning Crusade Classic Patch Notes
Version 2.5.4
March 22, 2022
New 10 player raid: Zul’Aman
Defeat the devious warlord Zul’jin at the seat of power of the Amani trolls and stop him from exacting his deadly vengeance.
- Raid bosses: 6 (Nalorakk, Akil’zon, Jan’alai, Halazzi, Hex Lord Malacrass, Zul’jin.)
- Level: 70
- Location:Ghostlands, Eastern Kingdoms
There is no attunement required to enter the instance. Zul’Aman has a 3-day reset lockout.
Timed challenge: Amani War Bear
Zul’jin and his lieutenants are holding several hostages in Zul’Aman. When you enter the instance, the Amani will begin preparations to terminate them. If you defeat one of Zul’jin’s lieutenants and reach a hostage before time runs out, you’ll be rewarded with an additional piece of loot and a timer extension—a brief stay of execution. Rescue all hostages, and your raid will be rewarded with one Amani War Bear epic mount.
- Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker now drop Bind on Equip loot.
- The following bosses can now drop Badges of Justice:
- Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker
- All bosses in Karazhan, Gruul’s Lair, and Magtheridon’s Lair
- All bosses in Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep
- All bosses in Zul’Aman
- G’eras in Shattrath now has new, more powerful wares to offer in exchange for Badges of Justice.
- Greater Drums, Knothide Quiver, and Knothide Ammo Pouch can now be obtained from Outland faction vendors.
- Primal Nether and Nether Vortex are no longer soulbound.
- Nether Vortex can be purchased for Badges of Justice from G’eras in Shattrath.
- Magtheridon’s Black Sack of Gems and Jewelcrafter’s Brilliant Glass can now contain epic gems.
- Please note that existing Brilliant Glasses and previously looted, unopened Black Sack of Gems will not contain epic gems.
- With the release of Zul’Aman:
- The Battle for Mount Hyjal and The Black Temple no longer require attunement to enter.
- The reputation requirement to purchase Heroic dungeon keys has been reduced to Honored.
- Heroic dungeons have been adjusted to their “final” 2.4.3 state.
User Interface
- New accessibility options such as Text to Speech and Speech to Text have been added to Burning Crusade Classic. You can learn more about these features here.
- There is now a display option to Show Free Bag Space in Interface Options.
- The search bar has been restored to the Professions UI.
- Advanced Combat Logging will now report exact health values for NPC creatures.
Bug Fixes
- The correct number of lifetime Honorable Kills will display when inspecting another players Honor tab.
- The Skull of Impending Doom and Nifty Stopwatch items no longer cause players to drop the flag in PvP Battlegrounds.
- Resolved an issue that caused players to sometimes not receive credit when completing the quest “The Missing Diplomat”.
- Resolved an issue with certain channeled and lightning affect visuals that caused them to appear incorrectly.
- Resolved an issue that caused Hunter pets to not path properly in some areas in Serpentshrine Cavern.
- Fixed a visual issue that caused channeled beam effects to not display properly on subsequent rapid recasts.
- Resolved an issue that caused many periodic healing effects to not trigger item and spell procs.